90 documents matched the search for the 2019-12-02 issue of the NEP report on Macroeconomics (nep-mac), currently edited by Daniela Cialfi.
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Toward Rebuilding of Modern Macroeconomic Theory: Market Failure in a Macro Economy and Keynes's Unemployment Equilibrium, Eizo Kawai,
from Tokyo Center for Economic Research
The Impact of Uncertainty and Financial Shocks in Recessions and Booms, Leonard Salzmann,
from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
Keywords: Macroeconomic tail events, nonlinear FAVARs, financial shocks
Parliamentary sovereignty and democratic accountability: matters of prerogative powers and legal reasoning, Marianne O D Delaney,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: democratic accountability; rule of law; separation of powers; parliamentary sovereignty; Congress; parliament; Brexit
Proxy structural vector autoregressions, informational sufficiency and the role of monetary policy, Mirela Miescu and Haroon Mumtaz,
from Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance
Keywords: information sufficiency, dynamic factor models, instrumental variables, monetary policy, structural VAR
Markov-Switching Proxy BVARs, Shayan Zakipour-Saber,
from Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Markov-Switching, External Instruments, Proxy BVAR, Monetary Policy shocks
Quantitative Easing and the Term Premium as a Monetary Policy Instrument, Etienne Vaccaro-Grange,
from HAL
Keywords: quantitative easing,shadow-rate term structure model,BVAR,sign restrictions
Monetary Policy and Wealth Inequality over the Great Recession in the UK An Empirical Analysis, Haroon Mumtaz and Angeliki Theophilopoulou,
from Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Inequality, Wealth, FAVAR, Monetary Policy Shocks
Monetary Circuit, Capitalist Reproduction and Financial Accounting, Hernando Matallana Laverde,
from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, FCE, CID
Keywords: Capitalism, economic circuit, financial accounting, monetary production economy, social reproduction
41 Decisiones inaplazables para Bogotá. La ruta para llevarlas a cabo, Andi, ProBogotá and Fedesarrollo,
from Fedesarrollo
Keywords: Gobernanza, Planificación Regional, Movilidad, Logística, Transporte, Infraestructura, Seguridad, Salud, Educación, Empleo, Innovaciones, Emprendimiento, Ciudad Inteligente, Política Pública, Bogotá
Output-volatility reducing effect of automatic stabilizers: Evidence from nine EMU member states, Hüseyin Şen and Ayşe Kaya,
from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
Keywords: Automatic stabilizers, Fiscal policy, PMG estimator, EMU member states
An ARIMA analysis of the Indian Rupee/USD exchange rate in India, Thabani Nyoni,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: ARIMA; exchange rate; forecasting; India; Indian Rupee/USD
Monetary policy regimes and inflation persistence in the United Kingdom, Shayan Zakipour-Saber,
from Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Markov-Switching, DSGE, Inflation persistence, Bayesian estimation
La industria del cannabis medicinal en Colombia, Juan Ramírez and Fedesarrollo,
from Fedesarrollo
Keywords: Cannabis Medicinal, Industria del Cannabis Medicinal, Transformación Productiva, Exportaciones, Producción del Cannabis, Colombia
Immobilienkredite in Deutschland und der Schweiz: Die Rolle von Zinsen und Zinsbindung, Jörg Clostermann and Franz Seitz,
from University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden (OTH)
Keywords: Zinsbindung, Zinsspread, variable Zinsen, Immobilienkredit
Policy Maker's Credibility with Predetermined Instruments for Forward-Looking Targets, Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf,
from HAL
Keywords: Determinacy,Proportional Feedback Rules,Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium,Ramsey Optimal Policy under Quasi-Commitment Keywords: Determinacy,Ramsey Optimal Policy under Quasi-Commitment
The European Central Bank, Italy and the next Eurozone crisis, John Ryan,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: Bundesbank; European Central Bank; Eurozone
Does austerity really kill?, Veronica Toffolutti and Marc Suhrcke,
from Center for Open Science
Disinflationary Spillovers from the Euro Area into the Countries of Southeastern Europe, Gani Ramadani and Predrag Pandiloski,
from National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia
Keywords: inflation, Phillips curve, panel data, euro area inflation, commodity prices, Southeast European countries
Central bank tone and the dispersion of views within monetary policy committees, Paul Hubert and Fabien Labondance,
from CRESE
Lithuanian house price index: modelling and forecasting, Laurynas Narusevicius, Tomas Ramanauskas, Laura Gudauskaite and Tomas Reichenbachas,
from Bank of Lithuania
Keywords: House price index, fundamental value, time series models, forecasting, forecast combination
Implications of Foreign Direct Investment, Capital Formation and its Structure for Global Value Chains, Amat Adarov and Robert Stehrer,
from The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw
Keywords: global value chains, value added trade, foreign direct investment, capital, capital composition, gravity model, fractional response model
Bounded rationality in Keynesian beauty contests: A lesson for central bankers?, Felix Mauersberger, Rosemarie Nagel and Christoph Bühren,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Keywords: beauty contest game, expectation formation, equilibration, level-k reasoning, macroeconomics, game theory, experimental economics
Why has Deflation Continued under Extraordinary Monetary Expansion?, Keiichiro Kobayashi,
from Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)
Monetary Policy Transparency in Ghana: Recent Evidence, Nana Akosah, Imhotep Alagidede and Eric Schaling,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Transparency Inflation targeting Accountability Monetary Policy Ghana
Household Debt and Aging in Japan, Charles Horioka and Yoko Niimi,
from Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University
Keywords: Aging, Borrowing, Debt, Households, Housing, Japan, Liabilities, Loans, Retirement
Romania's foreign debt crisis in the 1980s. Determinants and consequences, George Georgescu,
from Institutul National de Cercetari Economice (INCE)
Keywords: foreign debt crisis; oil crisis shocks; IMF; FED monetary policy; interest rates; sovereign debt restructuring; Romania
Consumption Insurance Against Wage Risk: Family Labor Supply and Optimal Progressive Income Taxation, Chunzan Wu and Dirk Krueger,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Monetary Easing, Leveraged Payouts and Lack of Investment, Viral Acharya and Guillaume Plantin,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Harnessing international remittances for financial development: The role of monetary policy, Haruna Issahaku,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Remittances, Monetary Policy, Financial Development, Developing Country, Financial Development Index
Leverage over the Firm Life Cycle, Firm Growth, and Aggregate Fluctuations, Emin Dinlersoz, Henry Hyatt, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Veronika Penciakova,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Keywords: leverage; firm dynamics; firm growth; firm life-cycle; financial constraints; borrowing limits; short-term debt; aggregate shocks
Co-movement between residential and commercial housing prices: Evidence from a new database, Juan Cuestas,
from Economics Department, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón (Spain)
Keywords: housing market, macropudential policies, nonlinearities
Populism - What next? A first look at populist walking-stick economies, Christopher Ball, Andreas Freytag and Miriam Kautz,
from Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Keywords: Populism, Latin America, Business Cycle, Political Economy
Wagner and the Fading Voracity Effect: Short vs. Long-Run Effects in Developing Countries, Joao Jalles,
from ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, REM, Universidade de Lisboa
Keywords: government expenditure; fiscal policy; government size; political economy; mean group; panel stationarity; cross-sectional dependency; weighted least squares; autoregressive distributed lag
Monetary Aggregates and Macroeconomic Performance: the Portuguese Escudo, 1911-1999, Joao Jalles,
from ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, REM, Universidade de Lisboa
Keywords: monetary aggregates, unit roots, structural breaks, cointegration, causality
Polluting Emissions and GDP: Decoupling Evidence from Brazilian States, Joao Jalles,
from ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, REM, Universidade de Lisboa
Keywords: Green House Gas, Cycle, Environmental Kuznets Curve, Brazil, Regional analysis, Detrending, Filtering
Greece and the Euro: A Mundellian Tragedy, George Alogoskoufis,
from Hellenic Observatory, LSE
Keywords: Greece, Euro Area, fiscal policy, monetary policy, competitiveness, current account
The Propagation of Monetary Policy Shocks in a Heterogeneous Production Economy, Ernesto Pasten, Raphael Schoenle and Michael Weber,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Keywords: multi-sector Calvo model; monetary policy; input-output linkages
A simple model of time zone differences, virtual trade and informality, Biswajit Mandal and Alaka Prasad,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Trade; Time Zone; Factor Prices; Informality; Corruption
Proxy VAR Models in a Data-Rich Environment, Martin Bruns,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Keywords: Dynamic factor models, external instruments, monetary policy, uncertainty shocks
The Formation of Firms' Inflation Expectations: A Survey Data Analysis, Haruhiko Inatsugu, Tomiyuki Kitamura and Taichi Matsuda,
from Bank of Japan
Keywords: Firms' inflation expectations; Survey data; FIRE; Noisy information; Sticky information
Firms' Inflation Expectations under Rational Inattention and Sticky Information: An Analysis with a Small-Scale Macroeconomic Model, Tomiyuki Kitamura and Masaki Tanaka,
from Bank of Japan
Keywords: Survey inflation expectations; Rational inattention; Sticky information
The Predictive Power of the Term Spread on Inequality in the United Kingdom: An Empirical Analysis, Mehmet Balcilar, Edmond Berisha, Oguzhan Cepni and Rangan Gupta,
from University of Pretoria, Department of Economics
Keywords: Yield Spread, Inequality, Term Premium, Predictions
Expectations switching in a DSGE model for the UK, Anette Borge, Gunnar Bårdsen and Junior Maih,
from Department of Economics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Negative monetary policy rates and systemic banks’ risk-taking: Evidence from the Euro area securities register, Johannes Bubeck, Angela Maddaloni and Jose-Luis Peydro,
from Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Keywords: Negative rates, non-standard monetary policy, reach-for-yield, securities, banks
Informed Corporate Credit Market Before Monetary Policy Surprises: Explaining Pre-FOMC Stock Market Movements, Farshid Abdi and Botao Wu,
from University of St. Gallen, School of Finance
Keywords: Pre-FOMC Announcement Drift, Corporate Bond, Credit Risk, Enhanced TRACE, TAQ
Liquidity Risk and Funding Cost, Alexander Bechtel, Angelo Ranaldo and Jan Wrampelmeyer,
from University of St. Gallen, School of Finance
Keywords: Funding liquidity risk, short-term interest rates, risk premiums, funding costs, interbank market
Safe Asset Carry Trade, Benedikt Ballensiefen and Angelo Ranaldo,
from University of St. Gallen, School of Finance
Keywords: Safe Asset, Near-Money Asset, Repo, Carry Trade, Asset Pricing, Short-Term Interest Rates, Convenience Premium
The Effect of U.S. Stress Tests on Monetary Policy Spillovers to Emerging Markets, Emily Liu, Friederike Niepmann and Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr,
from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)
Keywords: U.S. bank lending; Stress tests; Emerging markets; Monetary policy spillovers
Average Inflation Targeting and Interest-Rate Smoothing, Yunjong Eo and Denny Lie,
from University of Sydney, School of Economics
Keywords: New Keynesian model; History-dependent policy; Welfare analysis; Ramsey policy; Interest-rate rule; Monetary policy inertia;
Inequality in the 21st Century:A Critical Analysis of Piketty`s Work, Nadia Garbellini,
from Institute for New Economic Thinking
Keywords: Capital, Capital output ratio, Income distribution, Inequality, Growth theory, National accounts.
Persistent Effects of Autonomous Demand Expansions, Daniele Girardi, Walter Paternesi Meloni and Antonella Stirati,
from Institute for New Economic Thinking
Keywords: Hysteresis; Aggregate demand and potential output; Inflation and unemployment; capital formation; Keynesian economics
Race to the Bottom: Low Productivity, Market Power, and Lagging Wages, Lance Taylor and Ozlem Omer,
from Institute for New Economic Thinking
Keywords: economic dualism, industrial structure, productivity, low wages, employment
Double Whammy: Implicit Subsidies and the Great Financial Crisis, Edward Kane,
from Institute for New Economic Thinking
Keywords: Too big to fail, financial safety, financial reform, financial crises, implicit subsidies, political economy
Estimates of the Natural Rate of Interest and the Stance of Monetary Policies: A Critical Assessment, Enrico Levrero,
from Institute for New Economic Thinking
Keywords: Natural rates of interest, Structural and semi-structural models, Monetary policies,Taylor-rule, Interest rates and income distribution
Potential Output in Theory and Practice: A Revision and Update of Okun`s Original Method, Claudia Fontanari, Antonella Palumbo and Chiara Salvatori,
from Institute for New Economic Thinking
Keywords: potential output; Okun`s law; unemployment; demand-led growth
Lost in deflation: Why Italy`s woes are a warning to the whole Eurozone, Servaas Storm,
from Institute for New Economic Thinking
Keywords: Italian macroeconomic performance; Eurozone; secular stagnation; demand; real wage restraint; fiscal austerity; export growth.
Firm-Level Political Risk: Measurement and Effects, Tarek Hassan, Stephan Hollander, Laurence van Lent and Ahmed Tahoun,
from Institute for New Economic Thinking
Keywords: Political uncertainty, quantification, firm-level, lobbying
State Expansionary Austerity and Reverse Causality: A Critique of the Conventional Approach, Christian Breuer,
from Institute for New Economic Thinking
Keywords: Austerity; Fiscal adjustment; Conventional approach; Blanchard method; Cyclical adjustment; Reverse causality
Subjective Beliefs, Monetary Policy, and Stock Price Volatility, Katsuhiro Oshima,
from Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research
Keywords: stock price, asset pricing, subjective belief, sticky prices, New Keynesian
Heterogeneous Beliefs, Monetary Policy, and Stock Price Volatility, Katsuhiro Oshima,
from Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research
Keywords: stock price, asset pricing, heterogeneity, subjective belief, monetary policy, sticky prices, New Keynesian
On the "Utilization Controversy": A Rejoinder and Some Comments, Michalis Nikiforos,
from Levy Economics Institute
Keywords: Capacity Utilization; Workweek of Capital; Stationarity
Credit, Bankruptcy, and Aggregate Fluctuations, Makoto Nakajima and José-Víctor Ríos-Rull,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Keywords: consumer credit; default; bankruptcy; debt; business cycles; heterogeneous agents; incomplete markets
A Skeptical Note on the Role of Constant Elasticity of Substitution in Labor Income Share Dynamics, Saumik Paul,
from Asian Development Bank Institute
Keywords: substitution elasticity; labor income share; production function parameters
Internal and External Determinants of Housing Price Booms in Hong Kong, China, Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Naoyuki Yoshino and Alvin Chiu,
from Asian Development Bank Institute
Keywords: housing bubble; housing prices; housing market; quantitative easing (QE); monetary policy
Differences in Euro-Area Household Finances and their Relevance for Monetary-Policy Transmission, Thomas Hintermaier and Winfried Koeniger,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: european household portfolios, consumption, monetary policy transmission, international comparative finance, housing
Labor Market Frictions and Lowest Low Fertility, Nezih Guner, Ezgi Kaya and Virginia Sanchez-Marcos,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: fertility, labor market frictions, temporary contracts, split-shift schedules
Of clerks & cleaners: the heterogeneous impact of monetary policy on the US labor market, Gregor Zens, Maximilian Böck and Thomas O. Zörner,
from WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Keywords: Monetary Policy, Unemployment, FAVAR, Occupation-level, Bayesian Analysis
Capital and public investment in Italy: macroeconomic effects, measurement and regulatory weaknesses, Fabio Busetti, Cristina Giorgiantonio, Giorgio Ivaldi, Sauro Mocetti, Alessandro Notarpietro and Pietro Tommasino,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: public investment multiplier, public capital, public procurement
Drivers of bank loan growth in China: government or market?, Xiaohong Chen and Paul Wohlfarth,
from Birkbeck Centre for Applied Macroeconomics
Keywords: Loan growth, Listed banks, Bureaucratic effects, Market effects, China
A new economic policy uncertainty index for Spain, Corinna Ghirelli, Javier Pérez and Alberto Urtasun,
from Banco de España
Keywords: economic uncertainty, policy uncertainty, uncertainty shocks.
Ven-ICE: a new indicator for the economy of the Veneto region, Massimo Gallo, Sonia Soncin and Andrea Venturini,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: Economic cycle, regional economy, dynamic factor models
Should the CCYB be enhanced with a sectoral dimension? The case of Italy, Roberta Fiori and Claudia Pacella,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: credit cycle, sectoral decomposition, synchronicity, cyclical systemic risk
The expansion of consumer credit in Italy and in the Euro Area: what are the drivers and the risks?, Silvia Magri, Valentina Michelangeli, Sabrina Pastorelli and Raffaella Pico,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: consumer loans, credit demand and supply, non-performing loans
Timely indicators for labour income inequality, Francesca Carta,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: inequality, employment
European integration in the time of mistrust, Francesco Spadafora,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: economic and monetary union, banking union, fiscal capacity, sovereign-bank nexus
Anchored or de-anchored? That is the question, Francesco Corsello, Stefano Neri and Alex Tagliabracci,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: inflation expectations, anchoring, monetary policy
Wages and prices in the euro area: exploring the nexus, Antonio Conti and Andrea Nobili,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: wage-price pass-through, countercyclical mark-ups, financial shocks, Bayesian VAR
The international transmission of US tax shocks: a proxy-SVAR approach, Luca Metelli and Filippo Natoli,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: international fiscal spillovers, proxy SVAR, GVAR
Forecasting inflation in the euro area: countries matter!, Angela Capolongo and Claudia Pacella,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: inflation, forecasting, euro area, Bayesian estimation
Domestic and global determinants of inflation: evidence from expectile regression, Fabio Busetti, Michele Caivano and Davide Delle Monache,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: asymmetric least squares, globalization, inflation quantiles, Phillips curve, time varying parameters
Disinflationary shocks and inflation target uncertainty, Stefano Neri and Tiziano Ropele,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: inflation target, imperfect information, monetary policy
News and consumer card payments, Guerino Ardizzi, Simone Emiliozzi, Juri Marcucci and Libero Monteforte,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: consumption, payment system, policy uncertainty, big data, daily seasonality, local projections
Forecasting with instabilities: an application to DSGE models with financial frictions, Roberta Cardani, Alessia Paccagnini and Stefania Villa,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: Bayesian estimation, forecasting, financial frictions, parameter instabilities
What do almost 20 years of micro data and two crises say about the relationship between central bank and interbank market liquidity? Evidence from Italy, Massimiliano Affinito,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: liquidity, financial and sovereign crises, central bank intervention, interbank
Financial Conditions and 'Growth at Risk' in Italy, Piergiorgio Alessandri, Leonardo Del Vecchio and Arianna Miglietta,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: financial conditions, quantile regression, growth risk
Negative Monetary Policy Rates and Systemic Banks’ Risk-Taking: Evidence from the Euro Area Securities Register, Johannes Bubeck, Angela Maddaloni and Jose-Luis Peydro,
from Barcelona School of Economics
Keywords: negative rates, non-standard monetary policy, reach-for-yield, securities, banks
Nonbanks, Banks, and Monetary Policy: U.S. Loan-Level Evidence since the 1990s, David Elliott, Ralf R. Meisenzahl, Jose-Luis Peydro and Bryce C. Turner,
from Barcelona School of Economics
Keywords: nonbank lending, shadow banks, monetary policy, syndicated loans, consumer loans, mortgages
Optimal monetary and macroprudential policies for financial stability in a commodity-exporting economy, Ivan Khotulev and Konstantin Styrin,
from Bank of Russia
Keywords: Monetary policy, macroprudential policy, financial stability, commodity exporter, small open economy.
Is Monetary Policy Always Effective? Incomplete Interest Rate Pass-through in a DSGE Model, Andrew Binning, Hilde Bjørnland and Junior Maih,
from Centre for Applied Macro- and Petroleum economics (CAMP), BI Norwegian Business School
Keywords: banking sector, incomplete or symmetric interest rate pass-through, DSGE
New Zealand as a Niche Player in World Markets, Ralph G. Lattimore,
from University of Waikato
Keywords: New Zealand; exports; trade trends; comparative advantage; export competitiveness