110 documents matched the search for the 2015-11-07 issue of the NEP report on Macroeconomics (nep-mac), currently edited by Daniela Cialfi.
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Ricardocu Maliye Politikası ve Fiyat Düzeyinin Mali Teorisi: Türkiye Örneği (1975-2014), Mehmet Songur,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Ricardocu Maliye Politikası, Fiyat Düzeyinin Mali Teorisi, Zaman Serisi Analizi
The Return of Fiscal Activism and Distinguishing the Effects of Fiscal Policy Tools, İbrahim Ünalmış,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: na
Crude Oil Price Pass-Through to Domestic Prices in Turkey: Asymmetric Nonlinear ARDL Approach, Harun Öztürkler, Fatih Demir and Serhat Yılmaz,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Oil Price, Asymmetric Price Pass-Through, Asymmetric ARDL, Turkey
Servetin Yoğunlaşması, İktisadi Güç ve Ekonomi İlişkileri: Anglosakson Finansal Hizmetler, Kredi Derecelendirme, Libor ve Media Endüstrilerindeki Oligopolcü Eğilimlerin Pikettyci Açıdan Analizi, Ersan Bocutoğlu,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Gelir ve Servet Dağılımı, Oligopol, 2007 Büyük Durgunluk
Do Institutions Shape Fiscal Policy? Panel Evidence, Saima Nawaz and Muhammad Idrees Khawaja,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Institutions, Fiscal Policy, Panel Data, Level of Development
The Inflationary Effects of Fiscal Policy in Turkey: Evidence from a SVAR Model, Ayşe Ertuğrul,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Fiscal Policy, Inflation, Nonlinearity, Structural VAR
Investment and Loan Growth: Few Questions on Recent Turkish Experience, Burçhan Sakarya,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Investment, Credit, Growth
Real wages, inflation and labour productivity: The Case of Turkey, Hasan Bakır and Filiz Eryılmaz,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Real wage, Inflation, Labour productivity, Cointegration, Granger causality, Turkey
Yeni Uzlaşı Modelinin Eleştirisi, Post Keynesyen Enflasyon Hedeflemesi ve Para Politikası Kuralları, Huriye Alkın and Sayım Işık,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Post Keynesyenler, Yeni Uzlaşı, Post Keynesyen Faiz Kuralları, Post Keynesyen Enflasyon Hedeflemesi, Yeni Uzlaşı Enflasyon Hedeflemesi, TCMB Para Politikası
2008 Küresel Sistemik Finansal Krizinde FED ve ECB’nin Para Politikaları, İsmail Hakkı İşcan,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: FED, ECB, Kriz, Para Politikası
Finansal İstikrar Açısından Makro-İhtiyati Araçların Etkisi: Türkiye Ve Seçilmiş Ülkeler İçin Bir Sistem Gmm Yaklaşımı, Mehmet Cem Fendoğlu,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Finansal istikrar, makro-ihtiyati araçlar, dinamik panel regresyon, sistem GMM yöntemi
Okun Kanunu ve Stokastik Trend Yaklaşımı Çerçevesinde Türkiye’de İstihdam Yaratmayan Büyümenin Dinamikleri, Banu Tanrıöver and Burhan Biçer,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Okun Kanunu, Beveridge ve Nelson (1981) Ayrıştırma Analizi, Çıktı Açığı, İşsizlik Oranı Açığı ve İstihdam Yaratmayan Büyüme
Döviz Kuru Değişimi ve İthal Mallarının İç Fiyatlara Geçiş Etkisi: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Uygulama, Nicat Gasım, Hatice Armutçuoğlu and Hakan Kahyaoğlu,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Dış Ticaret, Enflasyon, Asimetrik Etki
Maliye Politikasının Ekonomik Aktivite Üzerinde Yaratması Muhtemel Etkilere Mali Konsolidasyonlar Bağlamında Bir Bakış, Hale Kırmızıoğlu,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Maliye Politikası, Mali Konsolidasyon, Ekonomik Büyüme
Gelir Eşitsizliğinin Tasarruflar Üzerindeki Etkisi: Seçilmiş Ülkeler Bazinda Bir Analiz, Eren Yıldırım,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Gelir Eşitsizliği, Tasarruflar, Panel Veri Analizi
The Impact of Monetary Policy on Credit Growth: Evidence from Firm Level Micro Data, Arif Oduncu and Fatih Altunok,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: NA
Küresel Kriz Sürecinde Değişen Para Politikası: Türkiye Örneği, N. Hande Sevgi and Nejat Coşkun,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Para Politikası, Merkez Bankası, Küresel Kriz
The effects of elections on monetary policy in Turkey: An evaluation in terms of Political Business Cycle Theory, Filiz Eryılmaz,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Political Business Cycle Theory, Traditional Opportunistic Political Business Cycle Theory, Monetary Policy, Box-Jenkins Models, Turkey
Implicit Asymmetric Exchange Rate Intervention under Inflation Targeting Regimes, Ahmet Benlialper, Hasan Cömert and Nadir Öcal,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Inflation Targeting, Central Banking, Developing Countries, Exchange Rates
Globalization, Chinese Imports, and Skill Premia in a Small Open Economy, Selva Baziki,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Chinese Imports, Wage Dynamics, Import Competition, Skill Premium, Return to Education
Okun Kanununun Geçerliliğinin OECD Ülkeleri İçin Test Edilmesi, Hacı B. Işık, Efe Can Kılınç and Nazan Şahbaz Kılınç,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Okun Kanunu, İşsizlik, Büyüme, Dinamik Panel Veri
Revisiting Okun’s law for Europe, Tarkan Çavuşoğlu,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Okun’s Law, Unemployment, Panel Data.
Bankacılık Sektöründe Banka Kırılganlık Endeksini Belirleyen Faktörler, Baki Demirel and Nagehan Karanfil,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Sermaye Hareketleri, Küresel Kriz, Banka Kırılganlığı, Var Analizi
Kredi Arz Şoklarının Reel Ekonomi Üzerindeki Etkisi: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Uygulama, Nihat Işık, Efe Can Kılınç and Özgür Engeloğlu,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Kredi Arz Şoku, Reel Ekonomi, SVAR Modeli
Türk Bankacılık Sektöründe Kredi Riski ve Modellenmesi, Baki Demirel,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Banking Sector, Credit Risk, NPLs, VAR Model
A Escala da Aquisição Pública de Alimentos e suas Consequências para a Promoção do Crescimento Agrícola Inclusivo, Rovane Battaglin Schwengber, Eduardo Ribeiro, Fabio Veras Soares and Rodrigo Orair,
from International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
Keywords: Escala, Aquisição Pública, Alimentos, Consequências, Crescimento Agrícola Inclusivo
Macroeconomic Imbalances and the Eurozone Crisis: The Impact of Credit Expansion on Asset Prices, Gokcer Ozgur and Emel Memiş,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Credit expansion; Asset prices; Eurozone crisis; Macroeconomic imbalances
Saving: Pool or Residual?, Gokcer Ozgur,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: na
The Link Between Budget Deficits and Income Inequality in Turkey, Pınar Kaynak and Serdar Sayan,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Budget Deficit, Income Distribution, Stabilization
Educación técnica y tecnológica en el Pacífico colombiano: un camino para el desarrollo y la inclusión social, Juan Ramírez, Susana Martinez-Restrepo and Adriana Sabogal,
from Fedesarrollo
Keywords: Educación Técnica y Tecnológica, Región Pacífica, Afrodescendientes, Desarrollo de Capital Humano, Tejido empresarial, Habilidades socio-emocionales, Educación, Colombia
An empirical study on Party Switching in Turkey, Bilge Ozturk Goktuna and Gülen Derya Zayim,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Party Switching, Party Affiliation, Political Decision Making, Democratic Representation
Unconventional Monetary Policy Tools and Bank Interest Rates, Mahir Binici, Hakan Kara and Pınar Özbay Özlü,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Financial Development, Capital Accumulation, Productivity and Growth: The Turkish Case, Seyit Cilasun, Burcu Dinçergök and Mustafa İsmihan,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Financial Development, Capital Accumulation, Productivity, Macroeconomic Instability, Growth, Turkey
Türkiye’nin Makroekonomik Performansı: 1950-2014, Esref Celik and Mustafa İsmihan,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Türkiye Ekonomisi, Çok Partili Dönem, Makroekonomik Performans
Growth Performance of the Turkish Economy: The Role of the Informal Sector, Ceyhun Elgin and Oguz Oztunalı,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Economic Growth, Growth Accounting, Turkish Economy, Informal Sector
The First Arrow Hitting the Currency Target: A Long-run Risk Perspective, Takashi Kano, 隆 加納, タカシ カノウ, Kenji Wada and 健司 和田,
from Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study, Hitotsubashi University
Keywords: Japanese yen/U.S. dollar exchange rate, Term structure, Fama regression, Long-run risk, Abenomics
The Challenges of the EU Banking Union - will it succeed in dealing with the next financial crisis?, Ida-Maria Weirsøe Fallesen,
from European Economic Studies Department, College of Europe
Keywords: Banking Union, supervision, resolution, Eurozone, financial crisis
The cyclical behavior of separation and job finding rates in Colombia, Viviana Alejandra Alfonso C.,
from Banco de la Republica
Keywords: Job finding rate, separation rate, business cycle, unemployment
Ahorro e inversión para la vejez, Leonardo Villar, David Forero, Carmen Flórez, Nadia Puerta, Erika Enríquez, Natalia Valencia-López and Juan Pablo Alzate,
from Fedesarrollo
Keywords: Ahorros, Inversiones, Vejez, Envejecimiento de la Población, Protección Social, Colombia
The impact of the crisis on italian industrial capacity: an assessment based on the istat manufacturing survey, Luciana Crosilla, Solange Leproux and Marco Malgarini,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: inflation; capacity utilisation; NIRCU; Phillips Curve
Value, periphery and crisis: Argentina 1910-2011, Esteban Ezequiel Maito,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Argentina - Value - Accumulation - Rate of profit
Diversity and Economic Growth in a Model with Progressive Taxation, Wei Wang and Richard M. H. Suen,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Consumer Heterogeneity, Progressive Taxation, Economic Growth
Education and employment in Egypt: the policies, discrepancies and possible solutions, Alaa Abdel-Rahman and David Fuller,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: development, education, macroeconomics, policies, Egypt
Mehr Boden für die Grundsteuer: Eine Simulationsanalyse verschiedener Grundsteuermodelle, Ralph Henger and Thilo Schaefer,
from Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute
Keywords: Investitionen, Kommunen, Steuerpolitik, Umwelt und Energie
Beyond Balassa and Samuelson: Real convergence, capital flows, and competitiveness in Greece, Ansgar Belke, Ulrich Haskamp, Gunther Schnabl and Holger Zemanek,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: Balassa-Samuelson effect, capital inflows, exchange rate regime, inflation, Greece, Latvia, Portugal, panel model, productivity differential, wages
Econometric analysis of the wealth gap between East and West Germany, Gideon Becker,
from University of Tuebingen, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, School of Business and Economics
Keywords: household finance, wealth distribution, wealth gap, decomposition methods, counterfactuals, distributional analysis
Labour Market Regulation, Fiscal Consolidation, and the Success of Current Account Adjustments, Antonis Adam, Panos Hatzipanayotou and Thomas Moutos,
from Athens University of Economics and Business
Keywords: Current account adjustment, labour market regulations, fiscal consolidation
Nowcasting BRIC+M in Real Time, Tatjana Dahlhaus, Justin-Damien Guenette and Garima Vasishtha,
from Bank of Canada
Keywords: Econometric and statistical methods; International topics
Agricultural Productivity Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC): An analysis of Climatic Effects, Convergence, and Catch-up, Michee Lachaud, Boris Bravo-Ureta and Carlos Ludena,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agricultural Finance, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis
A macroeconomic analysis of the returns to public R&D investments, Roel van Elk, Bas ter Weel, Karen van der Wiel, Bram Wouterse and Bart Verspagen,
from CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
Health Effects of Economic Crises, Christopher Ruhm,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Are Low Interest Rates Deflationary? A Paradox of Perfect-Foresight Analysis, Mariana García-Schmidt and Michael Woodford,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Geographic Dispersion of Economic Shocks: Evidence from the Fracking Revolution, James Feyrer, Erin Mansur and Bruce Sacerdote,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Phasing Out the GSEs, Vadim Elenev, Tim Landvoigt and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
The International Price System, Gita Gopinath,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Political Economy of Debt and Growth, Marco Battaglini and Levon Barseghyan,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
House Prices and Consumer Spending, David Berger, Veronica Guerrieri, Guido Lorenzoni and Joseph Vavra,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Global Imbalances and Policy Wars at the Zero Lower Bound, Ricardo Caballero, Emmanuel Farhi and Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Fiscal Stimulus in Economic Unions: What Role for States?, Gerald Carlino and Robert P. Inman,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
What Determines End-of-Life Assets? A Retrospective View, James Poterba, Steven Venti and David Wise,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
The Choice Channel of Financial Innovation, Felipe Iachan, Plamen T. Nenov and Alp Simsek,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Greek Budget Realities: No Easy Options, Christopher House and Linda Tesar,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Microeconometric evidence on demand-side real rigidity and implications for monetary non-neutrality, Guenter Beck and Sarah Lein,
from Faculty of Business and Economics - University of Basel
Keywords: Demand curve, price elasticity, super-elasticity, price-setting, monetary non-neutrality
Forecasting Unemployment across Countries: the Ins and Outs, Régis Barnichon and Paula Garda,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Steady-state unemployment; Stock-flow model
A proposal for a federalized unemployment insurance mechanism for Europe, Leila Davis, Charalampos Konstantinidis and Yorghos Tripodis,
from University of Massachusetts Boston, Economics Department
Keywords: Eurozone, unemployment insurance, fiscal transfers
Foreign Aid, Poor Data, and the Fragility of Macroeconomic Inference, Lionel Roger,
from University of Nottingham, CREDIT
Keywords: Time-Series Models, Foreign Aid, Economic Growth
Quanti sistemi europei di welfare? Un’analisi in base a dimensioni, struttura, finanziamento, Maria Alessandra Antonelli and Valeria De Bonis,
from Istituto di Economia e Finanza, DSGE, Sapienza University of Rome
Keywords: welfare systems; European integration; cluster analysis.
Unemployment Hysteresis and Structural Change in Europe, Kurmaş Akdoğan,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Unemployment, Hysteresis, Nonlinear Adjustment, Structural Breaks, Forecasting
Mortgages and Monetary Policy, Carlos Garriga, Finn Kydland and Roman Sustek,
from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Keywords: Mortgage finance; monetary policy; general equilibrium; housing investment; redistribution
A Racial Inequality Trap, Alejandro Badel,
from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Keywords: Racial Inequality; Neighborhood Externalities; Human Capital; Segregation; Incomplete Markets; Earnings Inequality
Forecasting employment in Europe: Are survey results helpful?, Robert Lehmann and Antje Weyh,
from Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany]
Keywords: Belgien ; Bulgarien ; Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Estland ; Europa ; Finnland ; Frankreich ; Großbritannien ; Italien ; Niederlande ; Österreich ; Portugal ; Schweden ; Slowakei ; Tschechische Republik ; Ungarn ; Befragung ; Datengewinnung ; Erwartung ; Meinungsforschung ; Prognosegenauigkeit ; Prognoseverfahren ; Arbeitsmarktforschung ; Arbeitsmarktindikatoren ; Arbeitsmarktprognose ; Arbeitsmarktrisiko ; Arbeitsplatzsicherheit ; 1998-2014
Personal Experiences and Expectations about Aggregate Outcomes, Theresa Kuchler and Basit Zafar,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: experiences, expectations
The Pass-Through of Exchange Rate in the Context of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis, Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh and Christophe Rault,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: sovereign spreads, import prices, exchange rate pass-through, smooth transition models
Fiscal policy and economic growth: Empirical evidence from the European Union, Dimitrios Paparas and Christian Richter,
from International Network for Economic Research - INFER
Keywords: Panel Data. Fiscal Policy. Taxation. Government Expenditures.
Do debt and growth dance together? A DSGE model of a small open economy with sovereign debt, Zixi Liu,
from International Network for Economic Research - INFER
Keywords: Growth, Sovereign Debt, DSGE, Fiscal Policy.
Optimal monetary policy in a currency union with labour market heterogeneity, Nikolaos Kontogiannis,
from International Network for Economic Research - INFER
Keywords: Currency union; Optimal monetary policy; Labour market heterogeneity.
Household saving rates in the EU: Why do they differ so much?, Stijn Rocher and Michael Stierle,
from International Network for Economic Research - INFER
Keywords: household saving, international comparability, determinants of saving, panel data.
Learning and the Market for Housing, Eyno Rots,
from Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Central Bank of Hungary)
Keywords: housing market, DSGE, signal extraction, Bayesian estimation.
The Malady of Low Global Interest Rates, Tanweer Akram,
from Levy Economics Institute
Keywords: Government Bond Yields; Global Interest Rates; Long-Term Interest Rates
Predicting Recessions in Germany With Boosted Regression Trees, Jörg Döpke, Ulrich Fritsche and Christian Pierdzioch,
from University of Hamburg, Department of Socioeconomics
Keywords: Recession forecasting, Boosting, Regression trees, ROC curves
A Global Count of the Extreme Poor in 2012: Data Issues, Methodology and Initial Results, Francisco Ferreira, Shaohua Chen, Andrew Dabalen, Yuri Dikhanov, Nada Hamadeh, Dean Jolliffe, Ambar Narayan, Espen Prydz, Ana Revenga, Prem Sangraula, Umar Serajuddin and Nobuo Yoshida,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: global poverty, poverty measurement, purchasing power parity
Intertemporal equilibrium with heterogeneous agents, endogenous dividends, and borrowing constraints, Stefano Bosi, Cuong Le van and Ngoc-Sang Pham,
from Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne
Keywords: Infinite horizon, general equilibrium, financial market imperfection, land bubbles
Limit cycles under a negative effect of pollution on consumption demand: the role of an environmental Kuznets curve, Stefano Bosi and David Desmarchelier,
from Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne
Bank Efficiency and Interest Rate Pass-Through: Evidence from Czech Loan Products, Tomas Havranek, Zuzana Irsova and Jitka Lešanovská,
from Charles University Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies
Keywords: Monetary transmission, cost efficiency, bank pricing policies, stochastic frontier analysis, data envelopment analysis
Optimal unemployment insurance and cyclical fluctuations, Rui Li and Noah Williams,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Keywords: optimal contracts; unemployment benefits; lump-sum payments; welfare; unemployment durations
The New Keynesian Model: an Interpretation of Michael Woodford\'s \"Interest and Prices\" (In French), Martin Zumpe,
from Groupe de Recherche en Economie Théorique et Appliquée (GREThA)
Keywords: new Keynesian model – dynamic stochastic equilibrium modelling – rational expectations – monetary policy
How portfolios evolve after retirement: evidence from Australia, Alexandra Spicer, Olena Stavrunova and Susan Thorp,
from Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University
Keywords: Retirement wealth, Life-cycle saving, Public pension, Portfolio choice
Grown-Up Business Cycles, Benjamin Pugsley and Aysegul Sahin,
from U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies
Keywords: firm dynamics, employment dynamics, business cycles, entrepreneurship
The rise and fall of consumption in the '00s, Yuliya Demyanyk, Dmytro Hryshko, Maria Luengo-Prado and Bent Sorensen,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Optimal boundary surface for irreversible investment with stochastic costs, Tiziano De Angelis, Salvatore Federico and Giorgio Ferrari,
from Universita' degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa
Keywords: irreversible investment, singular stochastic control, optimal stopping, freeboundary problems, nonlinear integral equations.
Generically distributed investments on flexible projects and endogenous growth, Mauro Bambi, Cristina Di Girolami, Salvatore Federico and Fausto Gozzi,
from Universita' degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa
Keywords: Endogenous growth, investment projects, distributed delays, optimal control, dynamic programming, infinite dimensional problems.
The second wave of global liquidity: Why are firms acting like financial intermediaries?, Julian Caballero, Ugo Panizza and Andrew Powell,
from Economics Section, The Graduate Institute of International Studies
Keywords: Corporate finance, bond issuance, currency mismatches, carry-trade, capital controls
Threshold-based forward guidance: hedging the zero bound, Lena Boneva, Richard Harrison and Matt Waldron,
from Bank of England
Keywords: New Keynesian model; monetary policy; zero lower bound; forward guidance; thresholds
Measuring Economic Policy Uncertainty, Scott Baker, Nicholas Bloom and Steven Davis,
from Centre for Economic Performance, LSE
Keywords: Economic uncertainty, policy uncertainty, business cycles, fluctuations
On the Welfare and Cyclical Implications of Moderate Trend Inflation, Guido Ascari, Louis Phaneuf and Eric Sims,
from University of Oxford, Department of Economics
Keywords: Wage and price contracting; trend inflation; trend growth in technology; roundabout production; investment shocks; inflation costs; business cycles.
Using low frequency information for predicting high frequency variables, Claudia Foroni, Pierre Guérin and Massimiliano Marcellino,
from Norges Bank
Keywords: Mixed-Frequency VAR models, temporal aggregation, MIDAS models
Optimal Fiscal Policy with Labor Selection, Sanjay Chugh, Wolfgang Lechthalerz and Christian Merkl,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: labor market frictions, hiring costs, efficiency, optimal taxation, labor wedge, zero intertemporal distortions
The macroeconomic effects of the Euro Area's fiscal consolidation, Ansgar Rannenberg, Christian Schoder and Jan Strasky,
from Central Bank of Ireland
Globalization and Synchronization of Innovation Cycles, Kiminori Matsuyama, Iryna Sushko and Laura Gardini,
from Centre for Macroeconomics (CFM)
Keywords: Endrogenous Innovation Cycles and Productivity Co-movements, Globalization, Home Market Effect, Synchronised vs. Asynchronised Cycles, Synchronisation of Coupled Oscillators, Basins of Attraction, Two-Dimensional Piecewise Smooth, Noninvertable Maps
International Deal Experience and Cross-Border Acquisitions, Caleb Stroup,
from Davidson College, Department of Economics
Keywords: Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions, Foreign Direct Investment