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152135 documents matched the search for equity theory in titles and keywords.
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Bibliometric Profile of Studies Related with Equity Theory,
Buse Ceti and Azize TUNC Hassan, in Journal of Tourismology (2019)
Keywords: Equity, Equity theory, Bibliometrics, Bibliometric analysis, Marketing

Equity theory and fair inequality: a neuroeconomic study,
Alexander Cappelen, Tom Eichele, Kenneth Hugdahl, Karsten Specht, Erik Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden, from Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Economics (2015)
Keywords: Fairness; inequality; striatum; equity theory

Tax Evasion and Equity Theory: An Investigative Approach,
Sharmila King and Steven Sheffrin, in International Tax and Public Finance (2002)
Keywords: tax evasion, equity theory, prospect theory, experimental economics,

Agency Theory of Overvalued Equity as an Explanation for the Accrual Anomaly,
S.P. Kothari, E. Loutskina and V. Nikolaev, from Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: accrual anomaly; earnings management; agency theory of overvalued equity

Agency Theory and Flotation Methods in Seasoned Equity Offerings: The Case in Taiwan,
Kehluh Wang, Yi-Hsuan Chen and Szu-Wei Huang, in Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies (RPBFMP) (2008)
Keywords: Seasoned equity offerings, flotation method, agency theory

An equity theory perspective of online group buying,
Weng Marc Lim, in Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (2020)
Keywords: Online group buying; Equity theory; Perceived benefit; Perceived quality; Perceived sacrifice; Perceived risk; Perceived purchase equity; Intention;

A Discrete Risk-Theory Approach to Manage Equity-Linked Policies in an Incomplete Market,
Francesco Della Corte and Francesca Marzorati, in JRFM (2024)
Keywords: risk theory; safety loading; CRR; equity-linked policies; incomplete markets

Equity-related ‘knots’ in theory of change development: Conceptualization and case illustrations,
Emily Gates, Kathy Chau Rohn and Kiruba Murugaiah, in Evaluation and Program Planning (2024)
Keywords: Theory of change; Equity; Knots; Reflexive practice; Criticality; Educational evaluation;

The Determinants Of Equity Based Compensation: A Bidimensional Validity Of The Agency Theory,
Mehdi Bouras and Mohamed Gallali, in Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance (AAMJAF) (2014)
Keywords: equity-based compensation, agency theory, financial crisis, information asymmetry

Old knowledge for new impacts: Equity theory and workforce nationalization,
James Christopher Ryan, in Journal of Business Research (2016)
Keywords: Equity theory; Emiratization; United Arab Emirates; Workforce nationalization;

Sharing economy platforms: An equity theory perspective on reciprocity and commitment,
Dinara Davlembayeva, Savvas Papagiannidis and Eleftherios Alamanos, in Journal of Business Research (2021)
Keywords: Sharing economy; Equity theory; Reciprocity; Commitment; Interpersonal relations;

A Theory of Liquidity in Private Equity,
Vincent Maurin, David Robinson and Per Strömberg, in Management Science (2023)
Keywords: private equity, liquidity premium, secondary market

Why is the motivation of non-regular employees not low? From the viewpoints of Equity Theory and Social Comparison Processes Theory,
Mitsutoshi Hirano and Chika Kasatani, from Kobe University, Graduate School of Business Administration (2017)
Keywords: part-time workers; distributive justice; motivation; equity theory; social comparison

On the Theory of Forecast-Horizon in Equity Valuation,
James Ohlson and X.-J. Zhang, from Columbia - Graduate School of Business (1997)

Towards a Unified Theory of Brand Equity: Conceptualizations, Typologies and Avenues for Future Research,
Nebojsa Davcik, Rui Vinhas da Silva and Joe F. Hair, from ISCTE-IUL, Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL) (2014)
Keywords: branding, brand equity theory, brand value, stakeholder value and perspective, financial performance, marketing assets, sources and determinants of brand equity

Brand equity in modern marketing theory,
Daniil Muravskii, Maria Smirnova and Olga Alkanova, from Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University (2012)
Keywords: brand equity, brand equity measurement, defining brand equity, капитал бренда, измерение капитала бренда, определение капитала бренда,

Wealth taxation of individuals and equity: A political-cultural market theory perspective,
Keywords: Ability to pay-principle; Political-cultural market theory; Tax equity; Wealth inequality;

Equity retention and social network theory in equity crowdfunding,
Silvio Vismara, in Small Business Economics (2016)
Keywords: Crowdfunding, Signaling, Network theory, National Systems of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial finance

Managing green brand equity: the perspective of perceived risk theory,
Ching-Hsun Chang and Yu-Shan Chen, in Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology (2014)
Keywords: Green brand equity, Green perceived quality, Green brand awareness, Green perceived risk, Green marketing, Perceived risk theory,

The Illiquidity Puzzle: Theory and Evidence from Private Equity,
Josh Lerner and Antoinette Schoar, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Sloan School of Management (2003)
Keywords: Illiquidty, liquidity, Private equity,

From Diversity to Inclusion to Equity: A Theory of Generative Interactions,
Ruth Sessler Bernstein, Morgan Bulger, Paul Salipante and Judith Y. Weisinger, in Journal of Business Ethics (2020)
Keywords: Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, Generative interaction

An Empirical Implementation of Markowitz Modern Portfolio Theory on Indonesia Sharia Equity Fund: A Case of Bahana Icon Syariah Mutual Fund,
Raka Verdiyanto, in Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies (2020)
Keywords: Sharia Equity Fund, Markowitz Modern Portfolio Theory, Risk-adjusted Return, Sharpe Ratio, Active Investment Strategy

Validity of Capital Structure Theories in the Shipping Industry: An Application on U.S. Equity Markets,
Berk Yildiz, in Sosyoekonomi Journal (2024)
Keywords: Capital Structure, Shipping Industry, Panel Data, Pecking Order Theory, U.S. Equity Markets.

Revisiting Proficiency Pairing in Collaborative Writing From an Equity Theory Perspective: Voices From High-Proficiency EFL Learners,
Wenting Chen and Yueh-Ting Lee, in SAGE Open (2022)
Keywords: collaborative writing; equity theory; perceptions; proficiency pairing; FL writing; L2 writing

A theory of outside equity: Financing multiple projects,
Spiros Bougheas and Tianxi Wang, in Journal of Corporate Finance (2021)
Keywords: Outside equity; Financial contracts; Principal agent model;

Learning Theory and Equity Valuation: an Empirical Analysis,
Antonio Sanvicente and Renato Teles Delgado, in Brazilian Review of Finance (2010)
Keywords: learning, finance, efficient markets, equity valuation.

A Theory of Outside Equity: Financing Multiple Projects,
Spiros Bougheas and Tianxi Wang, from CESifo (2019)
Keywords: outside equity, financial contracts, principal agent model

A theory of outside equity: Financing multiple projects,
Spiros Bougheas and Tianxi Wang, from University of Nottingham, Centre for Finance, Credit and Macroeconomics (CFCM) (2019)
Keywords: outside equity, financial contracts, principal agent model

Myopic Loss Aversion, the Equity Premium Puzzle, and GARCH,
Martin Ågren, from Uppsala University, Department of Economics (2005)
Keywords: Prospect theory; loss aversion; equity premium; GARCH

The Impact of Exchange Context on the Activation of Equity in Ultimatum Games,
Elizabeth Hoffman, Kevin McCabe and Vernon Smith, in Experimental Economics (2000)
Keywords: ultimatum games, equity theory, experimental methods,

To Predict the Equity Market, Consult Economic Theory,
Davide Pettenuzzo, from Brandeis University, Rosenberg Institute of Global Finance, International Businesss School (2014)
Keywords: Economic constraints; Sharpe ratio, Equity premium predictions; Bayesian analysis

Foreign equity configurations in an emerging country: Implications for performance,
Bengi Ertuna and Sibel Yamak, in European Management Journal (2011)
Keywords: Foreign equity Emerging country Institutional theory Transaction cost theory Turkey

Sustainability countenance in brand equity: a critical review and future research directions,
Muhammad Ishtiaq Ishaq and Eleonora Di Maria, in Journal of Brand Management (2020)
Keywords: Brand Equity, Sustainability, Brand Management, Stakeholder Theory

Cross-border private equity syndication: Institutional context and learning,
Miguel Meuleman and Mike Wright, in Journal of Business Venturing (2011)
Keywords: Private equity Institutional theory Organizational learning Internationalization

Silver in Equity Portfolio Risk Optimization: Polish Investor Perspective,
Izabela Pruchnicka-Grabias, in European Research Studies Journal (2021)
Keywords: Silver, precious metals, equity portfolio, Markowitz theory.

Second-Class Citizens or Free Agents? Social Construction of Equity Perceptions of Contractors in Global Offshoring Arrangements,
Jennifer L. Gibbs, Julia Eisenberg and Dina Nekrassova, in Journal of International Management (2023)
Keywords: Contextualization; Contractors; Global offshoring; Global work; Equity perceptions; Equity theory;

Equity Sensitivity and Gender Differences,
Dongho Kim, Choonhee Yang and Jongwon Lee, in Indian Journal of Gender Studies (2013)
Keywords: Gender differences; equity theory; equity sensitivity; South Korea; cross-cultural study

Regret-sensitive equity premium,
Yoichiro Fujii and Yutaka Nakamura, in International Review of Economics & Finance (2021)
Keywords: Regret theory; Equity premium; Lucas tree economy; Equilibrium price;

Estimating the equity premium,
M. C. Freeman and I. R. Davidson, in The European Journal of Finance (1999)
Keywords: Equity Premium Puzzle, Riskfree Rate Puzzle, Capm, Portfolio Theory,

Carmen Nistor, in SEA - Practical Application of Science (2015)
Keywords: Proprietary theory, Entity theory, Enterprise theory, Parent company theory, Parent company extension theory, Residual equity theory

The choice of seasoned-equity selling mechanism: Theory and evidence,
Bjorn Eckbo and Oyvind Norli, from Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Business and Management Science (2004)
Keywords: Seasoned-equity selling mechanism; Sequential pooling equilibrium; Oslo Stock Exchange; Flotation methods

The Choice of Seasoned-Equity Selling Mechanism: Theory and Evidence,
Bjorn Eckbo and Oyvind Norli, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2005)
Keywords: Equity offering; Flotation method; Sequential equilibrium; Adverse selection; Rights offer; Underwriting

The Debt-Equity Choice of Japanese Firms,
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Daniel Tak Yan Law and Feng Yao, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2016)
Keywords: Debt-equity choice; Pecking Order Theory; Market Timing Theory; Trade-Off Theory.

The Debt-Equity Choice of Japanese Firms,
Daniel Tak Yan Law and Feng Yao, from Department of Economics, West Virginia University (2012)
Keywords: Debt-equity choice, Pecking Order Theory, Market Timing Theory, Trade-Off Theory

Extreme Value Theory and Fat Tails in Equity Markets,
Ritirupa Samanta and Blake Lebaron, from Society for Computational Economics (2005)
Keywords: Extreme value theory, fat tails, emerging markets

A theory of LBO activity based on repeated debt-equity conflicts,
Andrey Malenko and Nadya Malenko, in Journal of Financial Economics (2015)
Keywords: Leveraged buyouts; Private equity; Reputation; Debt-equity conflicts; Club deals;

A Mixed Bentham-Rawls Criterion for Intergenerational Equity: Theory and Implications,
Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado and Ngo Long, from Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en économie quantitative, CIREQ (2007)
Keywords: Intergenerational equity, maximin, sustainable development

A mixed Bentham-Rawls criterion for intergenerational equity: Theory and implications,
Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado and Ngo Long, in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2009)
Keywords: Intergenerational equity Maximin Sustainable development

Invest or regret? An empirical investigation into funding dynamics during the final days of equity crowdfunding campaigns,
Thang Nguyen, Joe Cox and Judith Rich, in Journal of Corporate Finance (2019)
Keywords: Equity crowdfunding; Options theory; Uncertainty; Cost of delay;

Gender stereotypes in equity crowdfunding: the effect of gender bias on the interpretation of quality signals,
Simon Kleinert and Kazem Mochkabadi, in The Journal of Technology Transfer (2022)
Keywords: Equity financing, Gender, Signaling theory, Gender role congruity theory, Equity crowdfunding

Relational Resources in Interorganizational Exchange: The Effects of Trade Equity and Brand Equity,
Donna F. Davis and John T. Mentzer, in Journal of Retailing (2008)
Keywords: Trade equity; Brand equity; Relational resources; Retailer–manufacturer relationships; National brand manufacturers; Resource-advantage theory;

A Structural Theory of Asset Pricing and the Equity Premium Puzzle,
Bing Cheng and Howell Tong, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2008)
Keywords: Asset Pricing, Portfolio Valuation, Equity Premium Puzzle, Risk Sharing, Consumption, Dynamic Asset Allocation, Portfolio Insurance, International Investment,

Extreme correlation of International Equity Markets,
Bruno Solnik and François Longin, from HAL (2000)
Keywords: international equity markets,volatility,correlation and extreme value theory

A measure of equity for public transit connectivity,
Timothy F. Welch and Sabyasachee Mishra, in Journal of Transport Geography (2013)
Keywords: Transit equity; Graph theory; Capacity; Frequency; Multi-modal transit;

Extreme correlation of international equity markets,
François Longin and Bruno Solnik, from HEC Paris (2000)
Keywords: International equity markets; volatility; correlation and extreme value theory

Extreme Correlation of International Equity Markets,
Bruno H Solnik and Longin, François, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2000)
Keywords: International equity markets; Volatility; Correlation; Extreme value theory

What does equity in health mean?,
Joao Pereira, from Centre for Health Economics, University of York (1989)
Keywords: equity

Motivation theory: an application to Saudi Arabia's higher education,
Issam Tlemsani, Maram Alghamdi, Luluwa AlRajhi, Ghada Althaaly and Manal Alshehri, in International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (2021)
Keywords: motivation theory; higher education; student performances; equity theory; knowledge.

Fair pay dispersion: A regulatory focus theory view,
Tae-Youn Park, Seongsu Kim and Li-Kuo Sung, in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2017)
Keywords: Pay dispersion; Equity theory; Signaling perspective; Regulatory focus theory;

Game Theory Techniques for University Management: An Extended Bankruptcy Model,
Manuel Pulido, Joaquín Sánchez-Soriano and Natividad Llorca, in Annals of Operations Research (2002)
Keywords: cooperative game theory, equity principle, bankruptcy problems,

The Czech Equity Market - Its Effectiveness and Macroeconomic Consequences,
Helena Horská, in Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver) (2005)
Keywords: behavioral finance theory, Czech equity market, effective-market theory, European integration, portfolio theory

What is the Magic in an Equity Deal ? Theory and Evidence on the Means of Payment in Asset Sales,
Ulrich Hege, Stefano Lovo, Myron Slovin and Marie Sushka, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Equity Deal,Means of Payment,Asset Sales

Equity of access to health care services:: Theory and evidence from the UK,
Maria Goddard and Peter Smith, in Social Science & Medicine (2001)
Keywords: Equity Access Socio-economic group Methodology UK

Accounting information, capital investment decisions, and equity valuation: Theory and empirical implications,
Gc Zhang, in Journal of Accounting Research (2000)
Keywords: Valuation, Equity valuation, Accounting measures, Investments

Risk Weighted Utility Theory as a Solution to the Equity Premium Puzzle,
Thierry Chauveau and Nicolas Nalpas, from HAL (1999)
Keywords: probability transformation function,CAPM,equity premium puzzle

Risk Weighted Utility Theory as a Solution to the Equity Premium Puzzle,
Thierry Chauveau and Nicolas Nalpas, from HAL (1999)
Keywords: probability transformation function,CAPM,equity premium puzzle

Ownership, volatility, and equity incentives: Theory and evidence from listed companies in China,
Zonglai Kou, Yue Tang, Hong Wu and Min Zhou, in Economic Modelling (2023)
Keywords: Equity incentives; Ownership; Volatility; Managerial rent-extraction;

Risk Weighted Utility Theory as a Solution to the Equity Premium Puzzle,
Thierry Chauveau and Nicolas Nalpas, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1) (1999)
Keywords: probability transformation function; CAPM; equity premium puzzle

Too Risky To Hold? The Effect of Downside Risk, Accumulated Equity Wealth, And Firm Performance on CEO Equity Reduction,
Elie Matta and Jean Mcguire, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: agency theory,prospect theory,behavioral theory of the firm,equity ownership,downside risk,CEO

Too Risky to Hold? The Effect of Downside Risk, Accumulated Equity Wealth, and Firm Performance on CEO Equity Reduction,
Elie Matta and Jean McGuire, in Organization Science (2008)
Keywords: agency theory, prospect theory, behavioral theory of the firm, equity ownership, downside risk, CEO

Macroeconomic factors and equity returns in Borsa İstanbul,
Yigit Atilgan, K.Özgür Demi̇rtaş and Alper Erdoğan, in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans (2015)
Keywords: Asset Pricing Models, Equity Returns, Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Macroeconomic Factors.

Equity restoration, the Holocaust and tourism of sacred sites,
Jeffrey S. Podoshen and James M. Hunt, in Tourism Management (2011)
Keywords: Holocaust tourism; Atrocity tourism; Equity theory; Dark tourism;

Priority queues: Where social justice and equity collide,
Matthew Alexander, Andrew MacLaren, O’Gorman, Kevin and Christopher White, in Tourism Management (2012)
Keywords: Multilevel queues; Social justice; Equity theory; Theme parks; Factorial experiment;

Does Private Equity Over-Lever Portfolio Companies?,
Sharjil Haque, from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) (2023)
Keywords: Private Equity; Capital Structure; Default Risk; Trade-off Theory

Explanation for market response to seasoned equity offerings,
Robert Hull, Sungkyu Kwak and Rosemary Walker, in Journal of Economics and Finance (2012)
Keywords: Inside ownership, Seasoned equity offering, Signaling theory, D82, G14, G32,

Equity crowdfunding: First resort or last resort?,
Xavier Walthoff-Borm, Armin Schwienbacher and Tom Vanacker, in Journal of Business Venturing (2018)
Keywords: Entrepreneurial finance; Equity crowdfunding; Financial decision making; Pecking order theory;

Equity issues and temporal variation in information asymmetry,
Don M. Autore and Tunde Kovacs, in Journal of Banking & Finance (2010)
Keywords: Seasoned equity offer Information asymmetry Pecking order theory

The coming wave of small business succession and the role of stakeholder synergy theory,
Kevin Lindsey, Nathan Mauck and Ben Olsen, in Global Finance Journal (2021)
Keywords: Stakeholder theory; Shareholder theory; Private equity; Business succession;

Andrew J. Chapman, from Springer (2020)
Keywords: Social equity, Distribution, Sustainability, Social factors, Participation

Personal Income Tax Theory, Equity and Incentives: Some Comments and Extensions,
Alessandro Petretto, in Rivista italiana degli economisti (2009)
Keywords: Optimal personal income tax, benefits and family allowances, equity and efficiency of taxation

Home Equity Extraction, Growth, and the Subprime Crisis within the Theory of the Monetary Circuit,
Rémi Stellian, in European Journal of Economic and Social Systems (2010)
Keywords: Consumption; Growth; Home Equity Extraction; Monetary Circuit; Subprime Crisis

James Buchanan's theory of federalism: From fiscal equity to the ideal political order,
Lars Feld, from Walter Eucken Institut e.V. (2014)
Keywords: James Buchanan, Fiscal Equity, Fiscal Competition, Federalism as Political Order

A theory of equity carve-outs and negative stub values under heterogeneous beliefs,
Onur Bayar, Thomas Chemmanur and Mark H. Liu, in Journal of Financial Economics (2011)
Keywords: Equity carve-outs Heterogeneous beliefs Negative stub values Project financing

Theories of Dark-side Motivation,
Adrian Furnham and John Taylor, from Palgrave Macmillan (2004)
Keywords: Procedural Justice, Distributive Justice, Equity Theory, Extrinsic Motivation, Fair Procedure

Conventional Theory — Some Problems,
Richard J. Briston and Jack Liversidge, from Palgrave Macmillan (1979)
Keywords: Cash Flow, Trade Creditor, Equity Capital, Conventional Theory, Annual Earning

Correlation Structure of International Equity Markets During Extremely Volatile Periods,
Bruno Solnik and François Longin, from HAL (1998)
Keywords: international equity markets,volatility,correlation and extreme value theory

Rethinking the Concept of Equity in Accounting: Origin and Attribution of Business Profit,
Otaka Satoru, in Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium (2024)
Keywords: concept of equity, entity theory, business profit, excess profit

Brand Equity and Firm Sustainable Performance: The Mediating Role of Analysts’ Recommendations,
Kui Wang and Wei Jiang, in Sustainability (2019)
Keywords: brand equity; firm sustainable performance; signaling theory; analysts’ recommendation

Live-Streaming Commerce in the Supply Chain with Equity Cooperation: Independent or Cooperative?,
Yongwei Cheng, in Mathematics (2024)
Keywords: live streaming; supply chain; equity cooperation; drainage effect; game theory

The Equity Trap, the Cost of Capital and the Firm´s Growth Path,
Tobias Lindhe and Jan Södersten, from Uppsala University, Department of Economics (2006)
Keywords: dividend taxation; equity trap; cost of capital; nucleus theory; growth path

Economic consequences of private equity investments on the German stock market,
Ann-Kristin Achleitner, Christian Andres, André Betzer and Charlie Weir, from Technische Universität München (TUM), Center for Entrepreneurial and Financial Studies (CEFS) (2008)
Keywords: Private Equity, Corporate Governance, Agency Theory, Event Study

Correlation Structure of International Equity Markets During Extremely Volatile Periods,
Longin François and Solnik Bruno, from HEC Paris (1998)
Keywords: international equity market; volatility; correlation; extreme value theory

The Equity Trap, the Cost of Capital and the Firm’s Growth Path,
Tobias Lindhe and Jan Södersten, from CESifo (2006)
Keywords: dividend taxation, equity trap, cost of capital, nucleus theory, growth path

A cross-platform analysis of the equity crowdfunding Italian context: the role of intellectual capital,
Francesca Battaglia, Francesco Busato and Maria Manganiello, in Electronic Commerce Research (2022)
Keywords: Equity crowdfunding, Signaling theory, Intellectual capital, Entrepreneurial finance, Information asymmetries

Third-party signals in equity crowdfunding: the role of prior financing,
Simon Kleinert, Christine Volkmann and Marc Grünhagen, in Small Business Economics (2020)
Keywords: Entrepreneurial finance, Securities issuance, Equity crowdfunding, Signaling theory, Certification

Customer-Based Brand Equity Drivers: A Leading Brand of Beer in Estonia,
Dafnis N. Coudounaris, Peter Björk, Tõnis Mets, Rustam Asadli and Andreea I. Bujac, in Administrative Sciences (2024)
Keywords: brand equity; theory of trust/commitment; theory of customer-based brand equity; brewery sector; A. Le Coq brand of beer; Estonia

Equity dynamics in bargaining without information exchange,
Heinrich H. Nax, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2015)
Keywords: bargaining; cooperative game theory; equity; evolutionary game theory; (completely uncoupled) learning

Equity dynamics in bargaining without information exchange,
Heinrich Nax, in Journal of Evolutionary Economics (2015)
Keywords: Bargaining, Cooperative game theory, Equity, Evolutionary game theory, (Completely uncoupled) learning, C71, C73, C78, D83,

Neva Goodwin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2003)
Keywords: history of economic thought, equity, equality, ecological economics, human values

Expanding theory-based evaluation: Incorporating value creation in a theory of change,
Julian King, in Evaluation and Program Planning (2021)
Keywords: Value for money; Cost-benefit analysis; Theory of change; Efficiency; Equity;

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