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4712 documents matched the search for congestion in titles and keywords.
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Joe Zhu, from Springer (2014)
Keywords: Input Congestion, Congestion Measure, DEA Slacks, Weak Input Disposability, Referent DMU

Worse than a Congestion Charge: Paris Traffic Restraint Policy,
Rémy Prud'Homme and Pierre Kopp, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: Congestion

Worse than a Congestion Charge: Paris Traffic Restraint Policy,
Rémy Prud'Homme and Pierre Kopp, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: Congestion

Congestion pricing,
Jonas Eliasson, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2017)
Keywords: Congestion pricing; congestion charges; acceptability

On lookahead equilibria in congestion games,
Vittorio Bilò, Angelo Fanelli and Luca Moscardelli, from HAL (2013)
Keywords: congestion games

Liquidity and congestion,
Gara Afonso, in Journal of Financial Intermediation (2011)
Keywords: Liquidity Search Congestion Asset pricing

Liquidity and congestion,
Gara Afonso, from Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2008)
Keywords: asset pricing; congestion; search; liquidity

The Dynamics of Growth and Migrations with Congestion Externalities,
Orlando Gomes, in Economics Bulletin (2007)
Keywords: Congestion externalities

Congestion derivatives for a traffic bottleneck,
Tao Yao, Terry L. Friesz, Mike Mingcheng Wei and Yafeng Yin, in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (2010)
Keywords: Congestion option Congestion derivative Bottleneck model

Amudapuram Mohan Rao and K. Ramachandra Rao, in Transport Problems (2016)
Keywords: traffic congestion, congestion identification, congestion speed

Screening with Congestion,
Maxime Agbo, Marc Santugini and Jonathan W. Williams, from CIRPEE (2012)
Keywords: Congestion, Second-degree price discrimination, Screening

Congestion in the bathtub,
Mogens Fosgerau, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2015)
Keywords: dynamic; congestion; urban; traffic; bottleneck; bathtub

Congestion in the bathtub,
Mogens Fosgerau, in Economics of Transportation (2015)
Keywords: Dynamic; Congestion; Urban; Traffic; Bottleneck; Bathtub;

Greediness and equilibrium in congestion games,
Sergey Kuniavsky and Rann Smorodinsky, in Economics Letters (2013)
Keywords: Congestion games; Equilibrium; Greediness;

Congestion, Coordination and Matching,
Marja-Liisa Halko and Hannu Salonen, from Aboa Centre for Economics (2008)
Keywords: congestion, coordination, matching

Congestion and Public Capital,
Walter Fisher and Stephen J Turnovsky, from Institute for Advanced Studies (1997)
Keywords: Congestion, Public Capital

Measuring road congestion,
Panayotis Christidis and Juan Nicolás Ibanez Rivas, from Joint Research Centre (2012)
Keywords: road congestion, gps, navigation

Manipulable Congestion Tolls,
Jan Brueckner and Erik Verhoef, from University of California-Irvine, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Pigouvian taxes; Congestion tolls

Congestion and snowball effect in a market entry game: an experiment,
Laurent Denant-Boèmont, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: congestion,experiment

London-type congestion tax with revenue-recycling,
Yukihiro Kidokoro, in Economics Bulletin (2005)
Keywords: congestion tax

Congestion and incentives in the age of driverless fleets,
Federico Boffa, Alessandro Fedele and Alberto Iozzi, in Journal of Urban Economics (2023)
Keywords: Congestion; Congestion externalities; Fleets; Autonomous vehicles; Congestion charges;

Time, Speeds, Flows and Densities in Static Models of Road Traffic Congestion and Congestion Pricing,
Erik Verhoef, from Tinbergen Institute (1997)
Keywords: Road traffic congestion; congestion pricing

Bottleneck Congestion and Modal Split Revisited,
Romeo Danielis and Edoardo Marcucci, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (1999)
Keywords: Road transport, Public transport, Congestion, Congestion pricing

Internalization of Airport Congestion: A Network Analysis,
Jan Brueckner, from CESifo (2002)
Keywords: airport congestion, congestion pricing, transportation, airline

Pricing Urban Congestion,
Ian Parry, in Annual Review of Resource Economics (2009)
Keywords: traffic congestion, externality, peak-period fee, congestion toll incidence

Pricing Urban Congestion,
Ian Parry, from Resources for the Future (2008)
Keywords: traffic congestion, externality, peak-period fee, congestion toll incidence

Is traffic congestion overrated? Examining the highly variable effects of congestion on travel and accessibility,
Andrew Mondschein and Brian D. Taylor, in Journal of Transport Geography (2017)
Keywords: Accessibility; Congestion; Travel behavior;

A note on input congestion,
Kenneth Løvold Rødseth, in Economics Letters (2013)
Keywords: Congestion; Firm and industry technologies; Externalities;

Manipulable congestion tolls,
Jan Brueckner and Erik Verhoef, in Journal of Urban Economics (2010)
Keywords: Congestion Manipulation Pigouvian tax Airport

Ransomware activity and blockchain congestion,
Konstantin Sokolov, in Journal of Financial Economics (2021)
Keywords: Blockchain; Congestion; Ransomware; Transaction fees;

Congestion and Accessibility: What's the Relationship,
Andrew Mondschein, Brian D. Taylor and Stephen Brumbaugh, from University of California Transportation Center (2011)
Keywords: Architecture, accessibility, congestion, travel, behavior

Transfer Implementation in Congestion Games,
Itai Arieli, in Dynamic Games and Applications (2015)
Keywords: Congestion games, Transfer scheme, Implementation,

Congestion and Residential Moving Behaviour,
Morten Marott Larsen, Ninette Pilegaard and Jos van Ommeren, from Tinbergen Institute (2004)
Keywords: Congestion; Residential Moving and Job Search

Manipulable Congestion Tolls,
Jan Brueckner and Erik Verhoef, from Tinbergen Institute (2009)
Keywords: Congestion pricing, market power, aviation

The Stockholm congestion charges: an overview,
Jonas Eliasson, from CTS - Centre for Transport Studies Stockholm (KTH and VTI) (2014)
Keywords: Congestion charges; Stockholm; Sustainable transport

Congestion and tax competition in a parallel network,
Bruno De Borger, Stef Proost and Kurt van Dender, from Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) (2004)
Keywords: congestion pricing, transit traffic

Moses Marang'a, Duncan Ouma and George Kosimbei, in Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development (2018)
Keywords: Congestion, Private investments

Congestion and tax competition in a parallel network,
Bruno De Borger, Stef Proost and Kurt Van Dender, from KU Leuven, Department of Economics - Research Group Energy, Transport and Environment (2003)
Keywords: congestion pricing, transit traffic

Optimum congestion pricing in a complex network,
Sahar Babri, David Philip McArthur, Inge Thorsen and Jan Ubøe, from Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Business and Management Science (2013)
Keywords: Congestion pricing; complex network

General Geographical Economics Model with Congestion,
Charles Marrewijk, from Tinbergen Institute (2005)
Keywords: Geographical economics; congestion; externalities

Congestion and Market Structure in the Airline Industry,
Itai Ater, from NET Institute (2007)
Keywords: Congestion; Air Transportation;

Congestion and tax competition in a parallel network,
Bruno De Borger, Stef Proost and K. van Dender, from University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics
Keywords: Congestion pricing, Transit traffic

Competition in two sided markets with congestion,
Swapnil Sharma, from Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India (2018)
Keywords: Network externalities, Congestion

The Economic Theory of Urban Traffic Congestion: A Microscopic Research Agenda,
Richard Arnott, from Boston College Department of Economics (2001)
Keywords: transportation, congestion

Optimal Congestion Pricing with Diverging Long-run and Short-run Scheduling Preferences,
Erik Verhoef, from Tinbergen Institute (2017)
Keywords: Congestion pricing, dynamic congestion, scheduling

When are Anonymous Congestion Charges Consistent with Marginal Cost Pricing?,
Richard Arnott and Marvin Kraus, from Boston College Department of Economics (1997)
Keywords: congestion, externalities, congestion pricing, clubs

Reducing Urban Traffic Congestion via Charging Price,
Pablo González-Aliste, Iván Derpich and Mario López, in Sustainability (2023)
Keywords: urban traffic congestion; congestion charge; multivariable model

Bottleneck road congestion pricing with a competing railroad service,
Romeo Danielis and Edoardo Marcucci, in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (2002)
Keywords: Road transport Public transport Congestion Congestion pricing

A Discrete-Choice Model Approach to Optimal Congestion Change,
Steinar Strøm and Jon Vislie, from Oslo University, Department of Economics (2008)
Keywords: Discrete choice; urban transport; congestion; congestion charges

Market Structure and Internalization of Congestion in Air Transportation,
Kurt Van Dender, from University of California-Irvine, Department of Economics (2007)
Keywords: Airports; Airline; Congestion; Congestion tolls; Oligopoly

Developing modified congestion index and congestion-based level of service,
Ninad Gore, Shriniwas Arkatkar, Gaurang Joshi and Constantinos Antoniou, in Transport Policy (2023)
Keywords: Congestion; Modified congestion index (MCI); Level of service (LOS);

Congestion Externalities,
Günter Knieps, from Springer (2015)
Keywords: Traffic Flow, Transportation Infrastructure, Road Toll, Congestion Cost, Social Marginal Cost

Estimating Urban Road Congestion Charges,
David M Newbery and Georgina Santos, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2002)
Keywords: Traffic congestion; Road pricing; Efficient charges; Congestion tolls

Competition in Two Sided Markets with Congestion,
Swapnil Sharma, from eSocialSciences (2018)
Keywords: eSS, competition, markets, congestion, market congestion, mechanism, price.

Richard Arnott and Eren Inci, from University of California at Riverside, Department of Economics (2008)
Keywords: traffic congestion, cruising for parking, on-street parking, hyper-congestion

Framework for Traffic Congestion Management,
Mahmud Hassan Talukdar, in Economia. Seria Management (2013)
Keywords: Framework, traffic congestion, causes, management measures

On ride-pooling and traffic congestion,
Jintao Ke, Hai Yang and Zhengfei Zheng, in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (2020)
Keywords: On-demand; Ride-pooling; Ridesourcing; Traffic congestion;

Dynamics of the congestion triggered by boundary,
Ding-wei Huang, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2008)
Keywords: Traffic flow; Congestion; Boundary-induced transition;

On the propagation of congestion waves in the Internet,
József Stéger, Péter Vaderna and Gábor Vattay, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2006)
Keywords: Computer networks; TCP/IP protocol; Congestion propagation;

Congestion games with malicious players,
Moshe Babaioff, Robert Kleinberg and Christos H. Papadimitriou, in Games and Economic Behavior (2009)
Keywords: Selfish routing Malicious behavior Equilibrium Congestion games

Price symmetry in a duopoly with congestion,
Ori Haimanko and Richard Steinberg, from Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) (2000)
Keywords: duopolistic pricing, congestion, symmetric equilibria, covered market.

Congestion in production correspondences,
Walter Briec, Kristiaan Kerstens and Ignace Van de Woestyne, in Journal of Economics (2016)
Keywords: Distance function, Cost function, Duality, Congestion, WACM

Road congestion and incident duration,
Martin W. Adler, Jos van Ommeren and Piet Rietveld, in Economics of Transportation (2013)
Keywords: Congestion; Vehicle-loss-hours; Incident duration; Accidents;

Commuting and internet traffic congestion,
Marcus Berliant, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2017)
Keywords: Commuting; Congestion externality; Efficient Nash equilibrium

Congestion in production correspondences,
Walter Briec, Kristiaan Kerstens and Ignace Van Woestyne, from HAL (2016)
Keywords: Distance function,Cost function,Duality,Congestion,WACM

Inequality, Growth, and Congestion Externalities,
Aiyemo Babatunde and Akm Morshed, in The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (2021)
Keywords: congestion, externalities, growth, inequality, public capital

Agglomeration and Congestion in Latin America,
Andrés Gómez-Lobo, Santiago Sánchez González, Vileydy González Mejia and Agustina Calatayud, from Inter-American Development Bank (2022)
Keywords: automovil;aglomeración;congestión;economic productivity;agglomeration economies

“Cap and Trade” for Congestion Control,
Alfredo Garcia, Mingyi Hong and Jorge Barrera, in Dynamic Games and Applications (2012)
Keywords: Congestion games, Cap and trade, Strategic learning,

The Economics of Airport Congestion Pricing,
Eric Pels and Erik Verhoef, from Tinbergen Institute (2003)
Keywords: congestion; market power; networks; airports; airlines

Road Congestion and Incident Duration,
Martin W. Adler, Jos van Ommeren and Piet Rietveld, from Tinbergen Institute (2013)
Keywords: congestion, vehicle-loss-hours, incident duration, accidents

Determinants of congestion pricing acceptability,
Carl J. Hamilton, Jonas Eliasson, Karin Brundell-Freij, Charles Raux, Stéphanie Souche-Le Corvec, Kati Kiiskilää and Juha Tervonen, from CTS - Centre for Transport Studies Stockholm (KTH and VTI) (2014)
Keywords: Congestion charges; Transport pricing; Acceptability; Attitudes

Investment and Market Structure in Industries with Congestion,
Ramesh Johari, Gabriel Y. Weintraub and Benjamin Van Roy, in Operations Research (2010)
Keywords: competition, game theory, services, congestion

Teleworking and Congestion: A Dynamic Bottleneck Analysis,
Sergejs Gubins and Erik Verhoef, from Tinbergen Institute (2011)
Keywords: traffic congestion, teleworking, bottleneck model

Congestion Network Problems and Related Games,
Marieke Quant, Peter Borm and Hans Reijnierse, from Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research (2003)
Keywords: cooperative games; network; congestion; core

Traffic accidents and the London congestion charge,
Colin Green, John Heywood and María Navarro Paniagua, from Lancaster University Management School, Economics Department (2014)
Keywords: Traffic Congestion, Pricing, Vehicle Accidents

Mitigation of Traffic Congestion: A Tool for Development and Urbanization,
Akeke G.a, Akeke M.u, Okafor F.o and Ezeokonkwo J.c, in Journal of Asian Scientific Research (2018)
Keywords: Traffic, Congestion, Development, Mitigation

Congestion Management: From Physics to Regulatory Instruments,
Lion Hirth and Samuel Glismann, from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (2018)
Keywords: Redispatch, Congestion Management

Self-organized diffusion of congestion in complex networks,
Jian-Feng Zheng, Zi-You Gao, Xiao-Mei Zhao, Shuai Dai and Bai-Bai Fu, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2010)
Keywords: Complex networks; Congestion;

Maximizing social welfare in congestion games via redistribution,
Victor Naroditskiy and Richard Steinberg, in Games and Economic Behavior (2015)
Keywords: Redistribution mechanisms; Congestion; VCG;

Evaluating congestion management in the Dutch electricity transmission grid,
Martti J. van Blijswijk and Laurens J. de Vries, in Energy Policy (2012)
Keywords: Congestion management; Electricity; Transmission;

Measuring the influence of congestion on efficiency in worldwide airports,
Rc Marques and Pedro Simões, in Journal of Air Transport Management (2010)
Keywords: Airports; Congestion; Efficiency;

Does traffic congestion reduce employment growth?,
Kent Hymel, in Journal of Urban Economics (2009)
Keywords: Urban growth Congestion Transportation

Probing a Traffic Congestion Controversy: Density and Flow Scrutinized,
Hiroshi Ohta, from California Irvine - School of Social Sciences (1999)

Maximizing social welfare in congestion games via redistribution,
Victor Naroditskiy and Richard Steinberg, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2015)
Keywords: redistribution mechanisms; congestion; VCG

Did the London congestion charge reduce pollution?,
Colin Green, John Heywood and Maria Navarro Paniagua, in Regional Science and Urban Economics (2020)
Keywords: Pollution; Traffic; Congestion charging;

Congestion Relief: Assessing the Case for Road Tolls in Canada,
Charles Lindsey, in C.D. Howe Institute Commentary (2007)
Keywords: road pricing, traffic congestion

Public good congestion and the optimal number of immigrants,
Chi-Chur Chao, Bharat Hazari and Jean-Pierre Laffargue, from CEPREMAP (2006)
Keywords: Congestion; Immigration; Public good

A Stochastic Model of Congestion caused by Speed Differences,
Jan Rouwendal, Erik Verhoef, Piet Rietveld and Bert Zwart, from Tinbergen Institute (2000)
Keywords: Congestion; Road Pricing

Alleviating Traffic Congestion: Alternatives to Road Pricing,
Richard Arnott, from Boston College Department of Economics (1994)
Keywords: traffic congestion, road pricing

Optimal urban transport pricing with congestion and economies of density,
Kurt Van Dender and Stef Proost, from KU Leuven, Department of Economics - Research Group Energy, Transport and Environment (2001)
Keywords: transport; congestion; public transport

Did the London Congestion Charge Reduce Pollution?,
Colin Green, John Heywood and María Navarro Paniagua, from Lancaster University Management School, Economics Department (2018)
Keywords: Pollution, Traffic, Congestion Charging

Posner responds to "Why Mickey Mouse is Not Subject to Congestion," by Michele Boldrin and David Levine,
Richard Posner, in The Economists' Voice (2004)
Keywords: Copyright, congestion

Congestion games with mixed objectives,
Matthias Feldotto, Lennart Leder and Alexander Skopalik, in Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (2018)
Keywords: Congestion games, Bottleneck congestion games, Pure Nash equilibrium, Existence, Convergence, Complexity, Approximation

The Stockholm congestion pricing syndrome: how congestion charges went from unthinkable to uncontroversial,
Jonas Eliasson, from CTS - Centre for Transport Studies Stockholm (KTH and VTI) (2014)
Keywords: Congestion pricing; Acceptability; Attitudes

Optimal congestion pricing with diverging long-run and short-run scheduling preferences,
Erik Verhoef, in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (2020)
Keywords: Congestion pricing; Dynamic traffic congestion; Scheduling;

Policy Brief: Social Equity Impacts of Congestion Management Strategies,
Susan PhD Shaheen, Adam Stocker and Ruth Meza, from Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley (2019)
Keywords: Engineering, traffic congestion, congestion pricing, social equity

Measuring Marginal Congestion Costs of Urban Transportation: Do Networks Matter?,
Elena Safirova and Kenneth Gillingham, from Resources for the Future (2003)
Keywords: marginal congestion costs, congestion pricing, urban networks

Information Congestion,
Simon Anderson and André de Palma, from University of Virginia, Department of Economics (2006)
Keywords: information overload, congestion, advertising, common property resource, overÞshing, two-sided markets, junk mail, email, telemarketing, Do Not Call List, message pricing, the Medium is the Message, market research.

The Wi-Fi “congestion crisis”: Regulatory criteria for assessing spectrum congestion claims,
J. Pierre De Vries, Ljiljana Simić, Andreas Achtzehn, Marina Petrova and Petri Mähönen, in Telecommunications Policy (2014)
Keywords: Congestion; Regulation; Spectrum; Utilization; Wi-Fi; Wireless;

Public transport congestion costs: The case of the Paris subway,
Rémy Prud'homme, Martin Koning, Luc Lenormand and Anne Fehr, in Transport Policy (2012)
Keywords: Congestion; Public transport; Paris subway; Contingent analysis; Congestion costs;

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