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4364 documents matched the search for Fed Chair in titles and keywords.
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Media Perception of Fed Chair's Overconfidence and Market Expectations,
Hamza Bennani, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Fed Chair, Overconfidence, Monetary Policy, Media

Media Perception of Fed Chair's Overconfidence and Market Expectations,
Hamza Bennani, from University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX (2018)
Keywords: Fed Chair, Overconfidence, Monetary Policy, Media

The Effects of the Chair the Fed Simulation on High School Students’ Knowledge,
Evgeniya Duzhak, Jody Hoff and Jane S. Lopus, in The American Economist (2021)
Keywords: economic education; teaching economics; high school economics; games and simulations; serious games; monetary policy; central banking; Chair the Fed; the Federal Reserve; difference-in-differences

The Hunt for a Chair,
Mats Lundahl, from Palgrave Macmillan (2022)
Keywords: Bo Södersten, Chairs in economics, Swedish Institute for Social Research

Endowed chairs in accounting worldwide,
Zabihollah Rezaee, Robert Elmore and David Spiceland, in Accounting Education (2004)
Keywords: endowed chairs, colleges and universities, accounting education,

Global Chair: le cas d'une équipe de design multiculturelle,
Fabienne Münch and Anne Bartel-Radic, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Global Chair,Management interculturel

Does age similarity between board chair and CEO matter for R&D investments? Evidence from China,
Ala'a Azzam and Salem Alhababsah, in Finance Research Letters (2023)
Keywords: Age similarity; Board chair; Chair age; CEO age; R&D;

Mind the gap: The age dissimilarity between the chair and the CEO,
Marc Goergen, Peter Limbach and Meik Scholz, in Journal of Corporate Finance (2015)
Keywords: Chair–CEO relation; Cognitive conflict; Monitoring; Board meetings; Firm value;

The Current Status of Free Enterprise Chairs and Professorships in Academe,
J.R. Clark, Ashley S. Harrison and Bradley K. Hobbs, in Journal of Private Enterprise (2011)
Keywords: Economic education; Academia; Economists; Private enterprises; Entrepreneurship; Chair; Professorship; Liberalism

The effect of holding a research chair on scientists’ productivity,
Seyed Reza Mirnezami and Catherine Beaudry, in Scientometrics (2016)
Keywords: Scientist publication, Research funding, Matching techniques, Research chair

The influence of powerful non-executive Chairs in Mergers and acquisitions,
Samir Ghannam, Zoltan P. Matolcsy, Helen Spiropoulos and Nathan Thai, in Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics (2019)
Keywords: Chair; Power; M&As; Non-executive director; Board independence;

Non-family chair and corporate performance,
Fuxiu Jiang, Xiaojia Zheng and Wei Tang, in Frontiers of Business Research in China (2018)
Keywords: Non-family chair, Non-family leadership, Corporate performance, Family firms, Family reputation

The role, power and influence of company chairs,
Terry McNulty, Andrew Pettigrew, Greg Jobome and Clare Morris, in Journal of Management & Governance (2011)
Keywords: Board of directors, Power, Corporate governance, Company chair, UK code of corporate governance, CEO,

The Appropriate Board Chair: A Reality Check,
Abigail Levrau and Lutgart Berghe, from Palgrave Macmillan (2013)
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Board Member, Board Meeting, Corporate Governance Code, Board Chair

Application of TRIZ Innovative System Method in Rapid Assembly of Folding Chairs,
Kai-Chao Yao, Kuo-Yi Li, Jing-Ran Xu, Wei-Sho Ho and Yu-Hao Shen, in Sustainability (2022)
Keywords: folding chair; exhibition chair; TRIZ; human factors engineering design; universal design

Effects of a Dynamic Chair on Chair Seat Motion and Trunk Muscle Activity during Office Tasks and Task Transitions,
Corina Nüesch, Jan-Niklas Kreppke, Annegret Mündermann and Lars Donath, in IJERPH (2018)
Keywords: dynamic sitting; office chair; muscle activation; inactivity; sedentarism

Fed chair explains Fed's recent liquidity measures,
Anonymous, in Financial Update (2008)
Keywords: Federal Open Market Committee; Liquidity (Economics); Bernanke, Ben S.

Board chairs and R&D investment: Evidence from Chinese family-controlled firms,
Fuxiu Jiang, Wei Shi and Xiaojia Zheng, in Journal of Business Research (2020)
Keywords: Board chair; Family firms; Innovation; Corporate governance;

An integrated approach for designing office chair with ergonomic consideration,
Pragyan Paramita Mohanty and Siba Sankar Mahapatra, in International Journal of Services and Operations Management (2014)
Keywords: ergonomics; office chairs; chair design; office furniture; factor analysis; adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system; ANFIS; Taguchi methods; neural networks; fuzzy logic; subjective characteristics; product design.

The Influence of Audit Committee Chair Characteristics on Financial Reporting Quality,
Abdalwali Lutfi, Saleh Zaid Alkilani, Mohamed Saad, Malek Hamed Alshirah, Ahmad Farhan Alshirah, Mahmaod Alrawad, Malak Akif Al-Khasawneh, Nahla Ibrahim, Abeer Abdelhalim and Mujtaba Hashim Ramadan, in JRFM (2022)
Keywords: Jordan; auditor; Financial Reporting Quality; Audit Committee Chair; audit committee

Board chair gender, glass ceiling, and IPO underpricing: Evidence from China,
Kaijuan Gao, Manya Wang and Jin Liu, in International Review of Economics & Finance (2024)
Keywords: Board chair; Gender; IPO underpricing; Glass ceiling; Performance;

Board chair and credit rating of family firms: Evidence from China,
Fuxiu Jiang, Weiyi Wang and Xiaojia Zheng, in Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (2024)
Keywords: Family firm; Board chair; Credit rating; Shareholder-bondholder conflict;

Audit committee chair accounting expertise and audit report timeliness,
Saeed Rabea Baatwah, Zalailah Salleh and Jenny Stewart, in Asian Review of Accounting (2019)
Keywords: Audit committee, Accounting expertise, Audit report timeliness, Audit committee chair

Former CEOs chairing the board: does it matter to corporate social and environmental investments?,
Vu Quang Trinh, Aly Salama, Teng Li, Ou Lyu and Savvas Papagiannidis, in Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (2023)
Keywords: Chair-Former-CEO, Corporate social responsibility, COVID-19, Crisis, Social capital

How Should the Fed Report Uncertainty",
Ray C. Fair, from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University (2012)
Keywords: Forecasting uncertainty, Fed policy

Chair in Public Finance Ten Year Review: 2011-2021,
Norman Gemmell, from Victoria University of Wellington, Chair in Public Finance (2022)
Keywords: Chair in Public Finance, Victoria University of Wellington Business School, School of Business and Government, Ten Year Review: 2011-2021, New Zealand,

Audit committee chair overlap, chair expertise, and internal auditing practices: Evidence from Malaysia,
Wan Nordin Wan-Hussin, Hadiati Fitri and Basariah Salim, in Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation (2021)
Keywords: Risk-based; Audit committee chair; ISPPIA; Internal audit; IPPF; Charter; Archival;

Atlanta Fed announces new chair, vice chair and board members,
Anonymous, in Financial Update (1998)
Keywords: Federal Reserve banks - Directors

Trends of productivity of water in rain-fed agriculture,
H. E. Igbadun, H. F. Mahoo, A. K. P. R. Tarimo and B. A. Salim, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: Rain-fed farming

Performances of Emerging Stock Exchanges During the Fed’s Tapering Announcements,
Onur Enginar, Mehmet Baha Karan and Göknur Büyükkara, from Springer (2018)
Keywords: Event study, Abnormal return, Fed’s tapering, Emerging markets

The Fed’s Impact on Government Debt Interest – Impact of the Fed’s Interest Rate Decisions on Hungarian and other Emerging Market Sovereign Bond Yields,
Krisztina Füzesi, László György and Gábor Kutasi, in Public Finance Quarterly (2017)
Keywords: Fed, government bond yield, Fed rate, emerging markets

Central bank communication in the media and investor sentiment,
Hamza Bennani, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2020)
Keywords: Central bank communication; Overconfidence; Investor sentiment; Fed chair;

The Chair-CEO chronological age gap and bank performance: the effects of financial crisis shock,
Vu Quang Trinh, Ngan Duong Cao, Loc Thanh Phan and Mary Nanyondo, in International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics (2022)
Keywords: chair; CEO; age dissimilarity; banks; board of directors; performance.

Bogdan Stefan Ionescu, Iuliana Mariana Ionescu, Florin Mihai and Andrei Stanciu, in Annals of Faculty of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Online Database, Chair, Scientific Exchange, Scientific Research Components

The Leadership Legacy of Commission Chairs: Building on and Extending a Comparative Study of Ten Canadian Commissions of Inquiry,
Joe Wallis and Tor Brodtkorb, in Canadian Public Policy (2020)
Keywords: commission chairs; commissions of inquiry; fiduciary legacy; leadership legacy

The Effect of Chair-Based Exercise on Physical Function in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,
Natalie Klempel, Nicole E. Blackburn, Ilona L. McMullan, Jason J. Wilson, Lee Smith, Conor Cunningham, Roger O’Sullivan, Paolo Caserotti and Mark A. Tully, in IJERPH (2021)
Keywords: chair-based exercise; physical function; older adults; systematic review

Study on Sustainable Lightweight Design of Airport Waiting Chair Frame Structure Based on ANSYS Workbench,
Xiaoying Zhang, Wei Xu, Rongrong Li, Jichun Zhou and Zhongyu Luo, in Sustainability (2024)
Keywords: airport waiting chairs; sustainable design; finite element; lightweighting; topology optimization

Estimating Electric Power Requirements for Mechanically Shredding Massage Chairs and Treadmills at a Recycling Plant,
Junsoo Yoo, Choongwoo Lee, Sudong Kim, Jonghyun Choi and Jihwan Park, in Sustainability (2021)
Keywords: WEEE; proper electrical power; shredding; massage chair; treadmill; Vickers hardness

What is the cost of retaining and attracting exceptional talents? Evidence from the Canada Research Chair program,
Pascal Courty and John Sim, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2012)
Keywords: Brain drain; Canada research chair; Compensation; Crowding out

What Is The Cost Of Retaining And Attracting Exceptional Talents? Evidence From The Canada Research Chair Program,
John Sim and Pascal Courty, from Economics Department, Queen's University (2012)
Keywords: Compensation, Brain Drain, Crowding Out, Canada Research Chair

Computer-aided ergonomics design and comparative analysis of waiting chairs at a health centre,
Feyisayo Akinwande, Olusegun Akanbi and Samson Akindele, in International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (2022)
Keywords: ergonomics design; computer-aided design; CATIA V5R20; FEA analysis; anthropometrics; chairs.

The role of board chair in the relationship between board human capital and firm performance,
Carol Yeh-Yun Lin, Yu-Chen Wei and Ming-Hsueh Chen, in International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics (2006)
Keywords: human capital; board chairs; board of directors; firm performance; corporate governance; business governance; Taiwan.

Political Leadership in Parliament: The Role of Select Committee Chairs in the UK House of Commons,
Alexandra Kelso, in Politics and Governance (2016)
Keywords: House of Commons select committees; political leadership; select committee chairs; UK Parliament

A novel musical chairs algorithm applied for MPPT of PV systems,
Ali M. Eltamaly, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2021)
Keywords: Musical chairs algorithm; Optimization; Photovoltaic; Maximum power point tracker; Partial shading;

Wearing multiple hats—The role of working group chairs’ affiliation in standards development,
Justus Baron and Olia Kanevskaia, in Research Policy (2023)
Keywords: Standards Development Organizations (SDO); Governance; Committee chair selection; Collaborative innovation; Social capital;

The desire of prestigious audit committee chairs: what are the benefits for financial reporting quality?,
Géraldine Broye and Pauline Johannes, in Managerial Auditing Journal (2023)
Keywords: Audit committee, Audit committee chair, Earnings management, Status, Prestige, M41, M42, G38

Is chair-CEO generational difference a substitute governance mechanism to debt financing?,
Yee Peng Chow, in Asian Journal of Accounting Research (2024)
Keywords: Age heterogeneity, Chair-CEO generational difference, Corporate governance, Debt financing, Leverage

Audit Committee Chair Attributes and Audit Report Lag in an Emerging Market,
Ayad Ahmed Mohammed Al-Qublani, Hasnah Kamardin and Rohami Shafie, in International Journal of Financial Research (2020)
Keywords: audit report lag, audit committee attributes, audit committee chair and accounting expertise

Geographic location of audit committee chairs and accruals quality: evidence from China,
C. S. Agnes Cheng, Yuan Huang, Sun and Yumiao Yu, in Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (2021)
Keywords: Information acquisition, Agency problem, Geographic proximity, Audit committee chair, Accruals quality

Fed chair Bernanke on the lessons of SCAP \"Stress tests\",
Anonymous, in Financial Update (2009)
Keywords: Risk assessment

Fed chair urges action to stem foreclosures,
Anonymous, in Financial Update (2008)

New Fed chair has Southern roots,
Anonymous, in Financial Update (2006)
Keywords: Bernanke, Ben S.; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)

The Importance of Fed Chair Speeches as a Monetary Policy Tool,
Eric Swanson, in AEA Papers and Proceedings (2023) Downloads

Chair the Fed: Insights from game usage data,
Evgeniya Duzhak, K. Jody Hoff and Jane S. Lopus, in The Journal of Economic Education (2021) Downloads

An affine term structure model with Fed chairs’ speeches,
Eunmi Ko, in Finance Research Letters (2024)
Keywords: Central bank communication; Sentiment analysis; Determination of interest rates; Financial markets and the macroeconomy;

Strategic Control of Facial Expressions by the Fed Chair,
Hunter Ng, from (2024) Downloads

Presidents, Fed chairs, and the deviations from the Taylor rule,
Fang-Shuo Chang, Shiu-Sheng Chen, Tzu-Yu Lin and Po-Yuan Wang, in Macroeconomic Dynamics (2023) Downloads

Testing the Fed and the Graham and Dodd Models: Asymmetric vs Symmetric Adjustment,
Sofiane Aboura, from HAL (2007)
Keywords: Asymmetry,Cointegration,Fed model

Trends of productivity of water in rain-fed agriculture: historical perspective,
H. E. Igbadun, H. F. Mahoo, A. K. P. R. Tarimo and B. A. Salim, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: Rain-fed farming

The FR 2420 Data Collection: A New Base for the Fed Funds Rate,
Marco Cipriani, from Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2015)
Keywords: fed funds; FFER; FR2420

The FED and the ECB: Why Such an Apparent Difference in Reactivity?,
Grégory Levieuge and Alexis Penot, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: FED,ECB,Such,Apparent,Difference,Reactivity

THE FED and the ECB: Why Such an Apparent Difference in Reactivity?,
Grégory Levieuge and Alexis Penot, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: FED,ECB,Such,Apparent,Difference,Reactivity

The FED and the ECB: Why Such an Apparent Difference in Reactivity?,
Grégory Levieuge and Alexis Penot, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: FED,ECB,Such,Apparent,Difference,Reactivity

The Fed and the ECB: Why Such an Apparent Difference in Reactivity ?,
Grégory Levieuge and Alexis Penot, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: Fed,ECB,Such,Apparent,Difference,Reactivity

International financial transmission of the Fed's monetary policy,
Nikola Mirkov, in International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research (IJBESAR) (2014)
Keywords: term premia, Fed, policy actions

How Are Women Represented in Economic Research at the Fed?,
Marina Azzimonti and Acacia Wyckoff, in Richmond Fed Economic Brief (2023)
Keywords: women in economics; Fed System; representation

The Fed and the ECB: Why Such an Apparent Difference in Reactivity ?,
Grégory Levieuge and Alexis Penot, from Orleans Economics Laboratory / Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans (LEO), University of Orleans (2008)
Keywords: Fed, ECB, Such, Apparent, Difference, Reactivity

Searching for the Fed’s reaction function,
Katrin Wölfel and Christoph Weber, in Empirical Economics (2017)
Keywords: Fed, Monetary policy reaction functions, Model uncertainty, Bayesian model averaging, Parameter instability

The SOFR and the Fed’s influence over market interest rates,
Ivan Indriawan, Feng Jiao and Yiuman Tse, in Economics Letters (2021)
Keywords: LIBOR; SOFR; Target fed funds rate;

To Fed Watch or Not to Fed Watch: Equilibrium Analysis of Bank System Dynamics,
William Brock and Joseph Haslag, from Department of Economics, University of Missouri (2017)
Keywords: random relocation, heterogeneous forecasts, banks, fed watching

How the Fed Smoothed Quarter-End Volatility in the Fed Funds Market,
Alex Entz, John McGowan and Asani Sarkar, from Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2016)
Keywords: fed funds market; quarter-end volatility

A note on the Bitcoin and Fed Funds rate,
Sofiane Aboura, in Empirical Economics (2022)
Keywords: Bitcoins, Fed Funds rates, Spillovers, Financial markets

Reconsidering the Fed's Inflation Forecasting Advantage,
Amy Guisinger, Michael McCracken and Michael Owyang, from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (2023)
Keywords: conditional encompassing; eurodollar futures; Fed information

СИСТЕМА ЕЛЕКТРОННОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ КАФЕДРОЮ // The system of electronic management of the chair,
Богдан Васильович Дмитришин and Ігор Володимирович Ніколаєв, in Вісник Житомирського державного технологічного університету. Серія: Економічні науки // THE JOURNAL OF ZHYTOMYR STATE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY. SERIES: ECONOMICS (2014)
Keywords: electronic chair; information technology; management; education; distance learning; electronic library;електронна кафедра; інформаційні технології; управління; освіта; дистанційне навчання; електронна бібліотека

Water productivity in rain-fed agriculture: challenges and opportunities for smallholder farmers in drought-prone tropical agroecosystems,
J. Rockstr m, J. Barron and P. Fox, from International Water Management Institute (2003)
Keywords: Rain-fed farming

The Economics of the Fed Put,
Anna Cieslak and Vissing-Jørgensen, Annette, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2020)
Keywords: Fed put; Monetary policy; stock market; Textual analysis; Taylor rules

Searching for the FED's Reaction Function,
Katrin Woelfel and Christoph Weber, from Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics (BGPE) (2014)
Keywords: FED, Monetary Policy Reaction Functions, Model Uncertainty, Bayesian Model Averaging

2015–2016 Normative Data for the 3-m Usual Walk, Five Repeated Chair Stands, and Static Balance Components of the SPPB Among U.S. Older Adults Across Two Nationally Representative Data Sets: NSHAP and NHATS,
Megan Huisingh-Scheetz, Brian Buta, Karen Bandeen-Roche, Elbert S Huang, Ravi Varadhan, Jeremy Walston, Kristen Wroblewski, L Philip Schumm, Linda J Waite and Robert Wallace, in The Journals of Gerontology: Series B (2021)
Keywords: Balance, Chair stands, Function, Normative, Timed usual walk

Exiting low interest rates in a situation of excess liquidity: the experience of the Fed,
Vincent Grossmann-Wirth and Miklos Vari, in Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France (2016)
Keywords: monetary policy, Fed, Eurosystem, liquidity

Effects of audit committee chair characteristics on audit quality: Empirical evidence from Saudi energy and materials sectors,
Abdulaziz S Al Naim, in Asian Economic and Financial Review (2025)
Keywords: Audit committee chair characteristics, Audit quality, Corporate governance, Emerging market, Saudi Arabia.

A user-controlled thermal chair for an open plan workplace: CFD and field studies of thermal comfort performance,
Sally Shahzad, John Kaiser Calautit, Angelo I. Aquino, Diana S.N.M. Nasir and Ben Richard Hughes, in Applied Energy (2017)
Keywords: Thermal chair; Comfort; Open plan office; Thermal control; Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD);

An examination of how executive remuneration and firm performance are influenced by Chair-CEO diversity attributes,
Colette Grey, Antoinette Flynn and Douglas A. Adu, in International Review of Financial Analysis (2024)
Keywords: Board diversity; Chair-CEO diversity; CEO Pay; Executive remuneration; Firm performance;

Feline followers and “umbrella carriers”: Department Chairs’ influence on faculty job satisfaction and quit intentions,
Agnes Bäker and Amanda H. Goodall, in Research Policy (2020)
Keywords: Hybrid middle manager; Expert Leadership; “Umbrella Carrier”; Job satisfaction; Quit intentions; Department Chairs; Academics; Universities;

Audit Committee Chair s Legal Expertise and Real Activities Manipulation: Empirical Evidence from Malaysian Energy and Utilities Sectors,
Belal Ali Abdulraheem Ghaleb, Shaker Dahan Al-Duais and Abdulwahid Ahmed Hashed, in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy (2021)
Keywords: Real earnings management, audit committee chair, legal expertise, corporate governance, emerging market.

Considering Children’s Methods of Grasping and Carrying Elementary School Chairs for Easy Carrying, Lifting, and Turning,
Lu’lu’ Purwaningrum, Kyotaro Funatsu, Cucuk Nur Rosyidi and Satoshi Muraki, in SAGE Open (2017)
Keywords: carrying; lifting; turning; carrying method; children; elementary school chair; grasping pattern

Hubris syndrome in the relationship between School-Heads and Board-Chairs in private commercial secondary schools in Botswana: Implications for school leadership,
Byron A. Brown, in International Journal of Educational Development (2018)
Keywords: Hubris syndrome; Commercial private-school; School-head; Board-chair; Working relationship; Botswana;

Does the mixed ownership reform work? Influence of board chair on performance of state-owned enterprises,
Jian Guan, Zhimin Gao, Justin Tan, Weizheng Sun and Fan Shi, in Journal of Business Research (2021)
Keywords: Mixed-ownership reform; Board chair effect; Multilevel linear model (MLM); Firm performance; State-owned enterprise;

Does shared tenure between audit committee chair and engagement partner affect audit outcomes? Evidence from the UK,
Salem Alhababsah and Alaa Alhaj-Ismail, in The British Accounting Review (2023)
Keywords: Shared tenure; Audit committee chair; Engagement partner; Audit quality; Audit fees;

The cliometrics of academic chairs. Scientific knowledge and economic growth: the evidence across the Italian Regions 1900–1959,
Cristiano Antonelli, Nicola Crepax and Claudio Fassio, in The Journal of Technology Transfer (2013)
Keywords: Academic chairs, Types of knowledge, Knowledge fungibility, Knowledge exploitation, Knowledge externalities of knowledge types,

Determining scientists’ academic engagement: perceptions of academic chairs’ entrepreneurial orientation and network capabilities,
Andrea Greven, Steffen Strese and Malte Brettel, in The Journal of Technology Transfer (2020)
Keywords: Academic engagement, Academic chairs, Entrepreneurial orientation, ENTRE-U scale, Network capability

The Gender Quota and Female Leadership: Effects of the Norwegian Gender Quota on Board Chairs and CEOs,
Mingzhu Wang and Elisabeth Kelan, in Journal of Business Ethics (2013)
Keywords: Gender quota, Gender diversity, Female Board Chair, Female CEO, Board of directors,

FESBAL-UPM Food Bank Chair and the Service-Learning Projects from the ‘Working With People’ Perspective,
Ignacio Ríos Carmenado, Ana Afonso Gallegos, Sofía Quintanero Lahoz, Rubén Ortega Rincón, Priscila Nole Correa, Liliana Claudia Zuluaga and Mayerly Roncancio Burgos, from Springer (2023)
Keywords: University-company relationships, Sustainable food, Service-Learning Projects, Chairs-companies, Competences

Inflation expectations, price equations, and Fed effects,
Ray C. Fair, in Business Economics (2024)
Keywords: Inflation expectations, Phillips curves, Fed effects

The Fed Funds Market during the 2007-09 Financial Crisis,
Adam Copeland, from Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2020)
Keywords: asymmetric information; fed funds; financial crisis; intermediation

The over-the-counter theory of the fed funds market: a primer,
Gara Afonso and Ricardo Lagos, from Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2014)
Keywords: over-the-counter; bargaining; search; Fed funds market

The Chicago Fed National Activity Index and business cycles,
Scott Brave, in Chicago Fed Letter (2009)
Keywords: Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI)

Were Fed’s active monetary policy actions necessary?,
Iris Ai Jao Pang, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
Keywords: Fed; monetary policy; Factor Model; Factor Augmented VAR; FAVAR

A Comparison of the Fed’s and ECB’s Strategies during the Subprime Crisis,
Marcel Aloy and Gilles Dufrénot, from Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2015)
Keywords: monetary policy, subprime crisis, ECB, Fed, C51, C52, E52, E58

The fed model: The bad, the worse, and the ugly,
Javier Estrada, in The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (2009)
Keywords: Fed model P/E ratios Interest rates Stock market valuation

Fed Funds Futures Variance Futures,
Damir Filipovic and Anders B. Trolle, from Swiss Finance Institute (2016)
Keywords: Fed Funds Futures, Funding Costs, Unsecured Interbank Money Market

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