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8302 documents matched the search for Basin in titles and keywords.
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Basin Classification Of Shoushan Basin, Western Desert, Egypt,
Jong E Cheng, in Earth Sciences Malaysia (ESMY) (2019)
Keywords: Basin Classification, Shoushan Basin

River basin closure and institutional change in Mexico\u2019s Lerma-Chapala Basin,
P. Wester, Christopher A. Scott and Martin Burton, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Pumped out: basin closure and farmer adaptations in the Bhavani Basin in southern India,
M. Lannerstad and David Molden, from International Water Management Institute (2009)
Keywords: River basins

Bright basins: do many bright spots make a basin shine?,
Francis Gichuki and David Molden, from International Water Management Institute (2008)
Keywords: River basins

Basin management in a mature closed basin: the case of California's Central Valley,
M. Svendsen, from International Water Management Institute (2001)
Keywords: River basins

Shifting waterscapes: explaining basin closure in the Lower Krishna Basin, South India,
Jean-Philippe Venot, Hugh Turral, Madar Samad and Francois Molle, from International Water Management Institute (2007)
Keywords: River basins

Managing river basins: an institutional perspective,
Mark Svendsen, Philippus Wester and Francois Molle, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Overview of groundwater in the Nile River Basin,
Charlotte MacAlister, Paul Pavelic, C. Tindimugaya, T. Ayenew, M. E. Ibrahim and M. A. Meguid, from International Water Management Institute (2012)
Keywords: River basins

Livestock and water in the Nile River Basin,
Peden D., Tilahun Amede, A. Haileslassie, H. Faki, D. Mpairwe, P. van Breugel and M. Herrero, from International Water Management Institute (2012)
Keywords: River basins

Nile Basin farming systems and productivity,
Poolad Karimi, David Molden, A. Notenbaert and Peden D., from International Water Management Institute (2012)
Keywords: River basins

Availability of water for agriculture in the Nile Basin,
Robyn Johnston, from International Water Management Institute (2012)
Keywords: River basins

Surface water resources of Ruhunu Basins,
H. M. Jayatillake, from International Water Management Institute (2002)
Keywords: River basins

Hydrological modeling of the Mekong River Basin,
G. Kite, from International Water Management Institute (2000)
Keywords: River basins

Socioeconomic conditions in the five river basins,
M. Samad, from International Water Management Institute (2002)
Keywords: River basins

Overview of experiences in the Limpopo River Basin,
T. Schild, from International Water Management Institute (2001)
Keywords: River basins

An overview of the hydrology of the Zayandeh Rud Basin,
H. Murray-Rust, H. Sally, H. R. Salemi and A. Mamanpoush, from International Water Management Institute (2000)
Keywords: River basins

Basins at Risk: Predicting International River Basin Conflict and Cooperation,
Thomas Bernauer and Tobias Bohmelt, in Global Environmental Politics (2014)
Keywords: water, river basins, basins at risk

Analysis of water use on a large river basin using MIKE BASIN Model: a case study of the Abbay River Basin, Ethiopia,
F. D. Wubet, Seleshi Bekele Awulachew and A. Moges, from International Water Management Institute (2009)
Keywords: River basins

Classifying basins of attraction using the basin entropy,
Alvar Daza, Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2022)
Keywords: Basin entropy; Fractal basins; Lacunarity; Fractal dimension;

Managing river basins: lessons from experience,
Mark Svendsen and Philippus Wester, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

The Nile River Basin: water, agriculture, governance and livelihoods,
Seleshi Bekele Awulachew, Vladimir Smakhtin, David Molden and Peden D., from International Water Management Institute (2012)
Keywords: River basins

The Nile River Basin: water, agriculture, governance and livelihoods,
Seleshi Bekele Awulachew, Vladimir Smakhtin, David Molden and Peden D., from International Water Management Institute (2012)
Keywords: River basins

Water management intervention analysis in the Nile Basin,
Seleshi Bekele Awulachew, Demissie, Solomon, S., Fitsum Hagos, Teklu Erkossa and Peden D., from International Water Management Institute (2012)
Keywords: River basins

Wetlands of the Nile Basin: distribution, functions and contribution to livelihoods,
Lisa-Maria Rebelo and Matthew McCartney, from International Water Management Institute (2012)
Keywords: River basins

Spatial characterization of the Nile Basin for improved water management,
Demissie, Solomon, S., Seleshi Bekele Awulachew, David Molden and Aster Denekew Yilma, from International Water Management Institute (2012)
Keywords: River basins

An assessment of environmental flow requirements of Indian river basins,
Vladimir Smakhtin and Markandu Anputhas, from International Water Management Institute (2009)
Keywords: River basins

Basin level water-salt balance model,
P. Droogers, H. R. Salemi and A. Mamanpoush, from International Water Management Institute (2004)
Keywords: River basins

Governance issues in river-basin management: A regional perspective,
A. Anukularmphai, from International Water Management Institute (2003)
Keywords: River basins

Managing risks in Ruhuna basins, Sri Lanka,
H. M. Jayatillake, G. H. P. Dharmaratne and P. C. Senaratne, from International Water Management Institute (2002)
Keywords: River basins

The river basin game: A water dialogue tool,
B. Author-Name 2: Sokile, C. A2 1: Sokile A2 2: C. Author-Name 3: Yawson, Daniel A3 1: Yawson A3 2: Daniel Author-Name 4: Lévite, Herve A4 1: Lévite A4 2: Herve Lankford, from International Water Management Institute (2004)
Keywords: River basins

Challenges in the management of a shared resource: the Nile Basin experience,
J. Mulindwa, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Water shortage in the Lower Deduru Oya Basin,
K. N. J. Katupotha, from International Water Management Institute (2010)
Keywords: River basins

Diagnosis of the East Rapti River Basin of Nepal,
K. R. Adhikari, from International Water Management Institute (2002)
Keywords: River basins

German experience in river basin co-operation,
R. Hollaender, from International Water Management Institute (2001)
Keywords: River basins

Institutional arrangements in the Murray-Darling River Basin,
D. H. MacDonald and Michael Young, from International Water Management Institute (2001)
Keywords: River basins

Governing closing basins: the case of the Gediz River in Turkey,
M. Svendsen, D. H. Murray-Rust and N. Alpaslan, from International Water Management Institute (2001)
Keywords: River basins

Managing the water transition in the Lerma-Chapala Basin, Mexico,
P. Wester, M. Burton and E. Mestre-Rodriguez, from International Water Management Institute (2001)
Keywords: River basins

An assessment of environmental flow requirements of Indian river basins,
Vladimir Smakhtin and Markandu Anputhas, from International Water Management Institute (2006)
Keywords: River basins

Alternative water-policy scenarios using integrated river-basin modeling: The Brantas River Basin, Indonesia,
C. Rodgers, R. Zafraano and T. Subianto, from International Water Management Institute (2003)
Keywords: River basins

Integrated water-resources management in a river-basin context: The Brantas River Basin, Indonesia,
T. M. Sunaryo, from International Water Management Institute (2002)
Keywords: River basins

Water-use accounts in CPWF basins: simple water-use accounting of the Ganges Basin,
J. Author-Name 2: Kirby, M. A2 1: Kirby A2 2: M. Author-Name 3: Mainuddin, M. A3 1: Mainuddin A3 2: M. Author-Name 4: Thomas, M. A4 1: Thomas A4 2: M. Eastham, from International Water Management Institute (2010)
Keywords: River basins

Water-use accounts in CPWF basins: simple water-use accounting of the Limpopo Basin,
M. Author-Name 2: Kirby, M. A2 1: Kirby A2 2: M. Author-Name 3: Eastham, J. A3 1: Eastham A3 2: J. Author-Name 4: Thomas, M. A4 1: Thomas A4 2: M. Mainuddin, from International Water Management Institute (2010)
Keywords: River basins

Water-use accounts in CPWF basins: simple water-use accounting of the Volta Basin,
M. Author-Name 2: de Condappa, D. A2 1: de Condappa A2 2: D. Author-Name 3: Mainuddin, M. A3 1: Mainuddin A3 2: M. Author-Name 4: Eastham, J. A4 1: Eastham A4 2: J. Author-Name 5: Thomas, M. A5 1: Thomas A5 2: M. Kirby, from International Water Management Institute (2010)
Keywords: River basins

Water-use accounts in CPWF basins: simple water-use accounting of the Karkheh Basin,
M. Author-Name 2: Mainuddin, M. A2 1: Mainuddin A2 2: M. Author-Name 3: Ahmad, Mobin-ud-Din A3 1: Ahmad A3 2: Mobin-ud-Din Author-Name 4: Gamage, Nilantha A4 1: Gamage A4 2: Nilantha Author-Name 5: Thomas, M. A5 1: Thomas A5 2: M. Author-Name 6 : Eastham, J. A6 1: Eastham A6 2: J. Kirby, from International Water Management Institute (2010)
Keywords: River basins

Water-use accounts in CPWF basins: simple water-use accounting of the Mekong Basin,
M. Author-Name 2: Mainuddin, M. A2 1: Mainuddin A2 2: M. Author-Name 3: Eastham, J. A3 1: Eastham A3 2: J. Kirby, from International Water Management Institute (2010)
Keywords: River basins

Water-use accounts in CPWF basins Simple water-use accounting of the Nile Basin,
M. Author-Name 2: Eastham, J. A2 1: Eastham A2 2: J. Author-Name 3: Mainuddin, M. A3 1: Mainuddin A3 2: M. Kirby, from International Water Management Institute (2010)
Keywords: River basins

Water-use accounts in CPWF basins: simple water-use accounting of the Indus Basin,
J. Author-Name 2: Kirby, M. A2 1: Kirby A2 2: M. Author-Name 3: Mainuddin, M. A3 1: Mainuddin A3 2: M. Author-Name 4: Thomas, M. A4 1: Thomas A4 2: M. Eastham, from International Water Management Institute (2010)
Keywords: River basins

Water-use accounts in CPWF basins: simple water-use accounting of the Niger Basin,
M. Author-Name 2: Eastham, J. A2 1: Eastham A2 2: J. Author-Name 3: Kirby, M. A3 1: Kirby A3 2: M. Mainuddin, from International Water Management Institute (2010)
Keywords: River basins

Water-use accounts in CPWF basins: simple water-use accounting of the Sao Francisco Basin,
J. Author-Name 2: Kirby, M. A2 1: Kirby A2 2: M. Author-Name 3: Mainuddin, M. A3 1: Mainuddin A3 2: M. Eastham, from International Water Management Institute (2010)
Keywords: River basins

Water-use accounts in CPWF basins: simple water-use accounting of the Yellow River Basin,
M. Author-Name 2: Eastham, J. A2 1: Eastham A2 2: J. Author-Name 3: Kirby, M. A3 1: Kirby A3 2: M. Author-Name 4: Thomas, M. A4 1: Thomas A4 2: M. Mainuddin, from International Water Management Institute (2010)
Keywords: River basins

The use of remote sensing for the characterization of large river basins: issues pertaining to Challenge Program benchmark basins. [Working Paper],
Prasad Thenkabail, from International Water Management Institute (2003)
Keywords: River basins

Institutional development in the Nile equatorial lakes sub-basin learning from the experience of the Kagera Basin Organisation,
R. Mbaziira, N. Senfuma and R. McDonnell, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Institutional development in the Nile equatorial lakes sub-basin: learning from the experience of the Kagera Basin Organisation,
R. Mbaziira and N. Senfuma, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Institutional development in the Nile equatorial lakes sub-basin: learning from the experience of the Kagera Basin Organization,
R. Mbaziira, N. Senfuma and R. McDonnell, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Water management in the Upper Sub-Basin of the Inderagiri River Basin in Indonesia: issues and implications related to integrated water resources management,
Helmi, from International Water Management Institute (2001)
Keywords: River basins

River basin development and management,
Francois Molle, P. Wester, P. Hirsch, J. R. Jensen, H. Murray-Rust, V. Paranjpye, S. Pollard and P. van der Zaag, from International Water Management Institute (2007)
Keywords: River basin development

Making sound decisions: information needs for basin water management,
Martin Burton and David Molden, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Providing irrigation services in water-scarce basins: representation and support,
Philippus Wester, Tushaar Shah and Douglas J. Merrey, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Squeezed dry: the historical trajectory of the Lower Jordan River Basin,
M. Van Aken, Francois Molle and Jean-Philippe Venot, from International Water Management Institute (2009)
Keywords: River basins

Sharing scarce resources in a Mediterranean River Basin: Wadi Merguellil in central Tunisia,
P. Le Goulven, C. Leduc, M. S. Bachta and J. C. Poussin, from International Water Management Institute (2009)
Keywords: River basins

Simulating current and future water resources development in the Blue Nile River Basin,
Matthew McCartney, T. Alemayehu, Z. M. Easton and Seleshi Bekele Awulachew, from International Water Management Institute (2012)
Keywords: River basins

The Nile Basin sediment loss and degradation, with emphasis on the Blue Nile,
T. S. Steenhuis, Z. M. Easton, Seleshi Bekele Awulachew, A. A. Ahmed, K. E. Bashar, E. Adgo, Y. G. Selassie and S. A. Tilahun, from International Water Management Institute (2012)
Keywords: River basins

Irrigation management and poverty dynamics: case study of the Nyando Basin in Western Kenya,
Brent Swallow, L. Onyango and Ruth Meinzen-Dick, from International Water Management Institute (2007)
Keywords: River basins

Dynamics of poverty, livelihoods and property rights in the Lower Nyando Basin of Kenya,
Brent Swallow, L. Onyango, Ruth Meinzen-Dick and N. Holl, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

World Water Assessment Program case study, Ruhuna basins, Sri Lanka,
K. A. U. S. Imbulana, Peter Droogers and Ian Makin, from International Water Management Institute (2004)
Keywords: River basins

Integrated water-resources governance in a river basin context: A synthesis paper,
B. Bruns and D. J. Bandaragoda, from International Water Management Institute (2003)
Keywords: River basins

Alternative futures for water allocation and use in the Dong Nai River Basin, Vietnam,
Claudia Ringler, H. N. Vu, X. Cai and H. G. Linh, from International Water Management Institute (2003)
Keywords: River basins

Development of water-management institutions in the Mae Klong River Basin, Thailand,
E. Biltonen, B. Kwanyuen, E. Kositsakulchai and S. Pattani, from International Water Management Institute (2003)
Keywords: River basins

Institutional arrangements for water management in the East Rapti Basin, Nepal,
R. N. Kayastha and D. Pant, from International Water Management Institute (2003)
Keywords: River basins

Water-resources management in the Upper Inderagiri River Basin, West Sumatra, Indonesia,
Helmi and Ifdal, from International Water Management Institute (2003)
Keywords: River basins

Perspectives on integrated water-resources management in a river-basin context,
E. Biltonen, from International Water Management Institute (2003)
Keywords: River basins

Social and economic issues in the salinity affected areas in Poorna Basin: An overview,
V. Kher, from International Water Management Institute (2003)
Keywords: River basins

Health impact assessment of increased irrigation in the Tana River Basin, Kenya,
C. M. Mutero, from International Water Management Institute (2002)
Keywords: River basins

Water resources management in Omona Gawa Basin, Akita Prefecture, Japan,
I. W. Makin, D. J. Bandaragoda, R. Sakthivadivel and N. Aloysius, from International Water Management Institute (2002)
Keywords: River basins

Method of shallow corrugations for the sowing and irrigation of close growing crops on flat basin,
M.S. Shafiq, Suleman Sarwar, M. N. Asghar, A. Amin and IIMI. Pakistan National Program, from International Water Management Institute (1998)
Keywords: Basin irrigation

Water-use accounts in CPWF basins: model concepts and description,
M. Author-Name 2: Mainuddin, M. A2 1: Mainuddin A2 2: M. Author-Name 3: Eastham, J. A3 1: Eastham A3 2: J. Kirby, from International Water Management Institute (2010)
Keywords: River basins

An assessment of hydrology and environmental flows in the Walawe River Basin, Sri Lanka,
Vladimir Author-Name 2: Weragala, Neelanga A2 1: Weragala A2 2: Neelanga Smakhtin, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Integrated database development for river basin management: An example from Rechna Doab,
Asad Sarwar Author-Name 2: Hussain, Asghar A2 1: Hussain A2 2: Asghar Author-Name 3: Makin, Ian A3 1: Makin A3 2: Ian Qureshi, from International Water Management Institute (2002)
Keywords: River basins

Managing water conflicts through dialogue in Pangani Basin, Tanzania,
J. Sarmett, R. Burra, R. Van Klinken and K. West, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Impacts of improving water management of smallholder agriculture in the Upper Blue Nile Basin,
Teklu Erkossa, Seleshi Bekele Awulachew, A. Haileslassie and Aster Denekew Yilma, from International Water Management Institute (2009)
Keywords: River basins

Identifying the impact of tidal level variation on river basin flooding,
M. D. E. K. Gunathilaka, W. A. L. Wikramanayake and D. N. D. Perera, from International Water Management Institute (2010)
Keywords: River basins

Water allocation policies in coastal Karnataka: an analysis of Nethravathy River Basin,
R. Bhatta, from International Water Management Institute (2008)
Keywords: River basins

Agriculture and interacting systems: the case of Tekeze/Atbara River Basin in Ethiopia,
M. Behailu and T. Nata, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Baseline survey of irrigation and rainfed agriculture in Blue Nile Basin,
K. Tsehayu, from International Water Management Institute (2008)
Keywords: River basins

Payment for environmental hydrological services for Pangani River Basin, Tanzania,
K. A. A. Kulindwa, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

The relevance of insight into the value of water for integrated river basin management,
P. J. G. J. Hellegers, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

A decision-aid for the management of water resources in the Ruaha River Basin, Tanzania,
J. G. Cour, R. M. Kadigi, B. A. Lankford, Daniel Yawson and S. Tumbo, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

From integrated to adaptive: a new framework for water resources management of river basins,
B. Lankford and J. Cour, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Feasibility of rain-fed agriculture in the Pangani River Basin Tanzania,
F. W. Mtalo, S. A. Moges and T. A. Kimaro, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Development of effective water management institutions: the Upper Pampanga River Basin, Philippines,
H. L. Angeles, M. S. Santos, J. L. Tabago, M. E. M. Orden, A. S. Paderes, C. M. Gapasin, L. A. Bitangcol, A. L. Duran, L. M. Cabanayan, E. D. G. de Guzman and R. E. Liberato, from International Water Management Institute (2002)
Keywords: River basins

The Danube River Basin: international co-operation in water management,
W. Stalzer, from International Water Management Institute (2001)
Keywords: River basins

Overview of streamflow variability and water accounts for the Karkheh Basin, Iran,
Ilyas Masih, Mobin-ud-Din Ahmad, S. Uhlenbrook, Hugh Turral and Poolad Karimi, from International Water Management Institute (2008)
Keywords: River basins

The water resource implications of changing climate in the Volta River Basin [Africa],
Matthew. McCartney, Geraldl. Forkuor, Aditya. Sood, B. Amisigo, F. Hattermann and Lal. Muthuwatta, from International Water Management Institute (2012)
Keywords: River basins

Closing of the Krishna Basin: irrigation, streamflow depletion and macroscale hydrology,
Trent Biggs, Anju Gaur, C. Scott, Prasad Thenkabail, Parthasaradhi Gangadhara Rao, Murali Krishna Gumma, Sreedhar Acharya and Hugh Turral, from International Water Management Institute (2007)
Keywords: River basins

Managing the business: potential and pitfalls of water rights and water tariffs in allocating and managing water in water stressed basins: the case of Rufiji Basin in Tanzania,
C. S. Sokile and Barbara van Koppen, from International Water Management Institute (2005)
Keywords: River basins

Dealing with closed basins: The case of the Lower Jordan River Basin,
Francois Molle, from International Water Management Institute (2006)
Keywords: River basin management

Using the basin entropy to explore bifurcations,
Alexandre Wagemakers, Alvar Daza and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2023)
Keywords: Multistability; Basin entropy; Bifurcations;

River basin organisations in India: an overview,
K. V. Raju and A. Taron, from International Water Management Institute (2008)
Keywords: River basin management

Groundwater salinity in the Colorado River Basin,
G. V. Skogerboe, from International Water Management Institute (2000)
Keywords: River basin development

Prospects for Cooperation in the Nile Basin,
Firehiwot Sintayehu, from Springer (2020)
Keywords: Hydropolitics, Nile Basin, Cooperation, Conflict

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