300 documents matched the search for Q3 in JEL-codes.
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Global changes and new trends within the territorial structure of the oil, gas and coal industries, Milan Vošta,
in Acta Oeconomica Pragensia
Keywords: localization changes, oil, natural gas, coal, prospects, new trends
Rice Value Chain Analysis in the Philippines: Value Addition, Constraints, and Upgrading Strategies, Alice Mataia, Jesusa Beltran, Rowena Manalili, Betzaida Catudan, Nefriend Francisco and Adrielle Flores,
in Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development
Keywords: rice value chain, value addition, constraints, upgrading strategies, competitiveness
The benefits of storage and non-renewable resource price dynamics, Jason Stevens,
in Canadian Journal of Economics
Optiaml Resource Regime in Natural Resource Management: A revised economic theory of commons, R. Berry,
from University of Toronto, Department of Economics
The role of price expectations and legal uncertainties in ocean mineral, exploration activities, Akbar Marvasti,
in Resources Policy
Reconciling Diverging Views on Mineral Depletion: A Modified Cumulative Availability Curve Applied to Copper Resources, Emilio Castillo and Roderick Eggert,
from Colorado School of Mines, Division of Economics and Business
Keywords: peak minerals, mineral depletion, cumulative availability curve, copper
Financial development and environmental degradation: Do human capital and institutional quality make a difference?, Ahmad Mahmood, Ahmed Zahoor, Yang Xiyue, Nazim Hussain and Avik Sinha,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Financial development; Human capital; Institutional quality; Environmental degradation; CS-ARDL
Modeling the impact of climatic and non-climatic factors on cereal production: evidence from Indian agricultural sector, Chandio Abbas Ali, Jiang Yuansheg, Amin Asad, Akram Waqar, Ilhan Ozturk, Avik Sinha and Ahmad Fayyaz,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Agricultural output; Climate change; Cereal production; ARDL method; India
Chinese corporate biodiversity exposure, Feng He, Longxuan Chen and Brian M. Lucey,
in Finance Research Letters
Keywords: Biodiversity; Chinese corporate finance; Risk exposure;
Using Natural Resources for Development: Why Has It Proven So Difficult?, Anthony Venables,
from Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, University of Oxford
Keywords: Natural resources, non-renewable, depletion, resource curse, Dutch disease, revenue management, diversification, genuine saving
Using Natural Resources for Development: Why Has It Proven So Difficult?, Anthony Venables,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Depletion; Diversification; Dutch disease; Genuine saving.; Natural resources; Non-renewable; Resource curse; Revenue management
Differential Impacts of US-China Trade War and Outbreak of COVID-19 on Chinese Air Quality, Muhammad Shahbaz, Avik Sinha and Muhammad Ibrahim Shah,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: China; Trade War; COVID-19; AQI; Convergence
On The Optimal Order of Natural Resourse Use When the Capacity of the Inexhaustible Substitute is Limited, Jean-Pierre Amigues, Pascal Favard, Gérard Gaudet and Michel Moreaux,
from Toulouse - GREMAQ
Sustainability of the domestic consumption of construction materials in Colombia, 1990-2013, Juan Pablo Ríos Ocampo and Yris Olaya Morales,
in Lecturas de Economía
Keywords: domestic consumption of materials, construction materials, construction sector, sustainability of consumption of materials, Colombia
Nizozemska bolest u Bolivarijanskoj Republici Venezueli, Hrvoje JoÅ¡ić and Fran MaÄ ek Pandak,
in Notitia - journal for economic, business and social issues
Keywords: Hugo Chavez, Venezuela, naftna ekonomija, nizozemska bolest
Product Market Competition and R&D Investment - Evidence From Textual Analysis on Annual Report of China's Listed Firms, Ziyu Song and Shuming Ren,
in Asian Economics Letters
Keywords: textual analysis,r&d investment,product market competition
Sostenibilidad del consumo doméstico de materiales de construcción en Colombia, 1990-2013, Juan Pablo Ríos Ocampo and Yris Olaya Morales,
in Revista Lecturas de Economía
Keywords: consumo doméstico de materiales; materiales de construcción; sector de la construcción; sostenibilidad del consumo de materiales; Colombia
Economic and Environmental Potentials of Conservation Agriculture in the Traditional Maize Farming Systems of India, Vivek Singh, Prabhakaran Tr and Vijesh Krishna,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Rainfed Farming System, Conservation Agriculture
Why do rice farmers in Taiwan not expand scale? Economies of scale and the estimation of short- and long-run cost efficiencies using stochastic frontier analysis with time-varying panel data model, Tsaiyu Chang,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: scale economics, stochastic frontier analysis, rice production, Taiwanese agriculture, Taiwan
Herfindahl rule under return flows, Alla Fridman,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Exhaustible resource, return flows, optimal extraction, Herfindahl principle
A phase diagram analysis on “The Environment and Directed Technical Change, Kenichiro Ikeshita, Tamotsu Nakamura and Keisuke Osumi,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Directed technical change, Environmental disaster, Environmental restoration, Knife-edge dynamics
Evaluating the efficacy of regulatory and technological innovation on carbon dioxide emissions: An application of structural break analysis, Jennifer Hafer, Logan Kelly and Marina Onken,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Regulatory innovation; technological innovation; regulation evaluation; multiple structural break testing; carbon dioxide emissions; emissions law
Extractive industries and corruption: Investigating the effectiveness of EITI as a scrutiny mechanism, Elizabeth Kasekende, Charles Abuka and Mare Sarr,
in Resources Policy
Keywords: EITI; Corruption; Extractive industries;
One hundred years of cobalt production in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Andrew L. Gulley,
in Resources Policy
Keywords: Cobalt; Critical mineral; Battery material; Supply risk; China; Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC);
Quasi-option value under ambiguity, Marcello Basili and Fulvio Fontini,
in Economics Bulletin
Empirical Assessment of the quantity-quality tradeoff for the Ogallala: A case study from West Texas, Sanchari Ghosh and Keith Willett,
from Oklahoma State University, Department of Economics and Legal Studies in Business
Keywords: Extraction, pollution, constraint, quota, buyout
The oil extraction puzzle: theory and evidence, Andrew Pickering,
from Royal Economic Society
Keywords: oil, OPEC, extraction, reserves, resources
The resource curse, rule of law and accountability in African countries: a dynamic panel analys, Riccardo Marchi Adani and Roberto Ricciuti,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Resource curse, African economies, governance indicators, rule of law.
An experimental test of the effect of negative social norms on energy-efficient investments, Mike Yeomans and David Herberich,
in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Keywords: Tire pressure; Fuel economy; Energy conservation; Consumer behavior; Social norms; Field experiment;
Economic Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Innovation - Evidence From China, Huayu Shen, Man Zhang, Runxin Liu and Fei Hou,
in Asian Economics Letters
Keywords: economic policy uncertainty,state-owned firms,internal control,managerial ownership,corporate innovation
Natural resources and economic development: the role of national innovation system, Karamat Khan, Xueke Song, Salman Ali Shah and Kishwar Ali,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Resource curse, natural resource rents; economic development; national innovation system
China and the Latin America Commodities Boom: A Critical Assessment, Kevin Gallagher and Roberto Porzecanski,
from Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Buying the right to do wrong – An experimental test of moral objections to trading emission permits, Ragnhild Haugli Braaten, Kjell Arne Brekke and Ole Rogeberg,
in Resource and Energy Economics
Keywords: Tradable pollution rights; Experiment; Morality;
Construction, extractive and mining global investment intentions: a network analysis, Gilson Silva jr, Jose-Maria Silveira and Henrique Richter,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: investment, intentions, construction, extractive and mining, network analysis
Investment Subsidies and Time-Consistent Environmental Policy, Lisandro Abrego and Carlo Perroni,
from University of Warwick, Department of Economics
Keywords: Pollution Abatement ; Emission Taxes ; Investment Subsidies
The Potential of Renewable Energy Green Financing through Carbon Taxation to Achieve Net-Zero Emissions Target, Freida Ozavize Ayodele, Siti Indati Mustapa and Bamidele Victor Ayodele,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Carbon Taxation, Greenhouse Gases, Renewable Energy, Green Financing, Net-zero Emissions
Linking Non-renewable and Renewable Electricity and Government Expenditures to Environmental Degradation: Evidence of 10 Newly Industrialized Countries, Najeh Bouchoucha, Mohamed Ghandri and Ismahen Yahyaoui,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Non-renewable electricity, Renewable electricity, Government expenditures environmental degradation, ARDL
The ecology of diamond sourcing: from mined to synthetic gems as a sustainable transition, Saleem H. Ali,
in Journal of Bioeconomics
Keywords: Sustainable consumption, Luxury goods, Diamond mining, Diamond synthesis, Consumerism
Estimating nonuse values using conjoint analysis, Robert Turner, Laura Noddin and Alita Giuda,
in Economics Bulletin
Incomplete information and R&D organization, Srobonti Chattopadhyay and Tarun Kabiraj,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Cooperative R&D, non-cooperative R&D, incomplete information, variance of the research outcome.
Testing the effects of the Japanese vehicle emission-control law on the international palladium futures market, Kentaka Aruga and Shunsuke Managi,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: vehicle emission-control law, palladium futures market, cointegration test
‘Nudging’ hotel guests to reduce food waste as a win–win environmental measure, Steffen Kallbekken and Håkon Sælen,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Field experiment; Food waste; Behavioral economics; Climate policy; Choice architecture; Nudge;
Fossil fuels supplied by oligopolies: On optimal taxation and rent capture, Julien Daubanes,
in Economics Bulletin
The Nexus between Technological Advancement and CO2 Emissions in Malaysia, Lilis Yuaningsih and R. Adjeng Mariana Febrianti,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: CO 2 emissions, Technological Growth, GDP, Malaysia
Monopoly extraction of a nonrenewable resource facing capacity constrained renewable competition, Min Wang and Jinhua Zhao,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Resource extraction; Renewable substitute; Capacity constraint; Dynamic optimization;
Carbon sequestration, economic policies and growth, André Grimaud and Luc Rouge,
in Resource and Energy Economics
Keywords: Carbon capture and storage (CCS); Endogenous growth; Polluting non-renewable resources; Carbon tax; Subsidy to CCS;
Non-renewable resource Stackelberg games, Rui Wan and John R. Boyce,
in Resource and Energy Economics
Keywords: Non-renewable resources; Stackelberg; Cournot–Nash; Dominant-firm/competitive-fringe;
The Impact of Structural Change on Physical Flows in the Economy: Forecasting and Backcasting Using Structural Decomposition Analysis, Rutger Hoekstra and Jeroen van den Bergh,
in Land Economics
The opportunity cost of domestic oil consumption for an oil exporter: Illustration for Saudi Arabia, Fatih Karanfil and Axel Pierru,
in Energy Economics
Keywords: Opportunity cost; Shadow price; Domestic pricing; Welfare; Oil;
Waste from production: an analysis at the firm level, Santosh Kumar Sahu and Prantik Bagchi,
in Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology
Keywords: Waste, Production, Firm level
Intellectual property rights protection in the presence of exhaustible resources, Takeo Hori and Hiroaki Yamagami,
in Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
Keywords: Endogenous growth, Exhaustible resource, Innovation, Intellectual property rights protection, Patent breadth
Institutional investors' ownership in the oil and gas industry: evidence from network analysis, João Machado, Fernando Sarti, Rodrigo Silveira and Camila Veneo Fonseca,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: oil and gas industry; institutional investors; ownership; networks.
Study the Possibility of Address Complex Models in Linear and Non-Linear Causal Relationships between Oil Price and GDP in KSA: Using the Combination of Toda-Yamamoto, Diks-Panchenko and VAR Approach, Hassan Fadol,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Linear and Non-Linear Causal, Toda and Yamamoto, Diks-Panchenko, VAR Approach, Oil Price, Gross Domestic Product
Monopoly extraction of an exhaustible resource with two markets, Carolyn Fischer and Ramanan Laxminarayan,
in Canadian Journal of Economics
Local Labor Market Impacts of the Energy Transition: Prospects and Policies, Gordon Hanson,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Conservation: From Voluntary Restraint to a Voluntary Price Premium, Matthew Kotchen and Michael Moore,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Strictly Endogenous Growth with Non-renewable Resources Implies an Unbounded Growth Rate, Christian Groth,
from Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics
Keywords: endogenous growth; semi-endogenous growth; non-renewable resources; knife-edge
Can Nonrenewable Resources Alleviate the Knife-edge Character of Endogenous Growth, Christian Groth and Poul Schou,
from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics
Keywords: Semi-endogenous Growth; Optimal Growth; Knife-edge; Robustness; Nonrenewable Resources
Innovation and growth: What have we learnt from the robustness debate?, Christian Groth,
from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics
Keywords: endogenous growth; non-renewable resources; instability; limits to growth; discounting the distant future
A New-Growth Perspective on Non-Renewable Resources, Christian Groth,
from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics
Keywords: endogenous growth; innovation; non-renewable resources; knife-edge conditions; robustness; limits to growth
Food and nutrition security in Eurasia: Evolution, shocks and policies, Saule Burkitbayeva, Johan Swinnen and Nele Warrinnier,
in Russian Journal of Economics
Keywords: food security nutrition security agricultural policy food policy.
Non-renewable resource prices: Structural breaks and long term trends, Abhijit Sharma, Kelvin Balcombe and Iain Fraser,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: structural change, non-renewable resources, breaks, resource depletion
An economic framework for producing critical minerals as joint products, Mahelet Fikru and Kwame Awuah-Offei,
in Resources Policy
Keywords: Ore; Returns to scale; Geological input; Mineral recovery; Mineral policy; USGS; Rare earth elements;
The equilibrium price path of timber in the absence of replanting: does Hotelling rule the forests too?, Stephen Salant,
in Resource and Energy Economics
Keywords: Forestry; Hotelling; Herfindahl;
Imperfect competition in the international energy market: a computerized Nash-Cournot model, Stephen Salant,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: world oil model; open-loop; oligopoly model; Hotelling; exhaustible resources
Examining the temporal impact of stock market development on carbon intensity: Evidence from South Asian countries, Rajesh Sharma, Muhammad Shahbaz, Avik Sinha and Xuan Vinh Vo,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Stock Market Development; Carbon Intensity; South Asian Countries; Technological Innovations; Renewable Energy; CS-ARDL
Carbon Sequestration, Economic Policies and Growth, André Grimaud and Luc Rouge,
from Toulouse School of Economics (TSE)
Keywords: carbon capture and storage (CCS); endogenous growth; polluting non-resources; carbon tax; subsidy to CCS
Temporary Natural Resource Cartels, Hassan Benchekroun, Gérard Gaudet and Ngo Long,
from Universite de Montreal, Departement de sciences economiques
Keywords: Cartels, dissolution, nonrenewable natural resources
Carbon Sequestration, Economic Policies and Growth, André Grimaud and Luc Rougé,
from LERNA, University of Toulouse
Keywords: carbon capture and storage (CCS), endogenous growth, polluting non-resources, carbon tax, subsidy to CCS.
Corporate How many cake-eaters? Chouette, on a du monde à dîner !, Pascal Favard and Larry Karp,
from LASER (Laboratoire de Science Economique de Richter), Faculty of Economics, University of Montpellier 1
What Are Food Stamps Worth?, Diane Whitmore,
from Princeton University, Department of Economics, Industrial Relations Section.
Measuring Ecosystem Service Benefits: The Use of Landscape Analysis to Evaluate Environmental Trades and Compensation, James Boyd and Lisa Wainger,
from Resources for the Future
Keywords: Ecosystem Valuation, Wetlands, Spatial Analysis, Landscape Analysis
Monopoly Extraction of an Exhaustible Resource with Two Markets, Carolyn Fischer and Ramanan Laxminarayan,
from Resources for the Future
Keywords: exhaustible resources, monopoly, markets, price discrimination
Measuring Innovation in Canada: The Tale Told by Patent Applications, Benjamin Dachis, Robbie Brydon and Nicholas Chesterley,
from C.D. Howe Institute
Keywords: Economic Growth and Innovation, Energy & Environment
The Oil Extraction Puzzle: Theory and Evidence, Andrew Pickering,
from School of Economics, University of Bristol, UK
Keywords: oil extraction, OPEC, non-renewable resource
Carbon Sequestration, Economic Policies and Growth, André Grimaud and Luc Rouge,
from Institut d'Économie Industrielle (IDEI), Toulouse
Keywords: carbon capture and storage (CCS); endogenous growth; polluting non-resources; carbon tax; subsidy to CCS
Interfuel Substitution: Evidence from the Markov Switching Minflex Laurent Demand System with BEKK Errors, Apostolos Serletis and Libo Xu,
from Department of Economics, University of Calgary
Keywords: Minflex Laurent flexible form; Markov regime switching; GARCH; BEKK.
A century of interfuel substitution, A. K. M. Nurul Hossain and Apostolos Serletis,
in Journal of Commodity Markets
Keywords: Flexible functional forms; NQ expenditure function; Volatility; Interfuel elasticities of substitution;
Interfuel substitution: A copula approach, Apostolos Serletis and Libo Xu,
in Journal of Commodity Markets
Keywords: Minflex laurent model; Demand for energy;
Political foundations of the resource curse: A simplification and a comment, James Robinson, Ragnar Torvik and Thierry Verdier,
in Journal of Development Economics
Keywords: Natural resources; Political economy; Clientelism;
Impacto económico del aumento en el precio de la gasolina en México: un análisis de cointegración y vectores autorregresivos / Economic Impact of the Gasoline Price Increase in Mexico: A Cointegration and Auto-regresive Vector Analysis, Miguel Cervantes Jiménez, Pablo López Sarabia and Jocelyne Montiel Alejo,
in Estocástica: finanzas y riesgo
Keywords: Modelos econométricos, Vector autorregresivo, Cointegración, Precio gasolina, Inflación / Econometric Models, Autoregressive Vector, Cointegration, Gasoline Cost, Inflation
Renewable Energy Utilizing for Clean Energy Development, Lilies Setiartiti,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Yogyakarta, Carbon Emission, Energy Demand, Long Range Energy Alternative Planning Model
Energy Security: Theoretical Interpretations and Quantitative Evaluation, Stanislav Z. Zhiznin, Vladimir M. Timohov and Velislava Dineva,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Energy security, energy policy, energy system, risk, uncertainty, indicators, assessment framework.
The Significance of Stock Management to Jet Fuel Supply using Partial Least Squares, Aderibigbe Israel Adekitan and Odunayo Salau,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Business performance analysis, supply chain management, partial least squares, fuel scarcity, jet A-1 aviation fuel, data pattern recognition
The Effect of Dependency on Natural Resource on the Quality of Institutions (in Persian), Farhad Nili and Reza Bakhshi Ani,
in Journal of Monetary and Banking Research (فصلنامه پژوهشهای پولی-بانکی)
Research and Improvement of Employee Motivation in Mining Companies: A Case Study of “Ibarski Rudnici”, Serbia, Jelena Bozovic and Ivan Bozovic,
in International Review of Management and Marketing
Keywords: Work Motivation, Mining Company, Employee Job Satisfaction.
Analysis of the Oil Market and the Role of Investment in the Agrarian Sector in Kazakhstan, Sholpan Smagulova, Gulashar Zh. Doskeyeva and Natalya Radko,
in International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues
Keywords: Oil Industry in Kazakhstan, World Oil Prices, Investments, Agricultural Sector
Intensity of Use Hypothesis: Analysis of Selected Asian Countries with Structural Differences, Ismail Soile,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Asian countries; economic development; technological change; mineral resources; material use; metals
The Colombian Energy Policy Challenges in Front of Climate Change, A.M. Ram rez-Tovar, Ricardo Moreno and Lilian A. Carrillo-Rodr Guez,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: climate change, COP21, GEI.
Analysis of Oil Price and Exchange Rate in Indonesia, Heru Wahyudi, R. Weddie Andriyanto, Armeita Tresnaningtyas, Kamadie Sumanda and Widia Anggi Palupi,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: ECM, Foreign Exchange Reserves, Oil Price, Relative Money Supply, Relative GDP, Interest Rates Relative
Social Campaigns for Protecting Natural Resources: The Case of Poland, Malgorzata Latuszynska and Anna Borawska,
in European Research Studies Journal
Keywords: Natural resources, social campaign, Sustainable Development Goals, effectiveness.
Are sub-Saharan African Countries Losing it on Oil and Gas Revenue Management too? Evidence from Ghana, Abdallah Ali-Nakyea, John Amoh and Nasir Alfa Mohammed,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Ghana; mining; oil and gas; petroleum revenues; management; natural resources; mineral royalties; resource curse; minerals
Contribution du Capital Humain dans transmission des effets de l’abondance en ressources naturelles au développement économique des pays de la CEMAC, Salomon Leroy Ghamsi Deffo, Donald Adjoumessi Houmpe and Gyslin Hermann Dasi Yemkwa,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Natural rent, economic development, human capital
Contribution du Capital Humain dans transmission des effets de l’abondance en ressources naturelles au développement économique des pays de la CEMAC, Salomon Leroy Ghamsi Deffo, Ajoumessi Donal and Gyslin Hermann Dasi Yemkwa,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Natural rent, economic development, human capital
Harnessing Natural Resources for Sustainable Development: A Resource Exchange Model Approach, Chukwuemeka Onyimadu,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Paradox of plenty, Natural resource curse, Corruption, Institutions, International Trade and Exchange
Project Performance and Bid Evaluation:Evidence from World Bank Procurement Auctions, Qi Zhang,
from Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, University of Oxford
Keywords: procurement, auction, World Bank, project evaluation
The Resource Curse: A Statistical Mirage?, Alexander James,
from Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, University of Oxford
Keywords: Resource Dependence; Economic Growth; Resource Curse
Remittances: Dutch disease or export-led growth?, Ghada Fayad,
from Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, University of Oxford
Keywords: Remittances, manufacturing, export-led growth, Dutch disease, migrant net-works
An Analysis of the Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on the Current Account Deficit in Selected Oil Exporting Countries: A P-VAR Approach (in Persian), Arezoo Nasirpour, Hossein Sharifi-Renani, Saeed Daei Karimzadeh and Mehdi Basirat,
in The Journal of Planning and Budgeting (٠صلنامه برنامه ریزی و بودجه)
Keywords: Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Current Account, P-VAR Model, Oil Exporting Countries.
Analysis of Factors Influencing Households Preference Level for Solar Energy in Urban Areas of Southwest Nigeria, Olaniran Thompson, Babatunde Oluseyi Ajiboye, Akin Daniel Oluwamide and Olumide Ojo Oyenike,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Clean Energy, Solar Energy, Perception, Tobit Regression Model, Nigeria