152 documents matched the search for N73 in JEL-codes.
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A Study Of The European Overland Exports To The Ottoman Empire: 1795-1804, A. Mesud Kucukkalay and Numan Elibol,
in Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences
Keywords: Trade, Ottoman Trade, Caravan Trade, Foreign Trade, Belgrad Trade, Trade of Eighteenth Century.
Traders and Politics (1886-1889), Milko Palangurski,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: Traders, elections, parliament, executive power, political parties
'Hidden' British protectionism: the Merchandise Marks Act 1887, Oliver Harvey,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Factor prices and induced technical change in the industrial revolution, Ravshonbek Otojanov, Roger Fouquet and Brigitte Granville,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: factor-saving technical change; induced innovation; industrial revolution; Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics; and the ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP); ES/R009708/1
Az Adria Magyar Királyi Tengerhajózási Rt. szerepe Fiume hajó- és áruforgalmában (1874-1914), Márton Pelles,
in Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Pioneering multilateralism: the sugar agreements 1864 – 1914, Heitor Moura Filho,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
The formation of a nation’s leading industry: an examination of the impacts of mercantile policy on Swedish iron exports during the 18th century, Lina Gabel,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Going beyond social savings: how would the British economy have developed in the absence of the railways?: a case study of Brunner Mond 1882-1914, Edward Longinotti,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economic History
Greeks - Ottoman Tradesmen of Long Distances: Status and Cultural Identity, Setlana Ivanova,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: commerce, tradesman of long distances, non-Muslim zimma, inner migrations, perakende, Greek/rum, status of tradesmen of long distances, Diaspora
The Commercial Activities of Tsvyatko Radoslavov during the Second Half of the 1850s, Mariana Drumeva,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: trading company, Commercial Law, Ottoman Empire, bankruptcy
To the Issue of Change in the Role of the Danube River and the Danube Cities in the Foreign Trade of Bulgaria (1878-1912), Margarita Marinova,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: The Danube River, Danube cities, foreign trade, relative share of imports and exports, Danube merchant fleet, railway policy, hinterland, grains
The Economic Life on the Bulgarian Lands, Reflected in Commercial Activities of Tsvyatko Radoslavov (50–70's of the 19th Century), Mariana Drumeva,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: Ottoman Empire, Bulgarian Revival, trading company, trading network, Commercial Law
The Private Credit in Svishtov in the period from the Liberation to the Wars (1912–1918) – an Overview, Margarita Marinova,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: bank houses, Ist Svistov Savings Joint Stock Company, Svishtov Savings Joint Stock Company “Danube“, short-term credit, mobilization of the capital
Aspects of the Development and Importance of the Unorganized Credit in Svishtov (1878 – 1912), Margarita Marinova,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: unorganized credit, mortgage loan, money-lending, mobilization of capital
The Exports of Grain Foods from Svishtov in the Context of the “Long Depression” 1873–1896, Margarita Marinova,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: Svishtov, "long depression", grain foods, exports, capital accumulation, modernization, agriculture
Economic Development of the Town of Svishtov during the Crisis of 1897–1902, Emilia Vacheva,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: economic and financial crisis 1897–1902, trade, crafts, industry, imports, exports, cereals
The Person, Society and the State as Driving Elements for the Post-Liberation Economic Progress of Bulgaria, Reflected in the Magazine “Industry” 1887–1890, Margarita Marinova,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: economic development, protectionism, Bulgaria, entrepreneurship, agriculture, industry
The Economic Policy of Svishtov Municipality during the Rule of Mayor Hristo Teodorov (1887–1893), Emilia Vacheva,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: economic policy, trade, infrastructure, landscaping, tax system
The Cooperation between Svishtov Municipality and the Local Entrepreneurs from the Liberation to the End of the 19th Century, Emilia Vacheva,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: Svishtov city municipality, entrepreneur, public auction, trade, infrastructure, municipal bath, school buildings, construction of commercial buildings
Adam Smith revisited: coal and the location of the woollen manufacture in England before mechanization, c. 1500-1820, Keith Sugden, Sebastian A.J. Keibek and Leigh Shaw-Taylor,
from Department of Economic and Social History at the University of Cambridge
Keywords: Woollen cloth manufacture, location, timing, coal, water
The Trade Impact of the Zollverein, Wolfgang Keller and Carol Shiue,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Customs union; market integration; Price convergence
Social Capital and Collusion: The Case of Merchant Guilds, Roberta Dessi and Sheilagh Ogilvie,
from Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge
Keywords: merchant guilds, collusion, social capital, social networks, monopoly
in Economics 21
Keywords: Свищов, търговия, банкерски къщи, търговско-банкерски (сарафски) фирми, акционерно дело, кредит, лихварство, капиталонатрупване, модернизация, акционерни банки
Trade in Times of Crisis – Razgrad in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century, Nevena Nedelcheva,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: merchants, crisis, Razgrad, sedition, trade, temettuat defters
What can price volatility tell us about market efficiency? Conditional heteroscedasticity in historical commodity price series, Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen,
in Cliometrica, Journal of Historical Economics and Econometric History
Keywords: Market efficiency, Conditional heteroscedasticity, Price volatility, Time-series analysis
Cáñamo gentil. Una indagación sobre los condicionantes del cambio técnico en la agricultura, Samuel Garrido,
in Historia Agraria. Revista de Agricultura e Historia Rural
Keywords: Hemp, Agricultural mechanisation, Changes in agricultural techniques, Commercial agriculture, Textile plants
The influence of spatial change on operational strategies in early-modern Dutch maritime shipping: a case-study on Dutch maritime shipping in the Gulf of Finland and on Archangel, 1703-1740, Werner Scheltjens,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: maritime history; economic history; Dutch-Russian trade relations
The Modern Commercial And Accounting Culture In The Educational Model Of Bulgarian National Revival – Initial Manifestations And Dissemination, Ivan Rusev,
in Business & Management Compass
Cross-checking the Sound database with the French Balance du Commerce data, Loïc Charles and Guillaume Daudin,
from DIAL (Développement, Institutions et Mondialisation)
Keywords: eighteenth century, international trade statistics, France, Baltic, Sound, globalization, economic history
The (in)visible side of the balance of payment: a revised estimates of Italy’s current account, 1862-1913, Giovanni Federico and Andrea Incerpi,
from Department of Economics, University of Siena
Keywords: Italy, current account, post-Unification
British Trade Policy in the 19th Century: a Review Article, Kevin O'Rourke,
from College Dublin, Department of Political Economy-
Развитие внешнеторговых связей России в период царствования Михаила Федоровича Романова, Vladimir Shkunov,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Russia, foreign trade, export, import, Russian Orthodox Church, Eastern countries, goods.
The evolution of Ottoman-European market linkages, 1469-1914: evidence from dynamic factor models, Zhuo Li, Laura Panza and Yong Song,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Market Integration, Ottoman Empire, Europe, Factor Model
Were British railway companies well-managed in the early twentieth century?, Nicholas Crafts, Tim Leunig and Abay Mulatu,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economic History
Were British railway companies well-managed in the early twentieth century?, Nicholas Crafts, Tim Leunig and Abay Mulatu,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economic History
How the West India trade fostered last resort lending by the Bank of England, Carolyn Sissoko and Mina Ishizu,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economic History
Keywords: West India trade; lender of last resort; banking crises; banking system
Economic theory and economic history: Graziani?s vision, Vincenzo Giura,
Foreign Wars, Domestic Markets: England, 1793-1815, David Jacks,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
The Second State Court (1910–1914) and the Charges Against the Former Minister of War Mikhail Savov (1903–1907), Åvgeni Kostov,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: ministerial criminal offenses, the Second State Court in Bulgaria (1910–1914), General Mikhail Savov, Ministry of War
The Second State Court (1910–1914) and the Concession for Refining Oil and Building Reservoirs in Bulgaria, Åvgeni Kostov,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: Bulgaria, ministerial responsibility, oil concession, Nikola Genadiev, court, constitution
The Second State Court (1910–1914) and the Charges against the Former Minister Nikola Genadiev (1903–1907), Åvgeni Kostov,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: Bulgaria, ministerial criminal offenses, the Second State Court in Bulgaria (1910–1914), constitution, Nikola Genadiev
Trade and the Places of Trade in Razgrad in the 19th Century, Nevena Nedelcheva,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: Razgrad, trade, dukkan, Ottoman empire, Economic Growth
in Economics 21
Keywords: Svishtov, trade, banking houses, trading-and-banking (moneychanging) companies, joint-stock activity, loans, money-lending, capital accumulation, modernization, joint-stock banks
Effects of Bilateralism and the MFN Clause on International Trade – Evidence for the Cobden-Chevalier Network, (1860-1875), Markus Lampe,
from Center for Quantitative Economics (CQE), University of Muenster
Keywords: preferential trade agreements, Anglo-French treaty, bilateralism, liberalisation, gravity model
in Annals of Faculty of Economics
Keywords: cartel, leniency, fine
in Annals of Faculty of Economics
Keywords: State aid, exemption, notification, control, EU, competitiveness
in Annals of Faculty of Economics
Keywords: localization - allocation models, trading area, site evaluation, geomarketing
What caused the failure of nationalisation of the railway system in Germany?: Malfunction of the German Imperial Railway Office (Reichseisenbahnamt) in the 1870s and 1880s, Ayumu Banzawa,
from Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics
Keywords: Railways, Germany, Nationalisation, 19th century
Labour market response to globalisation: spain, 1880-1913, Concha Beltrán and María A. Pons,
from Asociación Española de Historia Económica
Keywords: globalisation, trade, migration, tariffs, wages, living standards
Perspectives on the Transformation of the Organic Energy System in 19th Century Sweden, Magnus Lindmark and Fredrik Olsson Spjut,
from CERE - the Center for Environmental and Resource Economics
Keywords: Organic energy system; energy history; Sweden; forest history; firewood
Economic consequences of state failure; Legal capacity, regulatory activity, and market integration in Poland, 1505-1772, Mikołaj Malinowski,
from European Historical Economics Society (EHES)
Keywords: Legal capacity, market integration, preindustrial economic development, Eastern Europe
Trade and Empire, 1700-1870, Kevin O'Rourke, Leandro Prados de la Escosura and Guillaume Daudin,
from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department
Keywords: trade, empire, history
Market Integration and Grain Price Stabilization in Europe 1500-1900. An Equilibrium Error Correction Approach, Mette Ejrnæs and Karl Gunnar Persson,
from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics
Keywords: market integration; equilibrium error correction; law of one price
Market Integration and Transport Costs in France 1825-1903: A Threshold Error Correction Approach to the Law of One Price, Mette Ejrnæs and Karl Gunnar Persson,
from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics
Keywords: market integration; Law of One Price; error correction; France
Domestic Trade and Market Size in Late Eighteenth-Century France, Guillaume Daudin,
from University of Oxford, Department of Economics
Currency unions and heterogeneous trade effects: the case of the latin monetary union, Jacopo Timini,
from Banco de España
Keywords: international trade, currency unions, Latin Monetary Union, gravity model, bimetallism
Cross Checking the sound database with the french balance of commerce data, Loïc Charles and Guillaume Daudin,
from Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE)
Keywords: 18th century, international trade statistics, France, Baltic, sound, Globalisation, economic history
Atlantic trade and the European Economy: a bibliography, Guillaume Daudin,
from Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE)
Keywords: Early Modern, Atlantic Economy, Europe, Trade
France’s international insertion strategy in globalization in long run perspective 1836-1938, Christopher Meissner, Stéphane Becuwe and Bertrand Blancheton,
from Groupe de Recherche en Economie Théorique et Appliquée (GREThA)
Keywords: specialization, comparative advantage, exports concentration, first globalization.
Trade and Empire, 1700-1870, Kevin O'Rourke and Guillaume Daudin,
from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Instituto Figuerola
Keywords: Trade
The Zollverein and the Formation of a Customs Union, Florian Ploeckl,
from University of Oxford, Department of Economics
Keywords: Customs union, Trade agreements, Coalition externalities
Do technological booms matter? New evidence on the relationship between firm size and innovativeness, Harald Degner,
in Cliometrica, Journal of Historical Economics and Econometric History
Keywords: Innovation, Firm Size, Technology, Patents
O Rio de Janeiro e as primeiras linhas transatlânticas de paquetes a vapor: 1850-1860, Almir Chaiban El Kareh,
in História Econômica & História de Empresas
A história das relações econômicas internacionais em Portugal, Nuno Valerio,
in História Econômica & História de Empresas
The transformation of the organic energy system: the Swedish perspective, Magnus Lindmark and Fredrik Olsson-Spjut,
in Historia Agraria. Revista de Agricultura e Historia Rural
Keywords: organic energy system, energy history, Sweden, firewood
When Nyen became St. Petersburg: Patterns of specialization in Dutch shipping in the eastern Gulf of Finland in the first half of the eighteenth cntury, Werner Scheltjens,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: maritime shipping; maritime history; specialization; Dutch trade history
Logistics in early-modern Europe: A discussion of specialization, flexibility and efficiency in the activities of the Dutch shipping community in the eighteenth century, Werner Scheltjens,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: maritime history; maritime shipping; methodology of using early-modern maritime shipping records
Matthew Boulton fs Sales in Christie fs -A Review of Research Trends -, Yoshihiko Okabe,
from Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics
Keywords: Matthew Boulton, Industrial Revolution, Economic History, Business History
The revealed comparative advantages of late-Victorian Britain, Brian Varian,
from European Historical Economics Society (EHES)
Keywords: comparative advantage, Heckscher-Ohlin, manufacturing, Britain, nineteenth century
The revealed comparative advantages of late-Victorian Britain, Brian Varian,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economic History
Keywords: comparative advantage; Heckscher-Ohlin; manufacturing; Britain; nineteenth century
Flexibility and protectionism. Swedish trade in sugar during the early modern era, Klas Rönnbäck,
from University of Gothenburg, Unit for Economic History
Keywords: Economic History; Mercantilism; Protectionism; Colonialism; Colonial trade; Transatlantic trade; Colonial goods; Sugar; Sweden
Italy's Lost Decades: Trade, Capital Flows and Currency Crisis, 1861-1883, Giovanni Federico and Andrea Incerpi,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Italy; Economic policy; 19th century
The Character of the Greek Revolution of 1821, Lefteris Tsoulfidis,
in Godishnik na UNSS
Keywords: social classes, capitalism, historical materialism, nation state
Trade and the size distribution of firms: Evidence from the German Empire, Biermann Marcus,
in German Economic Review
Keywords: Firm heterogeneity, firm size distribution, German Empire, Globalization
Around the European Periphery 1870-1913: Globalization, Schooling and Growth, Kevin O'Rourke and Jeffrey Williamson,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Convergence; Education; Globalization; History
Globalization and History: The Evolution of a Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Economy, Kevin O'Rourke and Jeffrey Williamson,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: globalization, Atlantic economy, open-economy economics
Closing the Productivity Gap with the US: Causes and Consequences of the Productivity Program in Western Europe, Michela Giorcelli,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Insider trading on Ottoman sovereign default: The Ottoman General Debt Bond at European and İstanbul financial markets, Avni Önder Hanedar, Elmas Yaldız Hanedar and Mehmet Göktan,
in Finance Research Letters
Keywords: Ottoman empire; Sovereign default; Structural break; Sovereign bond; Insider trading; Efficient market;
Paving the way to modernity: Prussian roads and grain market integration in Westphalia, 1821-1855, Martin Uebele and Daniel Gallardo-Albarrán,
from European Historical Economics Society (EHES)
Keywords: Transport infrastructure, grain markets, Prussia, 19th century
Full steam ahead: Insider knowledge, stock trading and the nationalization of the railways in Prussia around 1879, Michael Buchner and Tobias A. Jopp,
from European Historical Economics Society (EHES)
Keywords: Abnormal Returns, Insider Trading, Nationalisation, Prussia, Railways
The Origins of the Spanish Railroad Accounting Model: A Qualitative Study of the MZA's Operating Account (1856-1874), Beatriz Santos-Cabalgante, Esther Fidalgo-Cerviño and Mónica Santos-Cebrian,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Railway Accounting, MZA Railway, Operating Account, Railway Productive Process
Magna Carta, the Rule of Law and the Limits on Government, Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Rule of Law, Magna Carta, Legal Theory, Limited Government.
The Growth of the Italian Economy, 1861-1913: Revised Second-Generation Production-Side Estimates, Stefano Fenoaltea,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Measurement, pre-WW1 Italy, GDP
The Growth of the Italian Economy, 1861-1913: Revised Second-Generation Expenditure-Side Estimates, Stefano Fenoaltea,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Measurement, pre-WW1 Italy,
Coordination, compensation and the expansion of trade: The merchant guilds revisited, David Harbord and Nils Henrik von der Fehr,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: medieval trade; coordination; guilds
Slavery and Imperialism Did Not Enrich Europe, Deirdre Nansen McCloskey,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: trade, industrial revolution, imperialism, England, slavery, europe, innovation, economic innovation
A Review of Peter Temin's The Roman Market Economy, Francois Velde,
in Journal of Economic Literature
Medieval market making brokerage regulations in Central Western Europe, ca. 1250-1700, Lars Boerner,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economic History
Keywords: Brokerage; urban economic policy; allocation mechanisms; pre-modern trade
Stages of Diversification: France, 1836-1938, Stéphane Becuwe, Bertrand Blancheton and Christopher Meissner,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
The Economic Consequences of Sir Robert Peel: A Quantitative Assessment of the Repeal of the Corn Laws, Douglas Irwin and Maksym Chepeliev,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
The Customs – Continuity, Change and Impact on Bulgarian Economic Development (1878 – 1912), Aleksandar Shivarov,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: Tariff policy, Trade Policy, Customs, Institutional change, Continuity
The Rise of New Corruption: British MPs during the Railway Mania of 1845, Rui Esteves and Gabriel Geisler Mesevage,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Voting; Networks; Rent-seeking; Railways
The ripples of the Industrial revolution: exports, economic growth and regional integration in Italy in the early 19th century, Giovanni Federico,
from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Instituto Figuerola
Keywords: Foreign trade and integration
The manufacturing comparative advantages of late-Victorian Britain, Brian Varian,
in Cliometrica
Keywords: Manufacturing, Comparative advantage, Britain, Nineteenth century
Consumption of Chinese silk fabrics in Marseille and Seville, 1680 – 1840, Guimel Hernández-Garay,
from Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Department of Economics, Quantitative Methods and Economic History
Keywords: silk, consumption, global history, Marseille, Seville
Northern Is Better? A Quantitative Transaction Costs Analysis of the Northern Invasion Phenomenon, Genoa 1590-1616, Antonio Iodice and Luigi Oddo,
in Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science
Keywords: Northern Invasion, Transaction Costs, General Average, Shipping, SVAR
The Spanish Industry Performance in International Markets (1890-1913), Pablo Delgado,
from Asociación Española de Historia Económica
Keywords: first globalization, international trade, Spanish industrialization
Staying dry on Spanish wine: The rejection of the 1905 Spanish-Italian trade agreement, Jacopo Timini,
in European Journal of Political Economy
Keywords: Trade agreement; Tariffs; Wine; Vote;
Market reform and food prices: Did the 1912 Slaughterhouse Reform affect meat prices in Stockholm?, Ulf Rämme, Sven-Olov Daunfeldt and Niklas Rudholm,
from HUI Research
Keywords: Food safety; Regulation; Meat prices; Sanitary revolution; Historical data
How England Unified Germany: Geography and the Rise of Prussia After 1815, Thilo Rene Huning and Nikolaus Wolf,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association