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Working Papers

From U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies
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22-09: Innovation and Appropriability: Revisiting the Role of Intellectual Property Downloads
Filippo Mezzanotti and Timothy Simcoe
22-08: Employer Concentration and Labor Force Participation Downloads
Anqi Chen, Laura D. Quinby and Gal Wettstein
22-07: The Evolution of U.S. Retail Concentration Downloads
Dominic Smith and Sergio Ocampo
22-06: Mortality in a Multi-State Cohort of Former State Prisoners, 2010-2015 Downloads
Leticia Fernandez, Sharon Ennis, Sonya R. Porter and Elizabeth Carson
22-05: Can Displaced Labor Be Retrained? Evidence from Quasi-Random Assignment to Trade Adjustment Assistance Downloads
Benjamin Hyman
22-04: Capital Investment and Labor Demand Downloads
E Curtis, Daniel G. Garrett, Eric Ohrn, Kevin A. Roberts and Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato
22-03: The Transformation of Self Employment Downloads
Innessa Colaiacovo, Margaret Dalton, Sari Pekkala Kerr and William Kerr
22-02: Two-sided Search in International Markets Downloads
Jonathan Eaton, David Jinkins, James Tybout and Daniel Yi Xu
22-01: Neighborhood Income and Material Hardship in the United States Downloads
John Iceland and Claire Kovach
21-38: A Long View of Employment Growth and Firm Dynamics in the United States: Importers vs. Exporters vs. Non-Traders Downloads
Kyle Handley, Fariha Kamal and Wei Ouyang
21-37: Firm Finances and Responses to Trade Liberalization: Evidence from U.S. Tariffs on China Downloads
Avishai Schiff
21-36: Run Effects of Military Service: Evidence from the 911 Attacks Downloads
John Anders and Craig Carpenter
21-35: Finding Needles in Haystacks: Multiple-Imputation Record Linkage Using Machine Learning Downloads
John Abowd, Joelle Abramowitz, Margaret Levenstein, Kristin McCue, Dhiren Patki, Trivellore Raghunathan, Ann M. Rodgers, Matthew Shapiro, Nada Wasi and Dawn Zinsser
21-34: The Industrial Revolution in Services Downloads
Chang-Tai Hsieh and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
21-33: The Business Dynamics Statistics: Describing the Evolution of the U.S. Economy from 1978-2019 Downloads
Christopher Goetz and Martha Stinson
21-32: Location, Location, Location Downloads
David Card, Jesse Rothstein and Moises Yi
21-31: Pay, Productivity and Management Downloads
Nicholas Bloom, Scott Ohlmacher, Cristina Tello-Trillo and Melanie Wallskog
21-30: Earnings Inequality and Immobility for Hispanics and Asians: An Examination of Variation Across Subgroups Downloads
Randall Akee, Sonya R. Porter and Emilia Simeonova
21-29: Climate Change, The Food Problem, and the Challenge of Adaptation through Sectoral Reallocation Downloads
Ishan Nath
21-28: Import Competition and Firms’ Internal Networks Downloads
Jay Hyun, Ziho Park and Vladimir Smirnyagin
21-27: Incidence and Performance of Spinouts and Incumbent New Ventures: Role of Selection and Redeployability within Parent Firms Downloads
Natarajan Balasubramanian and Mariko Sakakibara
21-26: The Color of Money: Federal vs. Industry Funding of University Research Downloads
Tania Babina, Alex Xi He, Sabrina T. Howell, Elisabeth Perlman and Joseph Staudt
21-25: Developing Content for the Management and Organizational Practices Survey-Hospitals (MOPS-HP) Downloads
Alice Zawacki, Scott Ohlmacher and Struther Van Horn
21-24: Small Business Pulse Survey Estimates by Owner Characteristics and Rural/Urban Designation Downloads
Catherine Buffington, Daniel Chapman, Emin Dinlersoz, Lucia Foster, James Hunt and Shawn Klimek
21-23: Immigration and the Demand for Urban Housing Downloads
Miles M. Finney
21-22: How Collateral Affects Small Business Lending: The Role of Lender Specialization Downloads
Manasa Gopal
21-21: Productivity Dispersion, Entry, and Growth in U.S. Manufacturing Industries Downloads
Cindy Cunningham, Lucia Foster, Cheryl Grim, John Haltiwanger, Sabrina Pabilonia, Jay Stewart and Zoltán Wolf
21-20: Leapfrogging the Melting Pot? European Immigrants’ Intergenerational Mobility Across the 20th Century Downloads
Kendal Lowrey, Jennifer Van Hook, James D. Bachmeier and Thomas B. Foster
21-19: Comparing Earnings Outcome Differences Between All Graduates and Title IV Graduates Downloads
Andrew Foote
21-18: Immigration and Local Business Dynamics: Evidence from U.S. Firms Downloads
Parag Mahajan
21-17: A Search and Learning Model of Export Dynamics Downloads
Jonathan Eaton, Marcela Eslava, David Jinkins, C.J. Krizan and James Tybout
21-16: A Note on the Locational Determinants of the Agricultural Supply Chain Downloads
Anders Van Sandt and Craig Carpenter
21-15: Heavy Tailed, but not Zipf: Firm and Establishment Size in the U.S Downloads
Illenin Kondo, Logan Lewis and Andrea Stella
21-14: School Discipline and Racial Disparities in Early Adulthood Downloads
Miles Davison, Andrew Penner, Emily Penner, Nikolas Pharris-Ciurej, Sonya R. Porter, Evan Rose, Yotam Shem-Tov and Paul Yoo
21-13: Combining Rules and Discretion in Economic Development Policy: Evidence on the Impacts of the California Competes Tax Credit Downloads
Matthew Freedman, Shantanu Khanna and David Neumark
21-12: The Impacts of Opportunity Zones on Zone Residents Downloads
Matthew Freedman, Shantanu Khanna and David Neumark
21-11: Black Entrepreneurs, Job Creation, and Financial Constraints Downloads
Mee Jung Kim, Kyung Min Lee, J. David Brown and John Earle
21-10: Cyclical Worker Flows: Cleansing vs. Sullying Downloads
John Haltiwanger, Henry Hyatt, Erika McEntarfer and Matthew Staiger
21-09: Business Applications as a Leading Economic Indicator? Downloads
Jose Asturias, Emin Dinlersoz, John Haltiwanger, Rebecca Hutchinson and Alyson Plumb
21-08: Redesigning the Longitudinal Business Database Downloads
Melissa Chow, Teresa C. Fort, Christopher Goetz, Nathan Goldschlag, James Lawrence, Elisabeth Perlman, Martha Stinson and T. Kirk White
21-07: U.S. Long-Term Earnings Outcomes by Sex, Race, Ethnicity, and Place of Birth Downloads
Kevin L. McKinney, John Abowd and Hubert Janicki
21-06: High Frequency Business Dynamics in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic Downloads
Catherine Buffington, Daniel Chapman, Emin Dinlersoz, Lucia Foster and John Haltiwanger
21-05: Whose Job Is It Anyway? Co-Ethnic Hiring in New U.S. Ventures Downloads
Sari Pekkala Kerr and William Kerr
21-04: Changes in Metropolitan Area Definition, 1910-2010 Downloads
Todd Gardner
21-03: Female Executives and the Motherhood Penalty Downloads
Seth Murray, Danielle Sandler and Matthew Staiger
21-02: Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 on Businesses and People: Lessons from the Census Bureau’s Experience Downloads
Catherine Buffington, Jason Fields and Lucia Foster
21-01: Business Formation: A Tale of Two Recessions Downloads
Emin Dinlersoz, Timothy Dunne, John Haltiwanger and Veronika Penciakova
20-45: Entrepreneurial Teams: Diversity of Skills and Early-Stage Growth Downloads
Francesco D’Acunto, Geoffrey Tate and Liu Yang
20-44: Immigration and Entrepreneurship in the United States Downloads
Pierre Azoulay, Benjamin Jones, J. Daniel Kim and Javier Miranda
20-43: The Shifting of the Property Tax on Urban Renters: Evidence from New York State’s Homestead Tax Option Downloads
David J. Schwegman and John Yinger
Page updated 2025-02-20
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