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Food Security Collaborative Working Papers

From Michigan State University, Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics
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266420: The determinants of adoption of commercially -priced inorganic fertilizer for use on maize in Tanzania Downloads
David Mather
266419: Page 1 of 16 Lessons learned from private sector -friendly input subsidy programs in Tanzania and Ghana Downloads
David L. Mather
260442: Fertilizer subsidies and how targeting conditions crowding in/out: An assessment of smallholder fertilizer demand in Tanzania Downloads
David Mather and Isaac Minde
251855: Determinants of Conservation Agriculture Adoption among Zambian Smallholder Farmers Downloads
Olipa Zulu-Mbata, Antony Chapoto and Munguzwe Hichaambwa
249695: Food Security Implications of Staple Food Substitution in Sahelian West Africa Downloads
Steven Haggblade, Nathalie Me-Nsope and John Staatz
249694: Household-Level Evidence of Cereals Demand and the Welfare Implications of Cereals Price Shocks in Rural and Urban Mali Downloads
Nathalie Me-Nsope and John Staatz
245916: Improved Agricultural Technology Adoption in Zambia: Are Women Farmers Being Left Behind? Downloads
Thelma Namonje-Kapembwa and Antony Thelma
245913: Smallholder Cropping and Input Responses to Changes in Expected Prices and Market Access in Central and Northern Mozambique, 2008‐2011 Downloads
David Mather, Benedito Cunguara and David Tschirley
Chukwuka Onyekwena
245891: The profitability of inorganic fertilizer use in smallholder maize production in Tanzania: Implications for alternative strategies to improve smallholder maize productivity Downloads
David Mather, Isaac Minde, Betty Waized, Daniel Ndyetabula and Anna Temu
245111: The Impact of Power Rationing on Zambia's Agricultural Sector Downloads
Paul Samboko, Antony Chapoto, Auckland Kuteya, Stephen Kabwe, Rhoda Mukuka, Bruno Mweemba and Eustensia Munsaka
245109: Let it Rain: Weather Extremes and Household Welfare in Rural Kenya Downloads
Ayala Wineman, Nicole M. Mason, Justus Ochieng and Lilian Kirimi
234948: How Is Multinational Investment in Grain and Oilseed Trading Reshaping the Smallholder Markets in Zambia? Downloads
Nicholas Sitko and Brian Chisanga
232090: The Effects of Kenya’s ‘Smarter’ Input Subsidy Program on Smallholder Behavior and Incomes: Do Different Quasi-Experimental Approaches Lead to the Same Conclusions? Downloads
Nicole M. Mason, Ayala Wineman, Lilian Kirimi and David Mather
Todd Benson, Flora Nankhuni, Athur Mabiso and Mywish Maredia
229599: Analysis of Beef Value Chain in Zambia: Challenges and Opportunities of Linking Smallholders to Markets Downloads
Mary Lubungu, Nicholas Sitko and Munguzwe Hichaambwa
229598: Forest Resources for Rural Household Food and Nutrition Security: The Case of Eastern Province of Zambia Downloads
Rhoda Mukuka and Asunta Simoloka
229597: The Status of Customary Land and the Future of Smallholder Farmers Under the Current Land Administration System in Zambia Downloads
Lauren Honig and Brian Mulenga
212908: The Status of Customary Land and the Future of Smallholder Farmers Under the Current Land Administration System in Zambia Downloads
Lauren Honig and Brian Mulenga
212905: The Politics of Maize in Zambia: Who holds the Keys to Change the Status Quo? Downloads
Antony Chapoto, Olipa Zulu-Mbata, Barak D. Hoffman, Chance Kabaghe, Nicholas Sitko, Auckland Kuteya and Ballard Zulu
212901: Unpacking the Growth of Medium-scale Farms Zambia: What Are the Implications for the Future of Smallholder Agriculture? Downloads
Nicholas Sitko, Jordan Chamberlin and Brian Mulenga
211460: Promotion d’une chaîne de valeur inclusive:Perspectives pour le riz au Mali Downloads
Boubacar Diallo, Salifou Diarra, Pierre Traoré and Francis Keïta
211458: Promotion d’une chaîne de valeur inclusive: perspectives et potentialités des produits horticoles au Mali Downloads
Steven Haggblade, Abdramane Traoré, Lamissa Diakité, Zéinabou Dramé and Moumouni Sidibé
211457: L’inclusion des pauvres, des jeunes et des femmes dans la chaîne de valeur riz: Le cas de la Guinée Downloads
Véronique Thériault and Boubacar Barry
211456: Promotion d’une chaîne de valeur inclusive: perspectives et potentialités du manioc au Benin Downloads
Steven Haggblade, Abdramane Traoré, Bio Goura Soulé, Faridath Aboudou, Sanni Gansari, Moubarakatou Tassou and Joël D. Yallou
211452: Etude comparative sur l’inclusion des groupes vulnérables dans les chaînes de valeur agricoles en Afrique de l’Ouest Downloads
Steven Haggblade, Boubacar Diallo, John Staatz, Véronique Thériault and Abdramane Traoré
211222: The Geography of Customary Land in Zambia: Is Development Strategy Engaging With The Facts? Downloads
Nicholas Sitko, Jordan Chamberlin and Munguzwe Hichaambwa
207022: Is Smallholder Horticulture the Unfunded Poverty Reduction Option in Zambia? A Comparative Assessment of Welfare Effects of Participation in Horticultural and Maize Markets Downloads
Munguzwe Hichaambwa, Jordan Chamberlin and Stephen Kabwe
207021: Does Customary Land Tenure System Encourage Local Forestry Management in Zambia? A Focus on Wood Fuel Downloads
Brian Mulenga, Chewe Nkonde and Hambulo Ngoma
202883: Cooking Fuel Choice in Urban Zambia: Implications on Forest Cover Downloads
Solomon Tembo, Brian Mulenga and Nicholas Sitko
202881: Bumper Harvests a Curse or a Blessing for Zambia: Lessons from the 2014/15 Maize Marketing Season Downloads
Antony Chapoto, Brian Chisanga, Auckland Kuteya and Stephen Kabwe
198703: A Prospective Analysis of Participatory Research on Conservation Agriculture in Mozambique Downloads
Philip Grabowski, John Kerr, Cynthia Donovan and Bordalo Mouzinho
198702: Do Input Subsidy Programs Raise Incomes and Reduce Poverty among Smallholder Farm Households? Evidence from Zambia Downloads
Nicole M. Mason and Solomon Tembo
198701: Does Minimum Tillage with Planting Basins or Ripping Raise Maize Yields? Meso-panel Data Evidence from Zambia Downloads
Hambulo Ngoma, Nicole M. Mason and Nicholas Sitko
198189: Child Malnutrition, Agricultural Diversification and Commercialization among Smallholder Farmers in Eastern Zambia Downloads
Rhoda Mukuka and Christian H. Kulhgatz
188572: Targeting Of Subsidized Fertilizer Under Kenya’s National Accelerated Agricultural Input Access Program (NAAIAP) Downloads
Megan Sheahan, John Olwande, Lilian Kirimi and Thomas Jayne
188570: Maize Yield Response to Nitrogen in Malawi’s Smallholder Production Systems Downloads
Sieg Snapp, Thomas Jayne, Wezi Mhango and Jacob Ricker-Gilbert
188569: Does the Current Sugar Market Structure Benefit Consumers and Sugarcane Growers? Downloads
Brian Chisanga, Ferdinand H. Meyer, Alex Winter-Nelson and Nicholas Sitko
188568: Agricultural Commodity Exchanges and the Development of Grain Markets and Trade in Africa: A Review of Recent Experience Downloads
Thomas Jayne, Chris Sturgess, Ron Kopicki and Nicholas Sitko
188567: Determinants of Adoption of Minimum Tillage by Cotton Farmers in Eastern Zambia Downloads
Philip P. Grabowski, John M. Kerr, Steven Haggblade and Stephen Kabwe
186605: Climate Trends and Farmers’ Perceptions of Climate Change in Zambia Downloads
Brian Mulenga and Ayala Wineman
186604: Analysis of the Sunflower Value Chain in Zambia’s Eastern Province Downloads
Mary Lubungu, William Burke and Nicholas Sitko
186603: Regional Inequality and Polarization in the Context of Concurrent Extreme Weather and Economic Shocks Downloads
Julie A. Silva, Corene J. Matyas and Benedito Cunguara
186602: Estudo da cadeia de valor de carvão vegetal no sul de Moçambique Downloads
Rosalina Chavana
183870: Evolving Skill Needs in the Food System of East and Southern Africa: Results from Agribusiness Company Interviews Downloads
Nico Scheltema, Ferdinand H. Meyer, Francis Ejobi, Jorge Tinga and David Tschirley
183867: Technical and Institutional Capacities of AET Institutions in Eastern and Southern Africa: A Case Study of Three Universities with a Regional Footprint Downloads
Isaac Minde, Casper Madakadze and Bernard Bashaasha
183865: Technical and Institutional Capacities of AET Institutions in Southern Africa: Are there Lessons for the Rest of Africa? Downloads
Casper Madakadze, Tane Masamvu, Fanie Terreblanche and Isaac Minde
183864: Models for University Engagement with Private and Public Sector Employers Downloads
John B. Kaneene, Johann Kirsten, Anthony Mugisha and John David Kabasa
183863: Improving the Relevance and Effectiveness of Agricultural Education and Training in Africa: Insights from Agricultural Role Models Downloads
Steven Haggblade, Antony Chapoto, Sheryl Hendriks, Stephen Kabwe, Isaac Minde, Johnny Mugisha, Fanie Terblanche and Aissetou Yaye
183862: Tracer Study of Agricultural Graduates in Uganda Downloads
Johnny Mugisha and Anthony Nkwasibwe
Page updated 2024-12-01
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