Journal of Applied Econometrics
1986 - 2010
Continued by Journal of Applied Econometrics. Current editor(s): M. Hashem Pesaran From John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley-Blackwell Digital Licensing () and Christopher F. Baum (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 25, issue 7, 2010
- Capital accumulation and growth: a new look at the empirical evidence pp. 1073-1099
- Stephen Bond, Asli Leblebicioglu and Fabio Schiantarelli
- No one true path: uncovering the interplay between geography, institutions, and fractionalization in economic development pp. 1100-1127
- Chih Ming Tan
- Non‐gaussian dynamic bayesian modelling for panel data pp. 1128-1154
- Miguel Juárez and Mark Steel
- How does changing age distribution impact stock prices? A nonparametric approach pp. 1155-1178
- Cheolbeom Park
- Identifying the age profile of patent citations: new estimates of knowledge diffusion pp. 1179-1204
- Aditi Mehta, Marc Rysman and Tim Simcoe
- Review of ‘Robustbase’ software for R pp. 1205-1210
- Robert Finger
- Firm size distributions through the lens of functional principal components analysis pp. 1211-1214
- Kim Huynh and David T. Jacho‐Chávez
- Book Review: An Introduction to the Structural Econometrics of Auction Data pp. 1215-1222
- Isabelle Perrigne
Volume 25, issue 6, 2010
- Why are gasoline prices sticky? A test of alternative models of price adjustment pp. 903-928
- Christopher Douglas and Ana María Herrera
- The rate of learning-by-doing: estimates from a search-matching model pp. 929-962
- Julien Prat
- Models of stochastic choice and decision theories: why both are important for analyzing decisions pp. 963-986
- Pavlo R. Blavatskyy and Ganna Pogrebna
- Decision making under risk in Deal or No Deal pp. 987-1027
- Nicolas de Roos and Yianis Sarafidis
- Forecast encompassing tests and probability forecasts pp. 1028-1062
- Michael Clements and David Harvey
- Jackknife instrumental variables estimation: replication and extension of angrist, imbens and krueger (1999) pp. 1063-1066
- Anton Nakov
- The Richard Stone Prize in Applied Econometrics pp. 1067-1068
- Mohammad Pesaran
Volume 25, issue 5, 2010
- The effects of technology shocks on hours and output: a robustness analysis pp. 755-773
- Fabio Canova, David Lopez-Salido and Claudio Michelacci
- What you match does matter: the effects of data on DSGE estimation pp. 774-804
- Pablo Guerron
- Long-run relations in european electricity prices pp. 805-832
- Bruno Bosco, Lucia Parisio, Matteo Pelagatti and Fabio Baldi
- Responses to monetary policy shocks in the east and the west of Europe: a comparison pp. 833-868
- Marek Jarociński
- Estimating time variation in measurement error from data revisions: an application to backcasting and forecasting in dynamic models pp. 869-893
- George Kapetanios and Anthony Yates
- On nonparametric estimation of a hedonic price function pp. 894-901
- Harry Haupt, Joachim Schnurbus and Rolf Tschernig
Volume 25, issue 4, 2010
- Forecast uncertainty: sources, measurement and evaluation pp. 509-513
- Matteo Ciccarelli and Kirstin Hubrich
- Measuring forecast uncertainty by disagreement: The missing link pp. 514-538
- Kajal Lahiri and Xuguang Simon Sheng
- What do we learn from the price of crude oil futures? pp. 539-573
- Ron Alquist and Lutz Kilian
- Forecast evaluation of small nested model sets pp. 574-594
- Kirstin Hubrich and Kenneth West
- Forecast comparisons in unstable environments pp. 595-620
- Raffaella Giacomini and Barbara Rossi
- Combining forecast densities from VARs with uncertain instabilities pp. 621-634
- Anne Sofie Jore, James Mitchell and Shaun Vahey
- Path forecast evaluation pp. 635-662
- Oscar Jorda and Massimiliano Marcellino
- Introducing the euro-sting: Short-term indicator of euro area growth pp. 663-694
- Maximo Camacho and Gabriel Perez-Quiros
- Extracting a robust US business cycle using a time-varying multivariate model-based bandpass filter pp. 695-719
- Drew Creal, Siem Jan Koopman and Eric Zivot
- A comparison of forecast performance between Federal Reserve staff forecasts, simple reduced-form models, and a DSGE model pp. 720-754
- Rochelle M. Edge, Michael Kiley and Jean-Philippe Laforte
Volume 25, issue 3, 2010
- Participation and study decisions in a public system of higher education pp. 355-391
- Stijn Kelchtermans and Frank Verboven
- Dynamic treatment effect analysis of TV effects on child cognitive development pp. 392-419
- Fali Huang and Myoung-jae Lee
- Semiparametric estimation of consumer demand systems in real expenditure pp. 420-457
- Krishna Pendakur and Stefan Sperlich
- A test for multimodality of regression derivatives with application to nonparametric growth regressions pp. 458-480
- Daniel Henderson
- Mean-variance econometric analysis of household portfolios pp. 481-504
- Raffaele Miniaci and Sergio Pastorello
- Narrow Replication of Serlenga and Shin (2007) gravity models of intra-EU trade: application of the CCEP-HT estimation in heterogeneous panels with unobserved common time-specific factors pp. 505-506
- Badi Baltagi
Volume 25, issue 2, 2010
- Realising the future: forecasting with high-frequency-based volatility (HEAVY) models pp. 197-231
- Neil Shephard and Kevin Sheppard
- Continuous-time models, realized volatilities, and testable distributional implications for daily stock returns pp. 233-261
- Torben Andersen, Tim Bollerslev, Per Frederiksen and Morten Nielsen
- Multivariate residual-based finite-sample tests for serial dependence and ARCH effects with applications to asset pricing models pp. 263-285
- Jean-Marie Dufour, Lynda Khalaf and Marie-Claude Beaulieu
- Bayesian quantile regression methods pp. 287-307
- Tony Lancaster and Sung Jae Jun
- Dating and forecasting turning points by Bayesian clustering with dynamic structure: a suggestion with an application to Austrian data pp. 309-344
- Sylvia Kaufmann
- General-interest versus specialty journals: Using intellectual influence of econometrics research to rank economics journals and articles pp. 345-353
- Yong Bao, Melody Lo and Franklin Mixon
Volume 25, issue 1, 2010
- Introduction: 'Model uncertainty and macroeconomics' pp. 1-3
- Steven Durlauf and Shaun Vahey
- Averaging forecasts from VARs with uncertain instabilities pp. 5-29
- Todd Clark and Michael McCracken
- International evidence on the efficacy of new-Keynesian models of inflation persistence pp. 31-54
- Oleg Korenok, Stanislav Radchenko and Norman Swanson
- Limited information estimation and evaluation of DSGE models pp. 55-70
- Martin Fukač and Adrian Pagan
- Large Bayesian vector auto regressions pp. 71-92
- Marta Banbura, Domenico Giannone and Lucrezia Reichlin
- Monetary policy and uncertainty in an empirical small open-economy model pp. 93-128
- Alejandro Justiniano and Bruce Preston
- Welfare-maximizing monetary policy under parameter uncertainty pp. 129-143
- Rochelle M. Edge, Thomas Laubach and John Williams
- Empirical and policy performance of a forward-looking monetary model pp. 145-176
- Alexei Onatski and Noah Williams
- The Lucas critique and the stability of empirical models pp. 177-194
- Thomas Lubik and Paolo Surico
- Journal of applied econometrics distinguished authors pp. 195-195
- Mohammad Pesaran
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