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Similarity Check Service

We are Crossref Similarity Check member. A service provided by Crossref and powered by iThenticate—Similarity Check provides editors with a user-friendly tool to help detect plagiarism.

Similarity Check is a service for editors who want an extra check. The service helps our members to actively engage in efforts to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism by providing their editorial teams with access to Turnitin’s powerful text comparison tool, iThenticate.

When an editor is assessing a newly-submitted manuscript, it’s important to know if it’s original work. Similarity Check (formerly known as CrossCheck) provides publishers and editors with Turnitin’s iThenticate software, where documents can be uploaded to check against a database of millions of other published scholarly articles, books, conference papers, dissertations, other academic content, and billions of web pages—to ensure its originality. Similarity Check instantly produces a report that highlights potential matches and indicates if and how the paper overlaps with other work. This report enables editors to assess the originality of the work before they publish it—providing confidence for publishers and authors, and evidence of trust for readers.

Making sure only original research is published provides: • peace of mind for publishers and authors that their content is identified and protected, • a way for editors to educate their authors and ensure the reputation of their publication, and • clarity for readers around who produced the work.

Why Similarity Check?

We worked collaboratively with Turnitin to produce Similarity Check so that our members could enjoy cost-effective use of iThenticate because they contribute their own published content into Turnitin’s database of full-text literature. This means that as the number of Similarity Check members grow, so too does the size of the database powering it—more content in the database means greater peace of mind for anyone looking to determine a manuscript’s originality.