Solar Radiation Distribution inside a Greenhouse Prototypal with Photovoltaic Mobile Plant and Effects on Flower Growth
<p>Location of the greenhouse model (<b>left</b>) and its external overview (<b>right</b>).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Technical drawing of photovoltaic (PV) panels with variable shading.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Features of the greenhouse: fixed panels (<b>a</b>); mobile panels (<b>b</b>); inverter (<b>c</b>); engine used for the panels movement (<b>d</b>); 3D diagram of the greenhouse model, highlighting the part which will be affected by the PV roof (<b>e</b>); diagram of the greenhouse prototype structure (<b>f</b>).</p> "> Figure 3 Cont.
<p>Features of the greenhouse: fixed panels (<b>a</b>); mobile panels (<b>b</b>); inverter (<b>c</b>); engine used for the panels movement (<b>d</b>); 3D diagram of the greenhouse model, highlighting the part which will be affected by the PV roof (<b>e</b>); diagram of the greenhouse prototype structure (<b>f</b>).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Data logging computer (<b>a</b>); group of sensors (<b>b</b>); and details of sensors (<b>c</b>).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Experimental stage: complete panel diagram (overlapping panels) (<b>a</b>); complete mobile PV system (maximum capture of light radiation) (<b>b</b>); seedling on arrival in commercial plug tray (<b>c</b>); plants in the greenhouse prototype (<b>d</b>); plants during the trial (<b>e</b>).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Illuminance data (average per week) collected between 22 August 2016 and 18 September 2016 in the control zone and in the PV area.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Solar radiation data (average per week) measured between 22 August 2016 and 18 September 2016 in the control zone and in the PV area.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>PAR data (average per week) measured between 22 August 2016 and 18 September 2016 in the control zone and in the PV area.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>“α variable”, that expresses the percentage ratio of the light data difference between control and PV, compared to control. When α = 0 the light conditions are the same for the two treatments (control and PV), greater value of α indicated the reduced brightness conditions achieved under PV.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Temperature and ur% data, in the greenhouse, collected in the period related to brightness measurements. The significant drop in temperature seen in the last week (37 W) is due to a particularly cloudy period.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Iberis: analysis of plant growth parameters at the end of the trial.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Iberis: control and plants under PV compared.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Petunia: analysis of plant growth parameters at the end of the trial.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Petunia: control and plants under PV compared.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Mini-cyclamen: analysis of plant growth parameters at the end of the trial.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Mini-cyclamen: control and plants under PV compared.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Location
2.2. The Prototype
- during sunny days, when the PV production is greater, it is possible to use the maximum shading of 66% (which exhibits greater active area compared to the fixed one);
- on cloudy days, there is a certain loss of electrical energy (compared to a standard system with shading 50%). However, on the other hand, there is an advantage from the viewpoint of the greenhouse performance, with a greater light passage (33% of shading). The movement system allows the variation from 33% to 66%, by translating the PV mobile module (only about 25 cm) placed below the fixed one.
2.3. Environmental Measures
- LP PHOT 03 (measuring range of 0–100,000 lux with a resolution of both 40 lux from 0 to 10,000 lux and 400 lux from 10,000 to 100,000 lux): it measures illuminance (lux), defined as the ratio between the luminous flux (lumens), passing through a surface, and the surface area of the area considered (m2);
- LP RAD 03 (measuring range of 0–1 W/m2 with a resolution of 1 W/m2 from 0 to 250 W/m2 and of 4 W/m2 from 25 to 1 W/m2): it measures the irradiance (W/m2) defined as the ratio between the energetic flux (W), passing through a surface, and the surface area of the area considered (m2) in the spectral region VIS-NIR (40 nm–1.050 nm);
- LP PAR (measuring range of 0–1.5-Mol/m2/sec) and PPF (Photosynthetic Photons Flux, with a resolution of 1 PPF from 0 to 250 PPF and 6 PPF from 250 to 1500 PPF): it measures the number of photons in the spectral region ranging from 400 nm 720 nm, arriving in a second on a surface;
- LP UVA 03 (measuring ranges from 0 to 200 W/m2 with a resolution of 1 W/m2): it measures global irradiance in the UVB spectral region on a flat surface (W/m2). Particularly, the spectral sensitivity of the instrument is centered at 305 nm with a bandwidth (FWHM) of 5 nm.
2.4. Plant Materials and Agronomical Trial
- plant height;
- plant diameter;
- number of flowers/plant. In the case of iberis, the number of flower buds was counted since no blooming was scored for both treatments (PV and control).
3. Results
3.1. Data Distribution Inside the Greenhouse
- the amount of incident light per unit area is about two times higher under the control area compared to the PV treated area;
- the total radiation (RAD) and the PAR were reduced of about 30% and 20% respectively under PV treatment.
3.2. Crops Production and Relation with Greenhouse Plant
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Colantoni, A.; Monarca, D.; Marucci, A.; Cecchini, M.; Zambon, I.; Di Battista, F.; Maccario, D.; Saporito, M.G.; Beruto, M. Solar Radiation Distribution inside a Greenhouse Prototypal with Photovoltaic Mobile Plant and Effects on Flower Growth. Sustainability 2018, 10, 855.
Colantoni A, Monarca D, Marucci A, Cecchini M, Zambon I, Di Battista F, Maccario D, Saporito MG, Beruto M. Solar Radiation Distribution inside a Greenhouse Prototypal with Photovoltaic Mobile Plant and Effects on Flower Growth. Sustainability. 2018; 10(3):855.
Chicago/Turabian StyleColantoni, Andrea, Danilo Monarca, Alvaro Marucci, Massimo Cecchini, Ilaria Zambon, Federico Di Battista, Diego Maccario, Maria Grazia Saporito, and Margherita Beruto. 2018. "Solar Radiation Distribution inside a Greenhouse Prototypal with Photovoltaic Mobile Plant and Effects on Flower Growth" Sustainability 10, no. 3: 855.
APA StyleColantoni, A., Monarca, D., Marucci, A., Cecchini, M., Zambon, I., Di Battista, F., Maccario, D., Saporito, M. G., & Beruto, M. (2018). Solar Radiation Distribution inside a Greenhouse Prototypal with Photovoltaic Mobile Plant and Effects on Flower Growth. Sustainability, 10(3), 855.