Axiomatic Characterizations of Information Measures
:1. Introduction
1.1. Historical comments
1.2. Directions of axiomatic characterizations
2. Direction (A)
- -
- Positivity: H(P) ≥ 0
- -
- Expansibility: “Expansion” of P by a new component equal to 0 does not change H(P)
- -
- Symmetry: H(P) is invariant under permutations of p1,…,pn
- -
- Continuity: H(P) is a continuous function of P (for fixed n)
- -
- Additivity: H(P × Q) = H(P) + H(Q)
- -
- Subadditivity: H(X, Y) ≤ H(X) + H(Y)
- -
- Strong additivity: H(X, Y) = H(X) + H(Y|X)
- -
- Recursivity: H(p1,…,pn) = H(p1 + p2, p3,…,pn) + (p1 + p2)H
- -
- Sum property: , for some function g.
2.1. Shannon entropy and I-divergence
2.2. Rényi entropies and divergences
2.3. Other entropies and divergences
2.4. Entropies and divergences of degree α
3. Direction (B)
4. Direction (C)
- (i)
- a probability distribution P = (p1,…,pn), or
- (ii)
- any , or
- (iii)
- any P ∈ ℝn
- Regularity: (a) Q ∈ F implies Π(F, Q) = Q, (b) F1 ⊂ F and Π(F, Q) ∈ F1 imply Π(F1, Q) = Π(F, Q), (c) for each P ≠ Q, among the feasible sets determined by a single constraint there exists a unique F such that Π(F, Q) = P , (d) Π(F, Q) depends continuously on F.
- Locality: If F1 is defined by a set of I-local constraints, F2 by a set of Ic-local ones, then the components of are determined by F1 and {qi : i ∈ I}.
- Transitivity: If F1 ⊂ F, Π(F, Q) = P∗, then Π(F1, Q) = Π(F1, P∗).
- Semisymmetry: If F = {P : pi + pj = t} for some i ≠ j and constant t, and Q satisfies qi = qj , then P∗ = Π(F, Q) satisfies .
- Weak scaling (for cases (i), (ii)): For F as above, P∗ = Π(F, Q) always satisfies
- (a)
- transitivity iff the functions fk are of form
- (b)
- semisymmetry iff f1 = ⋯ = fn
- (c)
- weak scaling (in cases (i), (ii)) iff the functions f1 = ⋯ = fn are of form af(p/q), f is strictly convex, f(1) = f′(1) = 0, and f′(x) → −∞ as x → 0; then d(P, Q) is the f-divergence Df(P||Q).
- (a)
- translation and scale invariance (in case (iii)) iff Π(F, Q) equals the Euclidean projection of Q to F
- (b)
- scale invariance (in case (ii)) iff Π(F, Q) is the minimizer of
5. Discussion
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Csiszár, I. Axiomatic Characterizations of Information Measures. Entropy 2008, 10, 261-273.
Csiszár I. Axiomatic Characterizations of Information Measures. Entropy. 2008; 10(3):261-273.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCsiszár, Imre. 2008. "Axiomatic Characterizations of Information Measures" Entropy 10, no. 3: 261-273.
APA StyleCsiszár, I. (2008). Axiomatic Characterizations of Information Measures. Entropy, 10(3), 261-273.