We have a fast paced world that taxes our bodies to perform and produce all day long. We devalue the importance of rest and continue to drive hard towards our goals. We load up on caffeine and energy drinks to keep cranking so we “can get everything out of life.”
As a result, we have an epidemic of adrenal fatigue, hormone dysregulation, autoimmunity and chronic inflammatory conditions. Over 250 million people all around the world suffer from autoimmune diseases and even more with chronic inflammatory conditions.
Autoimmunity is defined as a condition that is characterized by the body’s own immune system attacking various cells in the body. In the instance of rheumatoid arthritis, it is the joints and connective tissues of the body. In the case of Multiple Sclerosis, the immune system attacks the myelin sheath surrounding the nerve cells of the body.
The major factors involved in the development and progression of autoimmunity include genetic predisposition, intestinal permeability or leaky gut syndrome, chronic nutrient deficiencies, environmental toxicities and chronic stress.
The following is a list of the most common autoimmune diseases and autoimmune related disorders compiled by the National Institute of Health. There are many others that are not listed here but fall into the autoimmune category. Chances are that you may suffer from one of the following disorders yourself or you know someone who does.
As a clinician, I have worked with hundreds of individuals suffering with diagnosed autoimmune disorders and thousands with chronic inflammatory problems over the last 10 years.
I have found several key factors must be addressed in order for those with autoimmunity to heal naturally.
Seeing success with this model, I developed the The AutoImmune Elimination Program, in order to make this healing model more practical and user friendly.
It can be really hard to struggle with chronic inflammatory issues like these and most doctors have NO IDEA how to help you. The typical recommendations include strong medications, often radiation treatments such as on the thyroid and surgical removal of various medications.
Often, individuals are told they will just have to learn to deal with these conditions for the rest of their lives. That is not ok!
You may be like many of my clients who have tried to take it on their own and go on a gluten-free diet and buy a few supplements they saw online that gave them hope. All too often, they are disappointed to find out that this doesn’t get them over the hump.
But this doesn’t have to be you!
You can follow a proven system using an advanced food elimination diet and adrenal support protocol to improve your bodies healing response, reduce inflammation and get well naturally.
The AutoImmune Elimination Quickstart Guide
This Quickstart Guide will give you a full overview and action steps to take immediately. Can be read and understood in 10 mins or less!
The AutoImmune Elimination Quickstart Nutrition Guide
This is the Quickstart nutrition program for the elimination diet that gives you a colorful shopping guide so you can get the foods you need to get started immediately!
The AutoImmune Elimination Program Manual
This is the manual for the program that walks you through the key factors involved with auto-immunity and chronic inflammation and how to reduce inflammation naturally using the elimination diet, lifestyle and supplement strategies.
The AutoImmune Elimination Program Recipe Book
In this recipe book we have 70 beautifully laid out recipes that follow the elimination diet principles. Most of these use simple ingredients and can be made in minutes. You will LOVE these recipes and many will be family favorites for years to come.
The Autoimmune Elimination Meal Plan:
This is the 6 week elimination diet meal plan. We interspace the 50 tasty recipes to give you a variety of pleasurable tastes so you never get bored on this plan.
6 Week Food Elimination Health Journal:
This is designed to help you track key health indicators such as energy levels, pain levels, quality of bowel movements, brain function, etc. It also allows you to reflect on what foods may be irritating your system and what is supporting it.
20 Advanced Healing Strategies:
This guide goes over advanced healing strategies to improve your health. It explains how to do things such as oil pulling, castor oil packs, dry brushing, Epsom salt baths, coffee enemas and so much more! Strategies you can apply right at your home to dramatically improve your life and health!
The Adrenal Health Guide:
This guide is designed to help you understand how your body adapts to stress and teach you strategies to adapt more effectively. We know that the hallmark of a successful life and healthy aging is our ability to adapt to the demands of our environment.
The Stomach Acid Guide for Optimal Digestion:
Low stomach acid is one of the biggest problems for individuals with autoimmune, adrenal fatigue and chronic inflammatory issues. This guide helps you navigate through how to improve your stomach acid naturally.
The Guide to a Healthy Gallbladder:
In this E-booklet you will learn how poor gallbladder function and sluggish bile flow may be the major cause of a number of your health problems.
You will also learn how to optimize your bile flow and improve the health of your liver and gallbladder so you can reduce your microbial load, improve your digestion and nutrient absorption and live life with more energy and vitality.
The Pulse BioFeedback PDF:
This 2 page PDF gives you a step-by-step guide in how to measure your sensitivity and stress response to various foods at the comfort of your home without lab testing or medical equipment.
Autoimmune Elimination Quiz
The goal of this quiz is to find out if we have mild, moderate or severe digestive and/or autoimmune issues.
Video Library:
40 high quality short videos breaking down all the aspects of following this program and having success. This includes 18 step-by-step recipe videos to guide you with the meal plan.
Dedicated Facebook Group:
There is a private facebook group for this program that is a place to ask questions, get feedback from others who are doing the program, learn and grow.
1. Is this program guaranteed to cure me of my autoimmune disease?
A: No, while this program cannot guarantee anything, the principles are well-referenced and there are many positive case reports using the strategies that are taught. Everyone is unique and will have their own path to healing.
Our hope is that we can guide you in the direction of your best health and we are very confident that this program will help improve your life and that is why we offer a 30-day money back guarantee if you are not pleased!
2. Will I need to purchase supplements in order to do the program?
A: No, this program is designed around specific nutrition programs, detoxification strategies and advanced healing techniques. I do recommend certain supplements but there is no requirement to purchase anything and many people can have success without supplements although the supplements may improve speed of healing and overall results.
3. If I am already taking a probiotic and other digestive health supplements…will I able to continue?
A: That is great, using digestive health supplements is recommended. If you feel as though you are getting excellent results with current supplements then continue to use them.
4. I have been through a digestive health program in the past and I am still not better. What makes this different?
A: This program was designed after 10 years of experience helping hundreds of others overcome their autoimmune and chronic inflammatory challenges. Rather than just having you eat healthy whole foods and taking probiotics, this program uses modified elimination diets and food tolerance biofeedback testing as you slowly add certain highly fermentable foods back in order to learn what foods are best used by your body.
At the end of this 6 week program you should understand a lot about your own body, the foods you respond the best to, and what you should avoid for a period of time.
5. What kind of results can I expect from the program?
A: Most people notice improved digestion, better bowel movements, more energy, better hormonal balance, less pain, improved brain function, mood, memory, and sleep.
It is really remarkable what I have seen happen over the years with many different clients. This is a classic program that I use with autoimmune patients, those with adrenal fatigue and chronic inflammatory problems as well as depression and anxiety.
6. How do I know I am going to get the results I want?
A: Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee that everyone is going to have great results, however, I feel so confident in this program that I am willing to give you a 30-day full refund if you don’t feel like the program was successful for you.
7. If I am traveling or going out of town…can I do this program?
A: It is going to be very challenging to do this program if you are traveling. If it is just a long weekend than it is possible but if you are going for a week or more then I wouldn’t recommend doing this unless you are SUPER committed
Fortunately, once you register, you have lifetime access to this program, so you can do it at any time. If you are planning a long travel period then I would recommend beginning the program after you are finished with your travels. This way you will better be able to focus on being successful with the program.
8. If I have any problems as I am going through the program, who do I email?
A: You will email info@drjockers.com to address your questions and get the best possible solutions and an explanation so you can understand what is taking place.
9. I have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and my friend has rheumatoid arthritis, will this program help us?
A: Yes, I believe it will be life transforming for you. This is my go to program for individuals suffering with these same exact problems.
10. Can you exercise during this program?
A: Yes, you can exercise during this program. In fact, I strongly recommend it. Based on your health history we can advise on what type of exercise would be best.
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