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- research-articleNovember 2024
Globus service enhancements for exascale applications and facilities
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 38, Issue 6Pages 658–670https://doi.org/10.1177/10943420241281744Many extreme-scale applications require the movement of large quantities of data to, from, and among leadership computing facilities, as well as other scientific facilities and the home institutions of facility users. These applications, particularly ...
- research-articleNovember 2024
Refining HPCToolkit for application performance analysis at exascale
- Laksono Adhianto,
- Jonathon Anderson,
- Robert Matthew Barnett,
- Dragana Grbic,
- Vladimir Indic,
- Mark Krentel,
- Yumeng Liu,
- Srđan Milaković,
- Wileam Phan,
- John Mellor-Crummey,
- Michael Heroux
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 38, Issue 6Pages 612–632https://doi.org/10.1177/10943420241277839As part of the US Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP), Rice University has been refining its HPCToolkit performance tools to better support measurement and analysis of applications executing on exascale supercomputers. To efficiently ...
- research-articleMarch 2024
Detecting interference between applications and improving the scheduling using malleable application clones
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 38, Issue 2Pages 108–133https://doi.org/10.1177/10943420231220898This paper presents a novel feature for improving the scheduling process based on the performance prediction and the detection of CPU and I/O interference between applications. This feature consists of using malleable synthetic benchmarks – called clones ...
- research-articleJuly 2022
Performance analysis of relaxation Runge–Kutta methods
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 36, Issue 4Pages 524–542https://doi.org/10.1177/10943420221085947Recently, global and local relaxation Runge–Kutta methods have been developed for guaranteeing the conservation, dissipation, or other solution properties for general convex functionals whose dynamics are crucial for an ordinary differential equation ...
- research-articleMay 2022
AI4IO: A suite of AI-based tools for IO-aware scheduling
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 36, Issue 3Pages 370–387https://doi.org/10.1177/10943420221079765Traditional workload managers do not have the capacity to consider how IO contention can increase job runtime and even cause entire resource allocations to be wasted. Whether from bursts of IO demand or parallel file systems (PFS) performance degradation,...
- research-articleMay 2022
An analytical performance model of generalized hierarchical scheduling
- Stephen Herbein,
- Tapasya Patki,
- Dong H Ahn,
- Sebastian Mobo,
- Clark Hathaway,
- Silvina Caíno-Lores,
- James Corbett,
- David Domyancic,
- Thomas RW Scogland,
- Bronis R de Supinski,
- Michela Taufer
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 36, Issue 3Pages 289–306https://doi.org/10.1177/10943420211051039High performance computing (HPC) workflows are undergoing tumultuous changes, including an explosion in size and complexity. Despite these changes, most batch job systems still use slow, centralized schedulers. Generalized hierarchical scheduling (GHS) ...
- research-articleMarch 2022
Resiliency in numerical algorithm design for extreme scale simulations
- Emmanuel Agullo,
- Mirco Altenbernd,
- Hartwig Anzt,
- Leonardo Bautista-Gomez,
- Tommaso Benacchio,
- Luca Bonaventura,
- Hans-Joachim Bungartz,
- Sanjay Chatterjee,
- Florina M Ciorba,
- Nathan DeBardeleben,
- Daniel Drzisga,
- Sebastian Eibl,
- Christian Engelmann,
- Wilfried N Gansterer,
- Luc Giraud,
- Dominik Göddeke,
- Marco Heisig,
- Fabienne Jézéquel,
- Nils Kohl,
- Xiaoye Sherry Li,
- Romain Lion,
- Miriam Mehl,
- Paul Mycek,
- Michael Obersteiner,
- Enrique S Quintana-Ortí,
- Francesco Rizzi,
- Ulrich Rüde,
- Martin Schulz,
- Fred Fung,
- Robert Speck,
- Linda Stals,
- Keita Teranishi,
- Samuel Thibault,
- Dominik Thönnes,
- Andreas Wagner,
- Barbara Wohlmuth
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 36, Issue 2Pages 251–285https://doi.org/10.1177/10943420211055188This work is based on the seminar titled ‘Resiliency in Numerical Algorithm Design for Extreme Scale Simulations’ held March 1–6, 2020, at Schloss Dagstuhl, that was attended by all the authors. Advanced supercomputing is characterized by very high ...
- research-articleJuly 2021
Resilience and fault tolerance in high-performance computing for numerical weather and climate prediction
- Tommaso Benacchio,
- Luca Bonaventura,
- Mirco Altenbernd,
- Chris D Cantwell,
- Peter D Düben,
- Mike Gillard,
- Luc Giraud,
- Dominik Göddeke,
- Erwan Raffin,
- Keita Teranishi,
- Nils Wedi
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 35, Issue 4Pages 285–311https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342021990433Progress in numerical weather and climate prediction accuracy greatly depends on the growth of the available computing power. As the number of cores in top computing facilities pushes into the millions, increased average frequency of hardware and ...
- research-articleJanuary 2021
Understanding performance variability in standard and pipelined parallel Krylov solvers
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 35, Issue 1Pages 47–59https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342020966835In this work, we collect data from runs of Krylov subspace methods and pipelined Krylov algorithms in an effort to understand and model the impact of machine noise and other sources of variability on performance. We find large variability of Krylov ...
- research-articleNovember 2020
Implementation and performance of Barnes-hut n-body algorithm on extreme-scale heterogeneous many-core architectures
- Masaki Iwasawa,
- Daisuke Namekata,
- Ryo Sakamoto,
- Takashi Nakamura,
- Yasuyuki Kimura,
- Keigo Nitadori,
- Long Wang,
- Miyuki Tsubouchi,
- Jun Makino,
- Zhao Liu,
- Haohuan Fu,
- Guangwen Yang
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 34, Issue 6Pages 615–628https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342020943652In this paper, we report the implementation and measured performance of our extreme-scale whole planetary ring simulation code on Sunway TaihuLight and two PEZY-SC2 systems: Shoubu System B and Gyoukou. The numerical algorithm is the parallel Barnes-Hut ...
- research-articleSeptember 2020
Scalability of high-performance PDE solvers
- Paul Fischer,
- Misun Min,
- Thilina Rathnayake,
- Som Dutta,
- Tzanio Kolev,
- Veselin Dobrev,
- Jean-Sylvain Camier,
- Martin Kronbichler,
- Tim Warburton,
- Kasia Świrydowicz,
- Jed Brown,
- Michael Mascagni
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 34, Issue 5Pages 562–586https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342020915762Performance tests and analyses are critical to effective high-performance computing software development and are central components in the design and implementation of computational algorithms for achieving faster simulations on existing and future ...
- research-articleJuly 2020
Analytic performance modeling and analysis of detailed neuron simulations
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 34, Issue 4Pages 428–449https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342020912528Big science initiatives are trying to reconstruct and model the brain by attempting to simulate brain tissue at larger scales and with increasingly more biological detail than previously thought possible. The exponential growth of parallel computer ...
- research-articleMarch 2020
Overhead of using spare nodes
- Atsushi Hori,
- Kazumi Yoshinaga,
- Thomas Herault,
- Aurélien Bouteiller,
- George Bosilca,
- Yutaka Ishikawa,
- Jue Wang,
- XinFu He
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 34, Issue 2Pages 208–226https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342020901885With the increasing fault rate on high-end supercomputers, the topic of fault tolerance has been gathering attention. To cope with this situation, various fault-tolerance techniques are under investigation; these include user-level, algorithm-based fault-...
- research-articleMarch 2020
I/O performance of the Santos Dumont supercomputer
- Jean Luca Bez,
- André Ramos Carneiro,
- Pablo José Pavan,
- Valéria Soldera Girelli,
- Francieli Zanon Boito,
- Bruno Alves Fagundes,
- Carla Osthoff,
- Pedro Leite da Silva Dias,
- Jean-François Méhaut,
- Philippe OA Navaux,
- Jue Wang,
- XinFu He
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 34, Issue 2Pages 227–245https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342019868526In this article, we study the I/O performance of the Santos Dumont supercomputer, since the gap between processing and data access speeds causes many applications to spend a large portion of their execution on I/O operations. For a large-scale expensive ...
- research-articleMarch 2020
Applying EMD/HHT analysis to power traces of applications executed on systems with Intel Xeon Phi
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 34, Issue 2Pages 187–198https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342017731612Power draw is a complex physical response to the workload of a given application on the hardware, which is difficult to model, in part, due to its variability. The empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert–Huang transform (EMD/HHT) is a method commonly ...
- research-articleJanuary 2020
Runtime mechanisms to survive new HPC architectures: A use case in human respiratory simulations
- Marta Garcia-Gasulla,
- Filippo Mantovani,
- Marc Josep-Fabrego,
- Beatriz Eguzkitza,
- Guillaume Houzeaux,
- José M Cecilia
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 34, Issue 1Pages 42–56https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342019842919Computational fluid and particle dynamics (CFPD) simulations are of paramount importance for studying and improving drug effectiveness. Computational requirements of CFPD codes demand high-performance computing (HPC) resources. For these reasons, we ...
- research-articleNovember 2019
Modeling high-throughput applications for in situ analytics
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 33, Issue 6Pages 1185–1200https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342019847263With the goal of performing exascale computing, the importance of input/output (I/O) management becomes more and more critical to maintain system performance. While the computing capacities of machines are getting higher, the I/O capabilities of systems ...
- research-articleNovember 2019
PAPI software-defined events for in-depth performance analysis
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 33, Issue 6Pages 1113–1127https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342019846287The methodology and standardization layer provided by the Performance Application Programming Interface (PAPI) has played a vital role in application profiling for almost two decades. It has enabled sophisticated performance analysis tool designers and ...
- research-articleSeptember 2019
Computational reproducibility of scientific workflows at extreme scales
- Line Pouchard,
- Sterling Baldwin,
- Todd Elsethagen,
- Shantenu Jha,
- Bibi Raju,
- Eric Stephan,
- Li Tang,
- Kerstin Kleese Van Dam,
- Michael Mascagni
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (SAGE-HPCA), Volume 33, Issue 5Pages 763–776https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342019839124We propose an approach for improved reproducibility that includes capturing and relating provenance characteristics and performance metrics. We discuss two use cases: scientific reproducibility of results in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM—...