Quantum cryptanalysis of Farfalle and (generalised) key-alternating Feistel networks
Farfalle is a permutation-based construction for building a pseudorandom function which has been proposed by Bertoni et al. in 2017. In this work, we show that by observing suitable inputs to Farfalle, one can derive various constructions of a ...
Permutation polynomials and their compositional inverses over finite fields by a local method
Recently, P. Yuan presented a local method to find permutation polynomials and their compositional inverses over finite fields. The work of P. Yuan inspires us to construct some classes of permutation polynomials and their compositional inverses ...
Chosen-ciphertext secure code-based threshold public key encryptions with short ciphertext
Threshold public-key encryption (threshold PKE) has various useful applications. A lot of threshold PKE schemes are proposed based on RSA, Diffie–Hellman and lattice, but to the best of our knowledge, code-based threshold PKEs have not been ...
Codes with respect to weighted poset block metric
We study a new family of metrics, weighted poset block metric, which generalizes the weighted coordinates poset metric introduced by Panek and Pinheiro (IEEE Trans Inf Theory 66(11):6823–6834, 2020) and the metric for linear error-block codes ...
Defects of codes from higher dimensional algebraic varieties
An MDS code is a code which achieves equality in the singleton bound. The defect of a code measures how far it is from an MDS code. Amplifying on the relationship between the weight distribution of a code and its dual code as in the well-known ...