The self-reinforcing effect of digital and social exclusion: The inequality loop
- The research sheds light onto the gradual process of digital inclusion by creating a typology with three different types of people according to their level ...
Since an increasing number of daily activities are carried out online, an exclusion or limited access to the Internet prevent citizens from entering a world full of opportunities that cannot be accessed otherwise; in this sense, ...
Towards efforts to enhance tax revenue mobilisation in Africa: Exploring the interaction between industrialisation and digital infrastructure
- The study examines joint effects of industrialisation and ICT diffusion on resource mobilisation.
Motivated by the momentous rise in the new economy, the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area agreement, and the expected rebound of foreign direct investment to Africa from 2022, this study examines the joint ...
Exploring the effect of relative advantage and challenge on customer engagement behavior with mobile commerce applications
- This research explores the drivers of customer engagement behavior with mobile commerce applications.
This research explores the drivers of customer engagement behavior with mobile commerce applications (m-commerce apps), using the stimulus (S), organism (O), and response (R) framework. Customer engagement is conceptualized through ...
Integrating the capability approach and technology acceptance model to explain the elderly’s use intention of online grocery shopping
- OGS as a solution to replace elderly’s grocery trips to achieve independent living.
Customer adoption of p2p mobile payment systems: The role of perceived risk
- We examine the Spanish application Bizum, one of the most pioneering and internationally successful P2P payment services.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) payments are experiencing strong growth due to the notable interest in mobile payments and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals’ behaviours. This research analyses the success factors in customers’ ...
Does the level of digitalized service drive the global export of digital service trade? Evidence from global perspective
- Explores the determinants of DST exports under Porter's diamond model.
- Uses ...
Digital service trade (DST) has grown as a merging pattern of service trade in the digital era. Countries have become more reliant on digitalization. As a result, a fascinating question is how digitalized service levels among global ...
The emergence of core (hash)tags and its effects on performance
- Very few (hash)tags emerge as “core tags”-- the consensus choices.
- Using core ...
The informational and social impacts of tags on forming networked publics have drawn extensive scholarly attention. However, existing literature lacks systematic and longitudinal accounts of how trending tags garner community interest ...
Google’s app store policy change and the responses elicited from mobile content firms: A case study on Korea’s app store ecosystem
The current app store market is dominated by major platform firms that control mobile operating systems, such as Apple iOS and Google Android. While Apple has maintained strict control over its app store, Google has opted for a more ...
An inverted digital divide during Covid-19 pandemic? Evidence from a panel of EU countries
- The decline in Internet use seen during the Covid-19 pandemic is primarily characteristic of countries with high digital development and connectivity.
The extension of remote forms of employment, education and communication during the Covid-19 pandemic was expected to bridge the digital divide in 2020. However, more digitally developed countries have shown a reduction of Internet ...
Where the earth is flat and 9/11 is an inside job: A comparative algorithm audit of conspiratorial information in web search results
- We conduct a comparative algorithm audit of presence of conspiratorial information in top search results across five search engines: Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing,...
Web search engines are important online information intermediaries that are frequently used and highly trusted by the public despite multiple evidence of their outputs being subjected to inaccuracies and biases. One form of such ...
SNS users' opinion expression: Focusing on suppression effect in spiral of silence
- This study presents an extended research model that combines SOS and IM theories.
Based on the spiral of silence (SOS) and impression management (IM) theories, this study suggested perceived opinion support, fear of negative evaluation, and social network service (SNS) impression management as motivational factors ...
Does the digital divide matter for short-term transportation policy outcomes? A spatial econometric analysis of Thailand
- Policy bias typically affects the spatial pattern of policy outcomes.
- Thailand’...
Digital technology has emerged as a public policy issue owing to its relevance in the dissemination of policy information and geographical restrictions in light of the brief timeframe of short-term transportation policy (STTP) ...