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- research-articleOctober 2009
Approximation of discrete-time polling systems via structured Markov chains
VALUETOOLS '09: Proceedings of the Fourth International ICST Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and ToolsArticle No.: 16, Pages 1–10https://doi.org/10.4108/ICST.VALUETOOLS2009.7667We devise an approximation of the marginal queue length distribution in discrete-time polling systems with batch arrivals and fixed packet sizes. The polling server uses the Bernoulli service discipline and Markovian routing. The 1-limited and ...
- research-articleJune 2009
An outlook on design technologies for future integrated systems
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCADICS), Volume 28, Issue 6Pages 777–790https://doi.org/10.1109/TCAD.2009.2021008The economic and social demand for ubiquitous and multifaceted electronic systems--in combination with the unprecedented opportunities provided by the integration of various manufacturing technologies--is paving the way to a new class of heterogeneous ...
- research-articleOctober 2008
End-to-end delays in polling tree networks
ValueTools '08: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and ToolsArticle No.: 42, Pages 1–10https://doi.org/10.4108/ICST.VALUETOOLS2008.4248We consider a tree network of polling stations operating in discrete-time. Packets arrive from external sources to the network according to batch Bernoulli arrival processes. We assume that all nodes have a service discipline that is HoL-based. The ...
- articleFebruary 2008
QoS-supported on-chip communication for multi-processors
International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP), Volume 36, Issue 1Pages 114–139https://doi.org/10.1007/s10766-007-0039-0We present a Quality of Service (QoS)-supported on-chip communication that increases the shared communication resources for multi-processor systems on chip. Time-critical embedded systems require tight guaranteed services in terms of throughput, latency ...
- ArticleNovember 2006
Designing application-specific networks on chips with floorplan information
- Srinivasan Murali,
- Paolo Meloni,
- Federico Angiolini,
- David Atienza,
- Salvatore Carta,
- Luca Benini,
- Giovanni De Micheli,
- Luigi Raffo
ICCAD '06: Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/ACM international conference on Computer-aided designPages 355–362https://doi.org/10.1145/1233501.1233573With increasing communication demands of processor and memory cores in Systems on Chips (SoCs), scalable Networks on Chips (NoCs) are needed to interconnect the cores. For the use of NoCs to be feasible in today's industrial designs, a custom-tailored, ...
- ArticleMarch 2006
A methodology for mapping multiple use-cases onto networks on chips
DATE '06: Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe: ProceedingsPages 118–123A communication-centric design approach, Networks on Chips (NoCs), has emerged as the design paradigm for designing a scalable communication infrastructure for future Systems on Chips (SoCs). As technology advances, the number of applications or use-...
- ArticleJanuary 2006
Mapping and configuration methods for multi-use-case networks on chips
ASP-DAC '06: Proceedings of the 2006 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation ConferencePages 146–151https://doi.org/10.1145/1118299.1118344To provide a scalable communication infrastructure for Systems on Chips (SoCs), Networks on Chips (NoCs), a communication centric design paradigm is needed. To be cost effective, SoCs are often programmable and integrate several different applications ...
- opinionSeptember 2005
On-chip networks
As SoCs continue down the path to smaller geometries and higher integration, their performance measures are changing dramatically. The larger the chip, the greater the disparity between local logic speeds and their interconnect latencies. This issue ...
- opinionSeptember 2005
Guest Editors' Introduction: The Network-on-Chip Paradigm in Practice and Research
The network-on-chip paradigm is an emerging paradigm that effectively addresses and presumably can overcome the many on-chip interconnection and communication challenges that already exist in today's chips or will likely occur in future chips. Effective ...
- discussionSeptember 2005
An approach that will NoC your SoCs off!
New structured communication fabrics, called networks on chips (NoCs), have emerged for use in SoC designs. The basic concept is to communicate across the chip in the same way that messages are transmitted over the internet today. That is, put a packet-...
- ArticleJanuary 2005
Performance driven reliable link design for networks on chips
ASP-DAC '05: Proceedings of the 2005 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation ConferencePages 749–754https://doi.org/10.1145/1120725.1121009With decreasing feature size of transistors, the interconnect wire delay is becoming a major bottleneck in current Systems on Chips (SoCs). Another effect of shrinking feature size is that the wires are becoming unreliable as they are increasingly ...
- ArticleJanuary 2005
Mapping and physical planning of networks-on-chip architectures with quality-of-service guarantees
ASP-DAC '05: Proceedings of the 2005 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation ConferencePages 27–32https://doi.org/10.1145/1120725.1120737Networks on Chips (NoCs) have evolved as the communication design paradigm of future Systems on Chips (SoCs). In this work we target the NoC design of complex SoCs with heterogeneous processor/memory cores, providing Quality-of-Service (QoS) for the ...