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- research-articleNovember 2024
Fast Simulation of the Customer Blocking Probability in a Queueing System with Poisson Input Flow Controlled by a Semi-Markov Process
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis (KLU-CASA), Volume 60, Issue 6Pages 907–918https://doi.org/10.1007/s10559-024-00728-wAbstractA multichannel queueing system with a Poisson input flow is considered. The input flow rate depends on the current state of the semi-Markov process. This state also determines the type of the customer. Each channel contains several service lines. ...
- research-articleMarch 2024
Applying Fast Simulation to the Evaluation of Customer Blocking Probability in the Multichannel Queuing System with Multicast Access
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis (KLU-CASA), Volume 60, Issue 2Pages 209–219https://doi.org/10.1007/s10559-024-00662-xAbstractA model of the multichannel queuing system is considered. Each channel contains some service lines. There are several input flows. Each customer requires several lines to be serviced. If the channel does not have a sufficient number of service ...
- research-articleOctober 2023
Fast Simulation of Steady-State Call Blocking Probability in a Two-Channel System with Threshold Service Strategies
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis (KLU-CASA), Volume 59, Issue 5Pages 794–802https://doi.org/10.1007/s10559-023-00615-wAbstractThe authors analyze the model of a queueing system consisting of two service channels. Each channel receives calls from several Poisson flows of different types. A call of each flow requires certain resource for its service. Threshold service ...
- research-articleMay 2018
A Fast and Fuzzy Functional Simulator of Inexact Arithmetic Operators for Approximate Computing Systems
GLSVLSI '18: Proceedings of the 2018 Great Lakes Symposium on VLSIPages 195–200https://doi.org/10.1145/3194554.3194574Inexact operators are developed to exploit the tolerance of an application to imprecisions. These operators aim at reducing system energy consumption and memory footprint. In order to integrate the appropriate inexact operators in a complex system, the ...
- courseNovember 2016
Discrete computational mechanics for stiff phenomena
Many natural phenomena which occur in the realm of visual computing and computational physics, like the dynamics of cloth, fibers, fluids, and solids as well as collision scenarios are described by stiff Hamiltonian equations of motion, i.e. ...
- research-articleAugust 2015
A fast discrete event simulation model for queueing network systems
SIMUTools '15: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Simulation Tools and TechniquesPages 302–304https://doi.org/10.4108/eai.24-8-2015.2260899Based on Lindley's recursive equations for G/G/1 systems, this paper proposes a Fast Discrete Event Simulation (FDES) model for queueing networks. Equations for multiplexer and de-multiplexer elements are presented, which allows to simulate not only ...
- research-articleNovember 2010
Generalized Lindley-type recursive representations for multiserver tandem queues with blocking
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), Volume 20, Issue 4Article No.: 21, Pages 1–19https://doi.org/10.1145/1842722.1842726Lindley's recursion is an explicit recursive equation that describes the recursive relationship between consecutive waiting times in a single-stage single-server queue. In this paper, we develop explicit recursive representations for multiserver tandem ...
- ArticleJune 2004
EXPERT: expedited simulation exploiting program behavior repetition
ICS '04: Proceedings of the 18th annual international conference on SupercomputingPages 126–135https://doi.org/10.1145/1006209.1006228Studying program behavior is a central component in architectural designs. In this paper, we study and exploit one aspect of program behavior, the behavior repetition, to expedite simulation. Detailed architectural simulation can be long and ...
- ArticleJune 2004
A fast simulation framework for IEEE 802.11-operated wireless LANs
SIGMETRICS '04/Performance '04: Proceedings of the joint international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systemsPages 143–154https://doi.org/10.1145/1005686.1005706In this paper, we develop a fast simulation framework for IEEE 802.11-operated wireless LANs (WLANs), in which a large number of packets are abstracted as a single fluid chunk, and their behaviors are approximated with analytic fluid models and figured ...
Also Published in:
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review: Volume 32 Issue 1 - articleMarch 2004
Estimation of Stationary Loss Probability in a Queuing System with Recurrent Input Flows
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis (KLU-CASA), Volume 40, Issue 2Pages 260–269https://doi.org/10.1023/B:CASA.0000034452.17888.3eA multiserver queuing system with recurrent input flows is considered. A fast simulation method is proposed for evaluation of stationary loss probability. It is based on the joint use of importance sampling and the central limit theorem. The estimates ...
- articleMay 2003
Fast Simulation of Unavailability of a Repairable System with a Bounded Relative Error of Estimate
A new fast simulatiom method for evaluation of unavailability of a repairable system is proposed. Failure-free operation time and repair time have distribution functions of a general type. It is proved that for components with significantly different ...
- articleMay 2003
Fast Simulation of Unavailability of a Repairable System with a Bounded Relative Error of Estimate
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis (KLU-CASA), Volume 39, Issue 3Pages 357–366https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1025753309479A new fast simulatiom method for evaluation of unavailability of a repairable system is proposed. Failure-free operation time and repair time have distribution functions of a general type. It is proved that for components with significantly different ...
- articleMarch 2003
Evaluating Unavailability of a Repairable System Consisting of Components with Significantly Different Reliabilities
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis (KLU-CASA), Volume 39, Issue 2Pages 246–254https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1024791223280A new fast simulation method is proposed for evaluation of unavailability of a repairable system. Its idea is to order failure trajectories according to their ranks that promotes rational experiment organization. The estimates are unbiased and possess a ...
- ArticleJune 2001
On the performance of multiplexing independent regulated inputs
SIGMETRICS '01: Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systemsPages 184–193https://doi.org/10.1145/378420.378782In this paper, we consider the performance analysis problem for a work conserving link with a large number of independent regulated inputs. For such a problem, we derive simple stochastic bounds under a general traffic constraint for the inputs. The ...
Also Published in:
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review: Volume 29 Issue 1 - articleJanuary 1999
Fast simulation of networks of queues with effective and decoupling bandwidths
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), Volume 9, Issue 1Pages 45–58https://doi.org/10.1145/301677.301684A significant difficulty when using Monte Carlo simulation for the performance analysis of communication networks is the long runtime required to obtain accurate statistical estimates. Under the proper conditions, importance sampling (IS) is a technique ...
- ArticleJuly 1997
On the modeling of network traffic and fast simulation of rare events using /spl alpha/-stable self-similar processes
Abstract: We present a new model for aggregated network traffic based on /spl alpha/-stable self-similar processes which captures the burstiness and the long range dependence of the data. We show how the fractional Gaussian noise assumption fails and ...
- ArticleJuly 1997
On core and more: a design perspective for systems-on-a-chip
In this survey, key drivers in design methodology are provided that enable successful design of systems-on-a-chip for the highly competitive telecommunications market. Main components of a design environment are described that fulfill the requirements ...
- ArticleApril 1995
Fast simulation of a voice-data multiplexer
This paper considers the problem of estimating, via simulation, extremely low packet loss rates in a voice-data multiplexer. The multiplexer gives priority to voice packets, unless the data queue length exceeds a threshold. To efficiently simulate such ...