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- research-articleApril 2019
Examining the practical side channel resilience of ARX-boxes
CF '19: Proceedings of the 16th ACM International Conference on Computing FrontiersPages 373–379https://doi.org/10.1145/3310273.3323399Implementations of ARX ciphers are hoped to have some intrinsic side channel resilience owing to the specific choice of cipher components: modular addition (A), rotation (R) and exclusive-or (X). Previous work has contributed to this understanding by ...
- articleFebruary 2018
Non-Asymptotic Lower Bounds for the Data Complexity of Statistical Attacks on Symmetric Cryptosystems
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis (KLU-CASA), Volume 54, Issue 1Pages 83–93https://doi.org/10.1007/s10559-018-0009-0A method is proposed for obtaining the lower bounds of data complexity of statistical attacks on block or stream ciphers. The method is based on the Fano inequality and, unlike the available methods, doesn't use any asymptotic relations, approximate ...
- articleMarch 2017
Secure and Practical Randomized Stream Ciphers Based on Reed---Solomon Codes
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis (KLU-CASA), Volume 53, Issue 2Pages 262–268https://doi.org/10.1007/s10559-017-9926-6In this paper we consider a class of randomized stream ciphers based on joint employment of encryption, random coding, and error-correction coding by binary linear codes. It is shown that in this class there exist ciphers that have arbitrarily high ...
- ArticleFebruary 2011
Fast correlation attacks: methods and countermeasures
Fast correlation attacks have considerably evolved since their first appearance. They have lead to new design criteria of stream ciphers, and have found applications in other areas of communications and cryptography.
In this paper, a review of the ...
- ArticleDecember 2008
Cryptanalysis of Sosemanuk and SNOW 2.0 Using Linear Masks
ASIACRYPT '08: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security: Advances in CryptologyPages 524–538https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-89255-7_32In this paper, we present a correlation attack on Sosemanuk withcomplexity less than 2150. Sosemanuk is a softwareoriented stream cipher proposed by Berbain et al. to the eSTREAMcall for stream cipher and has been selected in the finalportfolio. ...
- chapterJanuary 2008
Cryptanalysis of Achterbahn-128/80 with a New Keystream Limitation
This paper presents two key-recovery attacks against the modification of Achterbahn-128/80 proposed by the authors at SASC 2007 due to the previous attacks. The 80-bit variant, Achterbahn-80, was limited to produce at most 252 bits of keystream with the ...
- ArticleMarch 2007
Cryptanalysis of achterbahn-128/80
This paper presents two key-recovery attacks against Achterbahn- 128/80, the last version of one of the stream cipher proposals in the eSTREAM project. The attack against the 80-bit variant, Achterbahn- 80, has complexity 261. The attack against ...
- ArticleMarch 2006
Cryptanalysis of grain
FSE'06: Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Fast Software EncryptionPages 15–29https://doi.org/10.1007/11799313_2Grain [11] is a lightweight stream cipher proposed by M. Hell, T. Johansson, and W. Meier to the eSTREAM call for stream cipher proposals of the European project ECRYPT [5]. Its 160-bit internal state is divided into a LFSR and an NFSR of length 80 bits ...
- ArticleAugust 2005
On the (im)possibility of practical and secure nonlinear filters and combiners
SAC'05: Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Selected Areas in CryptographyPages 159–174A vast amount of literature on stream ciphers is directed to the cryptanalysis of LFSR-based filters and combiners, resulting in various cryptanalytic attacks. In this paper, we present a unified framework for the security of a design against these ...
- articleDecember 2002
Cryptanalysis of a summation generator with 2-bit memory
Signal Processing (SIGN), Volume 82, Issue 12Pages 2025–2028https://doi.org/10.1016/S0165-1684(02)00356-0The conventional summation generator (SG) has been broken in the past using a number of different methods. Recently, a modified SG was proposed by Lee and Moon to increase the resistance of such generators against these attacks. However, this paper ...
- articleJune 2002
Correlation properties of an improved summation generator with 2-bit memory
Signal Processing (SIGN), Volume 82, Issue 6Pages 907–909https://doi.org/10.1016/S0165-1684(02)00201-3Recently, Lee and Moon proposed an improved summation generator with 2-bit memory. By adding an extra bit of memory in the nonlinear combining function, the proposed generator is claimed to be secure against correlation attacks that the original ...
- research-articleMarch 2002
Computation of Edit Probabilities and Edit Distances for the A5-Type Keystream Generator
Several edit probabilities and edit distances incorporating the stop/go clocking in the well-known A5-type keystream generator are proposed. Recursive algorithms for their efficient computation are derived. It is shown how the edit probabilities can be ...