GestureMark: Shortcut Input Technique using Smartwatch Touch Gestures for XR Glasses
AHs 2024: The Augmented Humans International Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, April 2024
We propose GestureMark, a novel input technique for target selection on XR glasses using smartwatch touch gestures as input. As XR glasses get smaller and lighter, their usage increases rapidly, leading to a higher demand for efficient shortcuts for everyday life. We explored the uses of gesture input on smartwatch touchscreen, including simple swipe, swipe combinations, and bezel-to-bezel (B2B) gesture as an input modality. Through an experiment with 16 participants, we found that while swipe gestures were efficient for four-choice selections, B2B was superior for 16-choice inputs. Feedback mechanisms did not enhance performance but reduced perceived workload. Our findings highlight the potential of integrating smartwatches as secondary input devices for XR glasses.
ACM Reference Format:
Juyoung Lee, Minju Baeck, Hui-Shyong Yeo, Thad Starner, and Woontack Woo. 2024. GestureMark: Shortcut Input Technique using Smartwatch Touch Gestures for XR Glasses. In The Augmented Humans International Conference (AHs 2024), April 04--06, 2024, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. ACM, New York, NY, USA 9 Pages.
XR glasses, equipped with a display in front of the eye, provide the convenience of use no matter the context. These advantages make them useful for many use cases, such as training purposes, remote assistance, or teleconferencing. As XR glasses become lighter, they extend potential from special cases to weaving themselves into everyday life. While XR glasses provide information in the present context, we encounter cases in which we need to perform an input. For example, we could navigate information in demand, take notes, or respond to notifications. Nevertheless, the challenge lies in facilitating fast and easy selection without disrupting the ongoing context. Many commercial products support touch gestures on the temple, but it has limited input choices and poses social acceptability issues in social contexts as their gesture is easily visible to others. Another common technique is mid-air hand gestures, which give more freedom on input choices than temple touch. However, those are not ideal for quick response, raise social acceptability issues, and have form factor limitations to support an affordable range of hand movements with multiple sensors. Carrying an additional controller could be a solution and it provides an alternative interface that does not require extensive trials or attention like navigation keys or raycasting, but carrying it around all day can be another issue. For this reason, we decide to leverage a well-known wearable device, a smartwatch, to an input device for XR glasses.
Indirect-touch pointing, a popular input technique for a laptop, can be a suitable solution for XR glasses. However, Camilleri et al. [7] reported that peripheral indirect-touch pointing devices have the appropriate size to be useful, which is about 112mm in width and 63mm in depth. Gilliot et al. [12] also mentioned the recommended guidelines for indirect touch, including providing visibility on the input device and the performance affected by the input-target ratio. This fact can be seen in that a commodity device with the touchpad on the temple could not fit the affordable size for indirect pointing, so they focused on gesture input [24]. To expand small touch input space, there was research on using gaze [39] or tapping pattern [17]. At the same time, trials were conducted to explore gestural input with hand-worn wearable devices. DRG-Keyboard [23] applied gesture typing with dual IMU rings. Ahn et al. [1] aimed to expand the input capabilities of XR glasses by integrating a touch screen from a smartwatch for text entry. DigiTap [28] investigated symbolic hand input with a wrist-worn camera to activate shortcuts for AR/VR. To improve the visibility of possible input set, there were trials with guidance on 3D space [9] which originated from marking menu input, OctoPocus [5]. However, it is still challenging to quickly select a target on a XR glasses from multiple objects without disrupting the context.
We propose ‘GestureMark,’ a marking menu-style input system for XR glasses that allows target selection with touch gestures on a smartwatch. We suggest adding gesture guidance on the interactable objects following the marking menu to enable shortcut selection. We integrated smartwatch bezel touch gestures, including four-directional swipe and bezel-to-bezel (B2B) gesture [22], which offers 16 possible inputs in one go. Previous research has validated its effectiveness in multiple cases, such as eyes-free [33] or encumbered scenarios [30]. Our method offers a quicker way to select objects through shortcut selection with gesture combinations, reducing input trials compared to navigational selection using a highlighted cursor. Additionally, it would require less attention and time as the user only needs to focus on the intended target rather than passing through all targets.
We designed two input types: B2B and swipe gestures, each with a unique icon representing its touch path. We implemented a gesture detection model using a Random Decision Forest following a previous study [30]. We conducted an experiment to examine the performance of the proposed input technique and answer research questions.
- First, B2B touch gestures can be executed efficiently with visual cues, such as the four directional swipe.
- Second, if the visual and vibration feedback affects the performance or user experience.
- Lastly, what is the most effective way to input with the same bit-per-second: double 4-sided swipes or single B2B.
The experiment was designed as 2(Swipe/B2B)x2(with/without feedback) settings with 16 participants repeated two times across two contexts: seated and walking. We run an analysis to compare B2B with swipe gestures and evaluate the impact of feedback. The study showed that using a swipe gesture worked well for selecting from four options but not as well for selecting from 16 options with two consecutive swipes compared to B2B. Feedback did not improve performance, but participants perceived less workload while walking. As participants gained more experience with the B2B gesture, their success rate improved to an impressive 89.3% in just 1.62 seconds. However, it should be noted that swipe gestures only displayed a learning effect in completion time and not in successive attempts. According to our research, B2B gestures can be effectively used as input for the marking menus on XR glasses.
Overall, our main contributions are 1) the design and implementation of input techniques using smartwatch-glasses combinational uses and 2) empirical results demonstrating the efficacy of the proposed input technique with different settings.
2.1 Input with wearable device
Given the possible mobility of the smartglasses, there were still limitations on performing input of various options or subtle input to it. For this reason, the input methods rely on wearable devices worn on the finger, hand, or arm became popular. Hsieh et al. investigate the hand gestural interaction technique for smartglasses in public space and propose gesture with a haptic glove [16]. Extending the use of hand gestures, there was a series of research using different sensors. Opisthenar suggested embedded wrist camera can be used [38] and Back-Hand-Pose improve it with a deformation network [34]. EtherPose enabled hand pose tracking with two wrist-worn antennas [19]. More focused on the input than tracking, DigiTap suggested symbolic input for AR/VR [28]. ARPads investigate a design space for mid-air interact input for augmented reality and show that indirect input can achieve less fatigue than direct input [6]. These hand gesture-based interaction methods show the natural way to interact but still have a limitation on form factor to use all days, speed, or reliability. Therefore, BiTipText introduced a bimanual text input method by touching different regions of the index finger with thumb [35]. ‘M[eye]cro’ combines eye-gaze and thumb-to-finger gesture to select on-screen objects [32]. Then, DRG-Keyboard enables fingertip typing with dual IMU rings [23]. Extending this trend, there were also trials to control devices with one ring [4] and exploring input with rings [15]. However, interactions based on rings have limitations as they are relatively new in the market, similar to smart glasses. Therefore, using a smartwatch is a popular solution. The touch input on smartwatches can expand the input space of smart glasses [1], or the smartwatch's sensor can be used as an input modality for gesture interaction [31]. However, these attempts were limited to typing or mid-air gesture input, which cannot match the quick, easy, and tactile input as a reaction to the screen information.
2.2 Touch gesture on smartwatch
In order to expand the limited input space on smartwatches, touch gestures have been suggested in various ways. One common approach is to use the space around the bezel, as it is relatively easy to distinguish its position. Ashbrook et al. developed a mathematical model to determine the error rate when using a circular touchscreen [3]. BezelGlide investigated touch gestures by gliding the bezel to interact with the smartwatch without obscuring the finger [25]. Additionally, Watchit uses touch gestures on the watch strap to overcome finger obstruction [27]. Bezel-to-bezel (B2B)-Swipe introduced 16 different gestures that can be initiated from one side and end at another [22]. They also showed that it can work on even in eyes-free conditions. Wong et al. explored the use of bezel-initiated swipe gestures on rounded smartwatches [33]. Rey et al. demonstrated that B2B gestures are effective with 4 segments, even in walking or encumbered scenarios [30]. Side-Crossing Menus (SCM) introduces touch gestures activated by crossing a 3x3 divided grid of the smartwatch touch screen [11]. They also used tactile feedback around the bezel to aid in eyes-free condition, but this requires additional modifications to the smartwatch. These studies found that tactile and visual feedback can make performing touch gestures on smartwatches easier, and B2B gestures are robust in most cases. Therefore, using bezel touch gestures would be a good choice for quick and easy input for XR glasses, and it could possibly improve by the feedback.
2.3 Gesture input with Visual Cue
Similar to the hotkeys with a keyboard to select displayed items on a desktop environment, there were similar approaches to gestural input. MarkPad used laptop touchpad to create size-dependent gestural shortcuts [10]. Escape enables target selection on highly dense situations by doing swipe gestures according to displayed cue [37]. DirectionQ used a similar technique for XR glasses with mid-air selection [18]. Extending to freehand gestures, Ren and O'Neil proposed an improved design for 3D marking menus based on their studies [29]. ViewfinderVR enables small or distant objects with a virtual viewfinder and finalizes with the gesture [21]. Yan et al. proposed target acquisition using head gestures in virtual and augmented reality [36]. TwinkleTwinkle suggests interacting with smart devices by blinking in Morse code, which is well known [8]. When we extend to the menu selection using gaze with custom interfaces, StickyPie uses a gaze-based marking menu [2]. Lattice Menu investigates a gaze-based marking menu utilizing assistance[20]. SCM demonstrated the ability to quickly select shortcuts and cross sides using a smartwatch, allowing for remote interaction with complex environments such as virtual reality [11]. OctoPocus [5] used a dynamic guide to help gesture input, and Fennedy et al. extended it to VR [9]. Through these experiments, it was discovered that using gestures as an indirect input showed great potential in various forms. However, further investigation is required when working with visual interfaces separate from the gesture detection itself.
3 GestureMark
We first look at the commodity XR interfaces to design MarkingXR. Microsoft Mixed Reality has nine central and six auxiliary options, and the Meta Quest headsets show 16 main buttons and many more small optional buttons on the side. For this reason, we intended to support more than 12 targets at once. Next, we chose the smartwatch gesture-based approach, prioritizing low false-positive rates and discreet user interaction. For the touch gesture, we use four directional swipes and B2B. Swipe is the most common gesture in commercial devices and B2B gestures, which were studied by several researchers and have showed its potential. The concept of bezel-based gestures was first introduced in B2B-Swipe [22], which included double-crossing and single-crossing swipes. Wong et al. further explored the potential of these gestures on round smartwatches [33], and Rey et al. extended the study to mobile and encumbered scenarios [30]. Multiple settings were presented for B2B gestures, including 4, 6, or 8 segments. However, we decided to use 4 segments. This decision was based on the findings of Rey et al. [30], who reported that using 4 segments resulted in over 90% accuracy with machine learning techniques.
With the four-segment design, we were able to create 16 possible bezel-to-bezel swipes (B2B), with a single input by crossing in the direction of out to inside of the touch screen and crossing inside to out. The first and second crossing could all occur in four possible segments, resulting in 16 possible combinations. However, the swipe (SwipeX2), which starts the gesture from inside the smartwatch touch screen and crosses the bezel outward, only has four possible choices. Therefore, we stacked the Swipe, asked to do it twice consecutively (SwipeX2), and we could get the same 16 possible choices as with the B2B. In simpler terms, the B2B gesture involves twice bezel crossing in one sequence, while the swipe gesture requires input in two separate sequences. We decided to build and test both SwipeX2 and B2B because the research [40] suggests that repeating a simple gesture may be more effective. In addition, if SwipeX2 worked better, we could conclude the potential of maximizing selection choices of GestureMark by stacking more gestures.
Feedback. According to the Side-Crossing Menus [11], tactile feedback is useful for users performing bezel gestures, and Norman mentioned that giving feedback on their performance is important for gesture interaction [26]. For these reasons, we decided to implement both tactile and visual feedback. Our goal was to use common smartwatches and XR glasses, and since most smartwatches have a vibration motor, we chose to substitute tactile feedback with vibration feedback. As opposed to smartwatches, XR glasses’ displays are always visible to the user and the visual feedback on XR glasses should not need extra movements compared to smartwatches. We have enhanced the XR glasses by providing visual feedback through touch points. These touch points are located at the bottom left of the display, enabling users to view their input in their peripheral vision. The touch points are indicated by small dots, and we have distinguished both the beginning and ending points with a red circle and blue square, respectively. Furthermore, the feedback lasts for a few seconds, giving users the opportunity to review their input when the system detects a different input or fails with their trial. These are depicted in Figure 3.
Visual Cue. In order to make it easier to understand the B2B and Swipe gestures, we have created a visual representation for each gesture. We found that it can be difficult to interpret the gesture from text alone. We have used the same format for the visual feedback to ensure consistency. We have placed a gray circle contour that is divided into four segments to indicate that the user is performing a gesture on the smartwatch. We have also included a blue circle to mark the start point and a red square to mark the endpoint. To make the direction of the gesture clear, we have added arrowheads to trace the points. We positioned two visual cues side by side for SwipeX2; the first target on the left and the second on the right. Figure 2 shows all possible combinations of the gestures.
System. Our system is designed to work with an Android smartphone and a smartwatch. These two devices are connected through WiFi using the smartphone's hotspot feature. The smartphone streams packets of touch coordinates, as well as touch events that are obtained using the Android API. The classifier then runs on the phone, using the touch points. We used the same features as in previous research [30], but added first and end points’ distance from the center position to help distinguish swipe gestures from B2B gestures that do not change direction, such as starting from the top and ending at the bottom. We used a ported version1 of Weka [13] to run the machine learning model on the phone. We selected the Random Forest model, which showed the best performance in our trials and previous research [30]. To prepare the model for the experiment, we collected ground truth data from four people who did not participate in the following experiment. Each of them performed five trials of each gesture while sitting. The results showed that the accuracy rate was 98.18% (SD = 2.18) when validating with the leave-one user-out method for 20 different gestures. including 16 B2B gestures and 4 swipe gestures. To connect XR glasses to the phone, we used a cable and the external display handling of Android API to control the layout of XR glasses display from the phone.
We conducted an experiment to investigate possible design choices of GestureMark. First, B2B and swipe gestures could easily guide users to perform gestures with visual cues on XR glasses. Second, the visual feedback impacts the performance or user experience. Lastly, which one will be a better choice for target selection with 16 choices, B2B or SwipeX2.
To showcase the mobility of XR glasses, we conducted the experiment in both a seated and walking context. We then examined the impact of visual and vibration feedback on the gestures by conducting trials with and without feedback. In summary, we investigated three factors: gestures, context, and feedback. The experiment was divided into sessions based on context and feedback, which were counterbalanced among participants. Within each session, all gestures were presented in a random order. 16 adults (6 females, 10 males), aged between 19 and 31 (M = 24.8, SD = 3.5), volunteered for the experiment. Those participants volunteered through the local university's web board. Eight were daily smartwatch users, and all wore a watch on their left hand except for one participant. The experiment lasted less than an hour, and they were compensated approximately 10 USD for their time and effort. During the experiment, we measured the accuracy and amount of time required to complete the gesture. Participants completed a NASA Task Load Index (TLX) [14] after each session and a survey on their impressions of the interfaces after all sessions ended. The experiment received approval from the local Institutional Review Board (IRB).
4.1 Apparatus
We used a Pixel watch with a 1.2" display with 384x384 pixels during the experiment. For our XR glasses, we opted for the Epson Moverio BT-45C, which supports Android connectivity and features a binocular see-through Full HD display with a 34° field-of-view. We connected the XR glasses to an Android smartphone, LG V35 ThinQ. To ensure ease of use for our participants, we prepared a small cross bag to place the smartphone in. The setting with all devices equipped is depicted in Figure 4 (a).
4.2 Task and procedure
Prior to beginning the main four sessions, participants had the opportunity to practice using gesture input with the same display layout and procedures as the experiment. We encouraged participants to train themselves until they felt comfortable with the gestures, which typically took five to ten minutes.
The experiment followed a within-subject method, with participants performing the task while seated or walking and with or without feedback. Before each trial, a countdown was displayed for three seconds to ensure participants were ready and to avoid time differences caused by distributed attention. Participants were asked to complete a targeted gesture as quickly as possible during the trial. To avoid the effect of the searching task, we placed only one visual cue in the middle of the display for all trials. After each trial, success or failure was displayed on the smart glasses for two seconds, allowing participants to review their performance. Throughout the experiment, participants were asked to avoid looking at their smartwatch to maintain an eyes-free condition. Each gesture was shown twice for each session, and each participant had to complete 256 trials through the experiment, which concluded in a total of 4096 trials (32 gestures x 2 times x 4 sessions x 16 participants = 4096 trials).
During the seated condition, participants sat on an office chair with armrests. They were instructed to rest their arms after each trial to move both their fingers and arms on every trial. In the walking condition, participants were directed to follow a path approximately 40 meters long. The path consisted of 20 meters of straight line and 20 meters of curved path as depicted in Figure 4. Cones were placed at both ends to mark turns and to continue walking at the endpoint.
4.3 Result
We recorded data on two gestures during the experiment: B2B and SwipeX2. Additionally, we extracted the first swipe input into its own category, ran analyses on it, and labeled it as Swipe. In analysis, we first ran a multi-way ANOVA across different participants. Then, we utilized a permutation test with Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple hypothesis testing in the post hoc analysis. We used the Greenhouse-Geisser adjustment for violation of sphericity assumption since all measurements met the normality assumption. Detailed settings for the analysis will be described in each section.
4.3.1 Success rate. For the success rate, we first run three-way ANOVA for context, feedback, and gesture type. It shows a significant effect on the gesture(F(2, 30) = 19.82, p < .001) and interaction effect for context with gesture (F(2, 30) = 10.64, p < .001). However, we could not find a significant effect on the context(F(1, 15) = 4.22, p = .053), feedback(F(1, 15) = 0.81, p = .383), or interaction effects. We applied a paired permutation test on 12 possible combinations for post hoc analysis. Figure 5.(a) shows the average and standard deviation values. First, for the single condition difference, as Swipe is extracted from SwipeX2, it shows better rates for all 4 conditions with significancies. Additionally, for the gesture type difference, B2B shows a better rate than both Swipe and SwipeX2 on walking context with feedback (Swipe:padj = .023 / SwipeX2:padj < .001), but only SwipeX2 shows significant difference on walking without feedback (padj < .001) and seated without feedback(padj = .024). Then, for the context differences, both Swipe and SwipeX2 show better rate on seated than walking condition with feedback (Swipe:padj = .017 / SwipeX2:padj < .009), but only SwipeX2 shows difference without feedback (padj = .006). However, we did not find any significant differences in the B2B rate between seated and walking. Additionally, feedback did not show any significant difference in the success rate as a single different factor. Next, for the differences in context and gesture, Swipe shows a better rate than SwipeX2. In addition, B2B while walking shows better rates than SwipeX2 on seated (With feedback: padj = .0.13/No: padj = .017) and of course seated B2B significantly better than walking SwipeX2 (With feedback: padj = .006/No: padj < .001).
4.3.2 Completion time. The completion time was measured from the moment the target appeared on the smart glasses to the moment the user finished touching the smartwatch and the phone detected the input. Only successful trials were selected for the analysis. Following the process for the success rate, run three-way ANOVA for context, feedback, and gesture type. The gesture difference only reflects the significance (F(1.9, 28.5) = 247.60, p < .001). We applied a paired permutation test on 12 possible combinations for post hoc analysis. Figure 5.(b) shows the average and standard deviation values. All possible gesture combinations for four conditions showed highly significant differences (All: padj < .001) with showing Swipe requires the least amount of time to complete input followed by B2B and SwipeX2 was the slowest one. However, we could not find any significant difference in feedback or context without variation in gesture type.
We also counted detailed timing by dividing completion time into reaction and interaction times. The reaction time was counted from the target appeared to first touch detected and the interaction time was counted from touch start to end. On average, B2B required 1.20 second (SD: 0.30) until start the touch and Swipe required 1.13 seconds (SD: 0.27). The average interaction time of B2B was 0.36 seconds (SD: 0.13) and Swipe was 0.20 seconds (SD: 0.07). For last, the average gap between touch input from the first swipe and the second on SwipeX2 was 0.15 seconds (SD: 0.17).
4.3.3 Perceived Workload. For the perceived workload, we collected NASA-TLX after each session. For this reason, different from the previous factors, the workload was only collected within four conditions by context and feedback. We used RAW-TLX value, which does not include weighting but uses the sum or average of subscales for the analysis [14]. First, we ran a two-way repeated measure ANOVA for context and feedback. We could only find significant differences for the context(F(1, 15) = 6.01, p = .027) but not in feedback or interaction effects. For the post-hoc comparison, we run a pairwise permutation test. We could find significant different between the walking without feedback condition(M = 35.31, SD = 20.96) with other three conditions: seated without feedback (M = 24.69, SD = 14.77 / padj = .007), seated with feedback (M = 24.53, SD = 16.29 / padj = .003), and walking with feedback (M = 30.94, SD = 19.40/padj = .060). In addition, we could also find significant differences between seated and walking both with feedback (padj = .045).
4.3.4 Learning curve. During the experiment, gesture input is often affected by the learning effect. Therefore, we reorganized our data on success rates and completion times into the order of trials per participant for each gesture to investigate it. Figure 6 shows the mean and standard deviation for each condition. We run a two-way repeated measure ANOVA for the order of session and gesture types on both rate and time. We could find significant effects on the gesture type with both success rate(F(2, 30) = 19.8, p < .001) and completion time (F(2, 30) = 247.6, p < .001). In aspect of the performing order, we could only find a significant effect for the competition time(F(3, 45) = 6.8, p = .002) but not in success rate. Then, we run the post hoc analysis to look in detail at the effect of the performing order. Following the other result, we used a pairwise permutation test with Benjamini-Hochberg correction. We could find that the order has significant effects on the B2B gesture. For the B2B, compared to the first session, the second (padj = .048), third (padj = .021), and last (padj = .049) session shows a better rate of succession. In aspect of the completion time, third session and the last session was significantly smaller than the first session on all three gestures: Swipe (3rd:padj = .023 / 4th:padj = .044), SwipeX2 (3rd:padj = .031 / 4th:padj = .034), and B2B (3rd:padj = .040 / 4th:padj = .043).
The result illustrates that both B2B and Swipe outperformed SwipeX2 in success rate and completion time. At the last session, B2B achieved up to 89% success rate while spending 1.62 seconds on average, and Swipe showed 87.7% with 1.36 seconds. However, SwipeX2 only showed 75.6% with 1.81 seconds. In the following paragraph, we will discuss the result with design suggestions in each aspect and the possible applications of GestureMark.
Feedback. Based on the result, we found that the feedback did not significantly improve success rate or completion time. Nevertheless, participants reported that it reduces the workload when walking. In post-interviews, they also noted that they do not think the feedback enhances their performance after they become familiar with the gestures. Still, it is useful when they lack confidence in their input while walking. In addition, they reported that feedback was useful for reviewing failed attempts and improving their performance. These findings suggest that a conditional feedback system could be designed to activate when the user is moving dynamically or after a failed attempt.
Input gestures: B2B or Swipe. To extend GestureMark, it is important to expand the possible selectable targets. There could be two possible ways: using more complicated gestures or simple gestures multiple times. Zhao and Balakrishnan reported that repeating simple input for the hierarchical marking menu shows better results than "zig-zag" compound marks [40]. However, as XR glasses is used in more various conditions even when the user cannot totally concentrate on performing input, we decided to compare B2B to SwipeX2. Through the experiment, we could find that B2B outperformed SwipeX2 in both accuracy and time. We could guess some advantages of B2B: it requires longer interaction time than Swipe. It concludes with more variance on the input by changing the angle. For this reason, we could possibly imagine that partial errors, such as fault start or ending bezel angle, can be supplemented by other parts. However, Swipe is too short to expect this effect. This can be shown by the success rate of Swipe getting worse while walking, but B2B did not change. Additionally, we found that SwipeX2 had success rates comparable to the squared values of Swipe. This suggests that the two trials in SwipeX2 act as independent trials, and repeating does not help the second trial.
Summary. Our experiment concludes that performing input according to the visual cues with touch gestures on a smartwatch can be an effective way of input. However, we observed that performing multiple gestures in a row can have a negative impact on accuracy as SwipeX2 shows worse results. Nevertheless, since scenarios with more than 16 targets are not typical, we can still consider this approach applicable. Additionally, we can combine both Swipe and B2B gestures to increase the number of choices to 20. Since B2B gestures show more stable performance, we can suggest it be used in main targets. As most of XR glasses UI has additional option buttons to access network or settings, we want to suggest using Swipe on those. Those functional shortcuts need quick access and are usually more independent of the user's context. Furthermore, if more targets are displayed than the maximum input choices, we can limit target selection to the center view and change it by moving the headings using multimodal input, such as gaze or head movement.
We investigated the use of touch gestures on smartwatches as input with visual cues on XR glasses. We conducted a comparison experiment with two gestures (B2B and Swipe) under four different conditions. From the experiment, we found that the user does not have difficulties performing B2B from the cue, and it achieved up to 89.3% of success rate by spending 1.62 seconds. However, when they performed the swipe gesture twice, the second one caused a higher error rate. Additionally, we found that feedback reduced users’ workload while walking, and participants responded positively to it for the effects of reviewing their failure trials. These findings could be a starting point for visual cue-based input with bezel gestures for XR glasses. We hope this input technique can be a complementary option in addition to direct manipulation, such as hand or gaze interaction for XR glasses.
This work was partly supported by Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No.2019-0-01270, WISE AR UI/UX Platform Development for Smartglasses) and Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) grant funded by the Korea Government (MOTIE) (P0012746, The Competency Development Program for Industry Specialist)
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