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View all- Vanderperre EMakhanov S(2018)On the reliability of Gavers parallel system supervised by a safety unitOperations Research Letters10.1016/j.orl.2018.01.00946:2(257-261)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2018
A two-unit cold standby system with Markovian degrading units and one repair facility is considered. Two types of repair are possible: preventive and corrective, where the latter is supposed to be more time consuming than the first. The system is ...
Stochastic behaviour of a two-unit cold standby redundant system, with two types of repairmen is analysed. The first repairman (usually called ''regular'' repairman) will always remain with the repair facility, with the known fact that he might not be ...
This paper considers two service stages in tandem with infinite queue capacity in front of each stage. There is a single server who performs the service in both stages by switching from one stage to the other when the number of customers in the active ...
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