This document defines TCP's four intertwined congestion control algorithms: slow start, congestion avoidance, fast retransmit, and fast recovery. In addition, the document specifies how TCP should begin transmission after a relatively long idle period, as well as discussing various acknowledgment generation methods.
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Congestion control in IP/TCP internetworks
Congestion control is a recognized problem in complex networks. We have discovered that the Department of Defense's Internet Protocol (IP), a pure datagram protocol, and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), a transport layer protocol, when used together,...
Performance evaluation of Westwood+ TCP congestion control
Internet performance symposium (IPS 2002)Westwood+ TCP is a sender-side only modification of the classic Tahoe/Reno TCP that has been recently proposed to improve fairness and efficiency of TCP. The key idea of Westwood+ TCP is to perform an end-to-end estimate of the bandwidth available for a ...
TCP-friendly Congestion Control for HighSpeed Network
SAINT '07: Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Applications and the InternetThe currently used TCP congestion control, TCP Reno, has two weaknesses. To solve this TCP Reno drawback, HighSpeed TCP and Scalable TCP were proposed. However, the fairness between these proposed TCP and TCP Reno is not considered, when both ...