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10.1145/502034.502057acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessospConference Proceedingsconference-collections

SEDA: an architecture for well-conditioned, scalable internet services

Published: 21 October 2001 Publication History


We propose a new design for highly concurrent Internet services, which we call the staged event-driven architecture (SEDA). SEDA is intended to support massive concurrency demands and simplify the construction of well-conditioned services. In SEDA, applications consist of a network of event-driven stages connected by explicit queues. This architecture allows services to be well-conditioned to load, preventing resources from being overcommitted when demand exceeds service capacity. SEDA makes use of a set of dynamic resource controllers to keep stages within their operating regime despite large fluctuations in load. We describe several control mechanisms for automatic tuning and load conditioning, including thread pool sizing, event batching, and adaptive load shedding. We present the SEDA design and an implementation of an Internet services platform based on this architecture. We evaluate the use of SEDA through two applications: a high-performance HTTP server and a packet router for the Gnutella peer-to-peer file sharing network. These results show that SEDA applications exhibit higher performance than traditional service designs, and are robust to huge variations in load.


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SOSP '01: Proceedings of the eighteenth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles
October 2001
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