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Weakening WebAssembly

Published: 10 October 2019 Publication History

Editorial Notes

A corrigendum was issued for this paper on December 29, 2020. You can download the corrigendum from the supplemental material section of this citation page.


WebAssembly (Wasm) is a safe, portable virtual instruction set that can be hosted in a wide range of environments, such as a Web browser. It is a low-level language whose instructions are intended to compile directly to bare hardware. While the initial version of Wasm focussed on single-threaded computation, a recent proposal extends it with low-level support for multiple threads and atomic instructions for synchronised access to shared memory. To support the correct compilation of concurrent programs, it is necessary to give a suitable specification of its memory model.
Wasm's language definition is based on a fully formalised specification that carefully avoids undefined behaviour. We present a substantial extension to this semantics, incorporating a relaxed memory model, along with a few proposed extensions. Wasm's memory model is unique in that its linear address space can be dynamically grown during execution, while all accesses are bounds-checked. This leads to the novel problem of specifying how observations about the size of the memory can propagate between threads. We argue that, considering desirable compilation schemes, we cannot give a sequentially consistent semantics to memory growth.
We show that our model provides sequential consistency for data-race-free executions (SC-DRF). However, because Wasm is to run on the Web, we must also consider interoperability of its model with that of JavaScript. We show, by counter-example, that JavaScript's memory model is not SC-DRF, in contrast to what is claimed in its specification. We propose two axiomatic conditions that should be added to the JavaScript model to correct this difference.
We also describe a prototype SMT-based litmus tool which acts as an oracle for our axiomatic model, visualising its behaviours, including memory resizing.

Supplementary Material

3360559-corrigendum (3360559-corrigendum.pdf)
Corrigendum to "Weakening WebAssembly" by Watt et al., Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages Volume 3, Issue OOPSLA (PACMPL 3:OOPSLA).
a133-watt (a133-watt.webm)
Presentation at OOPSLA '19


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cover image Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 3, Issue OOPSLA
October 2019
2077 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 10 October 2019
Published in PACMPL Volume 3, Issue OOPSLA


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  1. Virtual machines
  2. assembly languages
  3. just-in-time compilers
  4. programming languages
  5. type systems


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