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Explanations as Mechanisms for Supporting Algorithmic Transparency

Published: 19 April 2018 Publication History


Transparency can empower users to make informed choices about how they use an algorithmic decision-making system and judge its potential consequences. However, transparency is often conceptualized by the outcomes it is intended to bring about, not the specifics of mechanisms to achieve those outcomes. We conducted an online experiment focusing on how different ways of explaining Facebook's News Feed algorithm might affect participants' beliefs and judgments about the News Feed. We found that all explanations caused participants to become more aware of how the system works, and helped them to determine whether the system is biased and if they can control what they see. The explanations were less effective for helping participants evaluate the correctness of the system's output, and form opinions about how sensible and consistent its behavior is. We present implications for the design of transparency mechanisms in algorithmic decision-making systems based on these results.

Supplementary Material

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The supplemental file presents the experiment manipulation and survey instrument, descriptive statistics about each question, a table of correlations between all of the quantitative variables, and the full output of the regression models.The file is a HTML file and should be viewable in any web browser.


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    CHI '18: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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