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Fast Video Facial Expression Recognition by a Deeply Tensor-Compressed LSTM Neural Network for Mobile Devices

Published: 15 July 2021 Publication History


Mobile devices usually suffer from limited computation and storage resources, which seriously hinders them from deep neural network applications. In this article, we introduce a deeply tensor-compressed long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network for fast video-based facial expression recognition on mobile devices. First, a spatio-temporal facial expression recognition LSTM model is built by extracting time-series feature maps from facial clips. The LSTM-based spatio-temporal model is further deeply compressed by means of quantization and tensorization for mobile device implementation. Based on datasets of Extended Cohn-Kanade (CK+), MMI, and Acted Facial Expression in Wild 7.0, experimental results show that the proposed method achieves 97.96%, 97.33%, and 55.60% classification accuracy and significantly compresses the size of network model up to 221× with reduced training time per epoch by 60%. Our work is further implemented on the RK3399Pro mobile device with a Neural Process Engine. The latency of the feature extractor and LSTM predictor can be reduced 30.20× and 6.62×, respectively, on board with the leveraged compression methods. Furthermore, the spatio-temporal model costs only 57.19 MB of DRAM and 5.67W of power when running on the board.


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UMASS. n.d.Labeled Faces in the Wild. Retrieved June 8, 2021 from
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  1. Fast Video Facial Expression Recognition by a Deeply Tensor-Compressed LSTM Neural Network for Mobile Devices



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      cover image ACM Transactions on Internet of Things
      ACM Transactions on Internet of Things  Volume 2, Issue 4
      November 2021
      190 pages
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      Published: 15 July 2021
      Accepted: 01 May 2021
      Revised: 01 February 2021
      Received: 01 October 2019
      Published in TIOT Volume 2, Issue 4


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      1. Mobile device
      2. deep learning
      3. facial expression recognition
      4. tensor decomposition


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