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10.1145/1985441.1985457acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Security versus performance bugs: a case study on Firefox

Published: 21 May 2011 Publication History


A good understanding of the impact of different types of bugs on various project aspects is essential to improve software quality research and practice. For instance, we would expect that security bugs are fixed faster than other types of bugs due to their critical nature. However, prior research has often treated all bugs as similar when studying various aspects of software quality (e.g., predicting the time to fix a bug), or has focused on one particular type of bug (e.g., security bugs) with little comparison to other types. In this paper, we study how different types of bugs (performance and security bugs) differ from each other and from the rest of the bugs in a software project. Through a case study on the Firefox project, we find that security bugs are fixed and triaged much faster, but are reopened and tossed more frequently. Furthermore, we also find that security bugs involve more developers and impact more files in a project. Our work is the first work to ever empirically study performance bugs and compare it to frequently-studied security bugs. Our findings highlight the importance of considering the different types of bugs in software quality research and practice.


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MSR '11: Proceedings of the 8th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories
May 2011
260 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 21 May 2011


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  1. bugzilla
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  3. firefox
  4. performance bugs
  5. security bugs


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