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An Order of Magnitude Faster Isosurface Rendering in Software on a PC than Using Dedicated, General Purpose Rendering Hardware

Published: 01 October 2000 Publication History


The purpose of this work is to compare the speed of isosurface rendering in software with that using dedicated hardware. Input data consist of 10 different objects from various parts of the body and various modalities (CT, MR, and MRA) with a variety of surface sizes (up to 1 million voxels/2 million triangles) and shapes. The software rendering technique consists of a particular method of voxel-based surface rendering, called shell rendering. The hardware method is OpenGL-based and uses the surfaces constructed from our implementation of the Marching Cubes algorithm. The hardware environment consists of a variety of platforms, including a Sun Ultra I with a Creator3D graphics card and a Silicon Graphics Reality Engine II, both with polygon rendering hardware, and a 300Mhz Pentium PC. The results indicate that the software method (shell rendering) was 18 to 31 times faster than any hardware rendering methods. This work demonstrates that a software implementation of a particular rendering algorithm (shell rendering) can outperform dedicated hardware. We conclude that, for medical surface visualization, expensive dedicated hardware engines are not required. More importantly, available software algorithms (shell rendering) on a 300Mhz Pentium PC outperform the speed of rendering via hardware engines by a factor of 18 to 31.


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  1. An Order of Magnitude Faster Isosurface Rendering in Software on a PC than Using Dedicated, General Purpose Rendering Hardware



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        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
        IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics  Volume 6, Issue 4
        October 2000
        99 pages


        IEEE Educational Activities Department

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 October 2000

        Author Tags

        1. 3D imaging.
        2. Volume visualization
        3. isosurfaces
        4. rendering


        • Research-article


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