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Metamodels for Computer-based Engineering Design: Survey and recommendations

Published: 01 July 2001 Publication History


The use of statistical techniques to build approximations of expensive computer analysis codes pervades much of today's engineering design. These statistical approximations, or metamodels, are used to replace the actual expensive computer analyses, facilitating multidisciplinary, multiobjective optimization and concept exploration. In this paper, we review several of these techniques, including design of experiments, response surface methodology, Taguchi methods, neural networks, inductive learning and kriging. We survey their existing application in engineering design, and then address the dangers of applying traditional statistical techniques to approximate deterministic computer analysis codes. We conclude with recommendations for the appropriate use of statistical approximation techniques in given situations, and how common pitfalls can be avoided.


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  1. Metamodels for Computer-based Engineering Design: Survey and recommendations
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    Published In

    cover image Engineering with Computers
    Engineering with Computers  Volume 17, Issue 2
    July 2001
    106 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents



    Berlin, Heidelberg

    Publication History

    Published: 01 July 2001

    Author Tag

    1. Keywords.Deterministic analysis; Engineering design; Kriging; Metamodels; Robust design; RSM


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