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Passive haptics significantly enhances virtual environments
  • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Order Number:AAI3007820
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One of the most disconcertingly unnatural properties of most virtual environments (VEs) is the ability of the user to pass through objects. I hypothesize that passive haptics, augmenting a high-fidelity visual virtual environment with low-fidelity physical objects, will markedly improve both sense of presence and spatial knowledge training transfer. The low-fidelity physical models can be constructed from cheap, easy-to-assemble materials such as styrofoam, plywood, and particle board.

The first study investigated the effects of augmenting a visual-cliff environment with a slight physical ledge on participants' sense of presence . I found when participants experienced passive haptics in the VE, they exhibited significantly more behaviors associated with pit avoidance than when experiencing the non-augmented VE. Changes in heart rate and skin conductivity were significantly higher than when they experienced the VE without passive haptics.

The second study investigated passive haptics' effects on performance of a real-world navigation task after training in a virtual environment. Half of the participants trained on maze navigation in a VE augmented with a styrofoam physical model, while half trained in a non-augmented VE but were given visual and audio contact cues. The task was to gain as much information as possible about the layout of the environment. Participants knew before the VE session that their training would be tested by navigating an identical real maze environment while blindfolded.

Significant differences in the time to complete the blindfolded navigation task and significant differences in the number of collisions with objects were found between the participants trained in an augmented VE and the participants trained in a non-augmented VE. 11 of 15 participants trained without passive haptics bumped into the next-to-last obstacle encountered in the testing session and turned the wrong direction to navigate around it: only 2 of 15 participants trained with passive haptics made the same navigation error. On the other hand, the assessment of the participants' cognitive maps of the virtual environment did not find significant differences between groups as measured by sketch maps and object dimension estimation.

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  • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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