High-performance, general-purpose microprocessors serve as compute engines for computers ranging from personal computers to supercomputers. Sequential programs constitute a major portion of real-world software that run on the computers. State-of-the-art microprocessors exploit instruction level parallelism (ILP) to achieve high performance on such applications by searching for independent instructions in a dynamic window of instructions and executing them on a wide-issue pipeline. Increasing the window size and the issue width to extract more ILP may hinder achieving high clock speeds, limiting overall performance.
The Multiscalar architecture employs multiple small windows and many narrow-issue processing units to exploit ILP at high clock speeds. Sequential programs are partitioned into code fragments called tasks, which are speculatively executed in parallel. Inter-task register dependences are honored via communication and synchronization and inter-task control flow and memory dependences are handled by speculation and verification in hardware.
Since this thesis is the first attempt at investigating the problem of compiling for the Multiscalar architecture, I identify the fundamental interactions between applications and the Multiscalar architecture from the standpoint of performance and explore a few compiler optimization opportunities instead of proposing the best technique for a specific problem.
Control flow speculation, register communication, memory dependence speculation, load imbalance, and task overheads are key performance issues. To extract high degrees of ILP, compiler heuristics partition programs into large tasks, which comprise multiple basic blocks. To maintain high prediction accuracy and avoid delays due to inter-task register communication, the heuristics control the number of successors of tasks while including register dependences within tasks. Inter-task register communication is generated and scheduled to overlap computation and inter-task register communication.
For the SPEC95 benchmarks, the heuristics increase task sizes significantly while improving control flow speculation accuracy with respect to basic blocks, enabling large window spans from which to extract parallelism. Including register dependences within tasks improves performance considerably. Sophisticated register communication generation and scheduling are effective in boosting performance. Dead register analysis reduces register communication traffic considerably. All the optimizations grow in importance for larger number of PUs.
Cited By
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