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- Kyparissas N and Dollas A (2020). Large-scale Cellular Automata on FPGAs, ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, 14:1, (1-32), Online publication date: 6-Jan-2021.
- Gershenson C, Trianni V, Werfel J and Sayama H (2021). Self-Organization and Artificial Life, Artificial Life, 26:3, (391-408), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2020.
- Varela D and Santos J (2019). Automatically obtaining a cellular automaton scheme for modeling protein folding using the FCC model, Natural Computing: an international journal, 18:2, (275-284), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2019.
- Adams R and van Zijl L Ant sorting based on cellular automata with clustering Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, (29-38)
- Aledo J, Diaz L, Martinez S and Valverde J (2017). On the Periods of Parallel Dynamical Systems, Complexity, 2017, (22), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2017.
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- da Silva N, Baetens J, da Silva Oliveira M, De Baets B and Bruno O (2016). Classification of cellular automata through texture analysis, Information Sciences: an International Journal, 370:C, (33-49), Online publication date: 20-Nov-2016.
- Galpin V Spatial Representations and Analysis Techniques Advanced Lectures of the 16th International School on Formal Methods for the Quantitative Evaluation of Collective Adaptive Systems - Volume 9700, (120-155)
- Monteagudo Á and Santos J Evolutionary Optimization of Cancer Treatments in a Cancer Stem Cell Context Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, (233-240)
- van Zijl L Clustering in 1D Binary Elementary Cellular Automata Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Research Conference on South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, (1-7)
- Van Schyndel M and Wainer G Advanced computational fluid dynamic solver based on cell-DEVS Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation - DEVS Integrative, (1-8)
- Van Schyndel M, Wainer G, Khan A and Goldstein R Computational fluid dynamic cell-DEVS M&S of coronary heart disease Proceedings of the 2014 Summer Simulation Multiconference, (1-8)
- Medernach D, Kowaliw T, Ryan C and Doursat R Long-term evolutionary dynamics in heterogeneous cellular automata Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, (231-238)
- Santos J, Villot P and Diéguez M Protein folding with cellular automata in the 3D HP model Proceedings of the 15th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation, (1595-1602)
- Ebbing J, Hella L, Meier A, Müller J, Virtema J and Vollmer H Extended Modal Dependence Logic $\mathcal{EMDL}$ Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information, and Computation - Volume 8071, (126-137)
- Santos J and Monteagudo Á Study of cancer hallmarks relevance using a cellular automaton tumor growth model Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - Volume Part I, (489-499)
- Gruau F and Maignan L Distributed execution of automata networks on a computing medium Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation, (118-129)
- Štula M, Stipaničev D and Šerić L Multi-Agent systems in distributed computation Proceedings of the 6th KES international conference on Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: technologies and applications, (629-637)
- de Lope J and Maravall D A novel linear cellular automata-based data clustering algorithm Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Interplay between natural and artificial computation - Volume Part I, (70-79)
- Sarjoughian H, Sarkar S and Mayer G A novel visual CA modeling approach and its realization in CoSMoS Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-4)
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- Baetens J and De Baets B Towards generalized measures grasping CA dynamics Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Cellular automata for research and industry, (177-187)
- Maignan L and Gruau F Convex hulls on cellular automata Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Cellular automata for research and industry, (69-78)
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Index Terms
- Cellular Automata: A Discrete Universe
Closure properties of cellular automata
Concerning the power of one-dimensional cellular automata recognizers, Ibarra and Jiang have proved that real time cellular automata (CA) and linear time CA are equivalent if and only if real time CA is closed under reverse. In this paper we investigate ...
Cellular Automata: Elementary Cellular Automata
Cellular automata CA are discrete dynamical systems consist of a regular finite grid of cell; each cell encapsulating an equal portion of the state, and arranged spatially in a regular fashion to form an n-dimensional lattice. A cellular automata is ...
Cellular automata between sofic tree shifts
We study the sofic tree shifts of A^@S^^^@?, where @S^@? is a regular rooted tree of finite rank. In particular, we give their characterization in terms of unrestricted Rabin automata. We show that if X@?A^@S^^^@? is a sofic tree shift, then the ...