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Software engineering environments impose challenging requirements on the design and implementation of an object management system. Existing object management systems have been limited in both the kinds of functionality they have provided and in the models of support they define. This paper describes a system, called PLEIADES, which provides many of the object management capabilities required to support software engineering environments. [Appears in "Proceedings of ACM SIGSOFT ''93: Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering," Los Angeles CA, December 1993, pp. 56-70.]
The management of software engineering: part i: principles of software engineering
Software engineering may be defined as the systematic design and development of software products and the management of the software process. Software engineering has as one of its primary objectives the production of programs that meet specifications, ...
The management of software engineering: part V:software engineering management practices
Software engineering may be defined as the systematic design and development of software products and the management of the software process. Software engineering has as one of its primary objectives the production of programs that meet specifications, ...