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One approach to the view update problem for deductive databases proves properties of translations - that is, a language specifies the meaning of an update to the intensional database (IDB) in terms of updates to the extensional database (EDB). We argue that the view update problem should be viewed as a question of the expressive power of the translation language and the computational cost of demonstrating properties of a translation. We use an active rule based database language as a means of specifying translations of updates on the IDB into updates on the EDB. This paper uses the containment of one datalog program (or conjunctive query) by another to demonstrate that a translation is semantically correct. We show that the complexity of correctness is lower for insertion than deletion. Finally, we discuss extension to the translation language.
View update translation via deduction and annotation
Lecture notes in computer science on ICDT '88First steps are taken in examining the view update problem in deductive databases. The class of recursive definite deductive databases is examined. A view update is defined as a statement of factual logical consequence of the deductive database. A ...
On the correct translation of update operations on relational views
Most relational database systems provide a facility for supporting user views. Permitting this level of abstraction has the danger, however, that update requests issued by a user within the context of his view may not translate correctly into equivalent ...
Using Translation Memory to Improve Neural Machine Translations
ICDLT '22: Proceedings of the 2022 6th International Conference on Deep Learning TechnologiesIn this paper, we describe a way of using translation memory (TM) to improve the translation quality and stability of neural machine translation (NMT) systems, especially when the sentences to be translated have high similarity with sentences stored in ...