Fast and efficient commits for Lazy-Lazy hardware transactional memory
Transactional memory (TM) is a compelling alternative to simplify multithreaded programming that traditionally relies on error-prone lock-based synchronization for implementing cooperative tasks. Lazy-Lazy hardware TM is one of the most efficient ...
Lazy Versus Eager Conflict Detection in Software Transactional Memory: A Real-Time Schedulability Perspective
Transactional memory is a mechanism of controlling access to shared resources in concurrent programs. Though originally implemented in hardware, software implementations of transactional memory are now available as library extensions in all major ...
Lazy evaluation of transactions in database systems
SIGMOD '14: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of DataExisting database systems employ an \textit{eager} transaction processing scheme---that is, upon receiving a transaction request, the system executes all the operations entailed in running the transaction (which typically includes reading database ...