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Cited By
- Agosti M, Conlan O, Ferro N, Hampson C and Munnelly G Interacting with digital cultural heritage collections via annotations Proceedings of the 2013 ACM symposium on Document engineering, (13-22)
- Nov O, Ye C and Kumar N (2012). A social capital perspective on meta-knowledge contribution and social computing, Decision Support Systems, 53:1, (118-126), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2012.
- Baldwin M xDOC Proceedings of the 47th annual ACM Southeast Conference, (1-3)
- Masuda T, Yamamoto D, Ohira S and Nagao K Video scene retrieval using online video annotation Proceedings of the 2007 conference on New frontiers in artificial intelligence, (54-62)
- Nagao K, Kaji K, Yamamoto D and Tomobe H Discussion mining Proceedings of the 5th Pacific Rim conference on Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - Volume Part I, (522-531)
- Akafuji T, Harumoto K, Kandori K, Hasida K and Shimojo S An annotation method and application for video contents based on a semantic graph Proceedings of the 5th Pacific Rim conference on Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - Volume Part I, (478-486)
- Nagao K Discussion mining Proceedings of the 2003 and 2004 international conference on New frontiers in artificial intelligence, (158-168)
Semantic annotation of personal video content using an image folksonomy
ICIP'09: Proceedings of the 16th IEEE international conference on Image processingThe increasing popularity of user-generated content (UGC) requires effective annotation techniques in order to facilitate precise content search and retrieval. In this paper, we propose a new approach for the semantic annotation of personal video ...
Annotation-based Web content transcoding
AbstractUsers are increasingly accessing the Internet from information appliances such as PDAs, cell phones, and set-top boxes. Since these devices do not have the same rendering capabilities as desktop computers, it is necessary for Web ...
Disinformation in Multimedia Annotation: Misleading Metadata Detection on YouTube
iV&L-MM '16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM workshop on Vision and Language Integration Meets Multimedia FusionPopularity of online videos is increasing at a rapid rate. Not only the users can access these videos online, but they can also upload video content on platforms like YouTube and Myspace. These videos are indexed by user generated multimedia annotation, ...