From the Publisher:
This book, a revision of Smalltalk-80: the Language and its Implementation, includes the latest developments and newest features of Smalltalk-80 Version 2.
The first part of the book introduces the Smalltalk-80 approach to information representation and manipulation; it also provides an overview of the syntax of the language. The second section contains specifications of the kinds of objects already present in the Smalltalk-80 programming environment. New kinds of objects can be added by a programmer, but a wide variety of objects come with the standard system. An example of adding new kinds of objects to the system is included in the third part; this example describes the addition of an application to model discrete, event-driven simuations such as car washes, banks, or information systems.
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Programming with explicit metaclasses in Smalltalk-80
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Programming with explicit metaclasses in Smalltalk-80
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