From the Book: Maximum Accessibility is about making the World Wide Web more accessible and more usable for everyone, including approximately 750 million people around the world who have disabilities. That includes 54 million Americans (almost 6 million of whom are children) and 37 million people in Europe. We've written Maximum Accessibility for Web designers, developers, and programmers creating complex, data-driven Web applications; full-time Webmasters; folks who manage their departmental Web sites with one hand and do full time jobs with the other; production managers; people who commission the creation of Web resources for their organizations; people who provide community services in community technology centers, nonprofit agencies, and health care facilities; teachers who want to help students learn and get parents involved in their children's education; and, finally, anyone who's interested in creating Web sites that can reach lots of people or showing others how to do it and helping them understand why. We assume that you're involved in some way in creating Web pages. This involvement can take many forms, from creating a personal Web site to building huge sites for Fortune 500 companies, to posting occasional updates to a small site for your department or a community organization you belong to. Perhaps you train Web developers, or include a unit on Web-authoring in a course you teach. If you know something about HTML, the underlying language of the Web, you'll appreciate our discussions of the way some pages work (or where they break down). But if HTML isn't your cup of tea, you'll still find plenty to interest you in the examples we've selected and in our explanationsof how different aspects of Web design affect people who have disabilities. If you're familiar with disability issues and have been searching for ways to persuade colleagues, managers, or service providers to address the accessibility concerns you've raised, we think you'll find helpful material in this book. If disability is a new topic for you, Maximum Accessibility is a good place to start. Maximum Accessibility is divided into two sections. In the first section, we answer the question, "What is accessibility and why does it matter " Here you'll find four chapters that provide a good working definition of accessibility and discuss relevant issues of law and policy such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. You'll learn about the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 and the Section 508 federal standards, and how they apply. You'll also learn how accessibility awareness can have a positive impact in your community. And you'll get the information you need to make a strong business case for accessibility in your own organization and to your customers. Interspersed among these chapters are four "user experience" chapters that offer detailed case studies, in readable narrative form, to demonstrate how inadvertent accessibility barriers on major Web sites affect the ability of people with disabilities to successfully locate information, explore our rich cultural heritage, and participate in e-commerce. You'll learn how specific features make access harderand how other features can help. You'll see the accessibility guidelines and standards as they apply to real people using real Web sites. In Section Two we'll show you how to use those same guidelines and standards to anticipate accessibility challenges and turn them into good design solutionssolutions that work for all your users. You'll learn about combining multiple approaches (and multiple media!) to create rich, equivalent alternatives for the content on your Web site. We'll show you how to write effective text equivalents for images and audio files; how to caption the soundtracks and describe the action of videos and animations so that people who aren't in a position to see or hear what's happening on the screen can still follow the important points of what's being said and done. You'll learn how to set up data and layout tables that make sense to the ear and the eye, so people listening to your Web site or looking at it on a text-only display will be able to find the information they need and understand what it means. You'll learn how to design Web forms that people can interact with via the keyboard (or any assistive technology device that translates user input into keystrokesincluding voice recognition), and you'll learn how to label your forms so that people who use talking browsers know what information they need to give you. You'll learn what you need to do to make scripts accessible to people who don't use a mouse, and how to decide which multimedia player is best for your purposes and your audience. You'll learn how you can create simple PDF files that are accessible to people with disabilities. And you'll learn how to use Cascading Style Sheets to make your pages look great and be accessible! If you're new to accessibility, we suggest that you start with Section 1 to learn about what accessibility is and why it's important. If you're a Web developer, you may want to read the user experience chapters before moving on to the "how-to" chapters in Section 2. (We've even provided a handy chart to show you which accessibility guidelines and standards are covered in each chapter, so if you're interested in specific issues you'll be able to use the chart to follow up). Managers and others who commission Web sites may want to pay special attention to the chapters on accessibility in law and policy and on the business case for accessibility. Those who teach Web authoring will find the detailed examples and explanations throughout the book especially useful. Maximum Accessibility has many features to help you learn what you need to know. It offers: In-depth coverage of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 and the Section 508 federal accessibility standards for the Internet Information on building a strong business case for accessibility Detailed user experience narratives that bring accessibility barriers to life Best practices in accessible design Screen shots, screen reader transcripts, and code examples that provide in-depth understanding How-to chapters that demonstrate the process of thinking through design problems with accessibility in mind Up to date information about assistive technologies and design techniques After reading this book, you'll become a more valuable resource to colleagues in your organization and to your community. You'll have up to date knowledge of accessibility guidelines and standards and how they apply to your situation. You'll be able to solve accessibility problemsbefore users with dis them out! You'll know how to write accessibility into requirements documents, RFQs, and contracts. Your Web sites will provide more satisfying experiences for more people. And you'll gain insight into one of the most interesting and challenging issues of our time: how to enable people with disabilities to participate fully in and contribute to society.
Cited By
- Massachi T More than a Checklist: Redesigning a UI/UX Curriculum to Emphasize Accessibility Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2, (1744-1745)
- Ang C, Siriaraya P, Tabbaa L, Falzarano F, Kanjo E and Prigerson H (2023). Editorial for advances in human-centred dementia technology, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 170:C, Online publication date: 1-Feb-2023.
- Reyes Arias J, Kurtzhall K, Pham D, Mkaouer M and Elglaly Y Accessibility Feedback in Mobile Application Reviews: A Dataset of Reviews and Accessibility Guidelines CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, (1-7)
- Stangl A, Verma N, Fleischmann K, Morris M and Gurari D Going Beyond One-Size-Fits-All Image Descriptions to Satisfy the Information Wants of People Who are Blind or Have Low Vision Proceedings of the 23rd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, (1-15)
- Stangl A, Morris M and Gurari D "Person, Shoes, Tree. Is the Person Naked?" What People with Vision Impairments Want in Image Descriptions Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1-13)
- Maboe M, Eloff M and Schoeman M The role of accessibility and usability in bridging the digital divide for students with disabilities in an e-learning environment Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, (222-228)
- Lorca P, Andrés J and Martínez A (2018). The Relationship Between Web Content and Web Accessibility at Universities, Social Science Computer Review, 36:3, (311-330), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2018.
- Song S, Bu J, Wang Y, Yu Z, Artmeier A, Dai L and Wang C Web Accessibility Evaluation in a Crowdsourcing-Based System with Expertise-Based Decision Strategy Proceedings of the 15th International Web for All Conference, (1-4)
- Morris M, Johnson J, Bennett C and Cutrell E Rich Representations of Visual Content for Screen Reader Users Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1-11)
- de Araújo Neto A, Bevilaqua D, Souza I, dos Santos M and Júnior P Crit érios para avaliação de sistemas gerenciadores de conteúdo com enfoque no desenvolvimento de websites acessíveis Proceedings of the 13th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (4-13)
- Oswal S (2013). Exploring accessibility as a potential area of research for technical communication, Communication Design Quarterly, 1:4, (50-60), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2013.
- Gonçalves R, Martins J, Branco F and Barroso J Web accessibility --- from the evaluation and analysis to the implementation Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: user and context diversity - Volume 2, (664-673)
- Vigo M and Brajnik G (2011). Automatic web accessibility metrics, Interacting with Computers, 23:2, (137-155), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2011.
- Brajnik G, Yesilada Y and Harper S Testability and validity of WCAG 2.0 Proceedings of the 12th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility, (43-50)
- Brajnik G Validity and reliability of web accessibility guidelines Proceedings of the 11th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility, (131-138)
- Bach C, Ferreira S and Silveira D Comparative study of accessibility evaluation methods with visual impaired Proceedings of the XV Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, (1-8)
- Fuertes J, González R, Gutiérrez E and Martínez L Hera-FFX Proceedings of the 2009 International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibililty (W4A), (26-35)
- Spinuzzi C Learning our ABCs Proceedings of the 25th annual ACM international conference on Design of communication, (201-206)
- Brajnik G and Lomuscio R SAMBA Proceedings of the 9th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility, (43-50)
- Brajnik G Modeling content and expression of learning objects in multimodal learning management systems Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Universal access in human-computer interaction: applications and services, (501-510)
- Winkler M and Wöß W Accessibility add-on box enabling barrier-free tourism information systems (TIS) Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, (298-305)
- Benavídez C, Fuertes J, Gutiérrez E and Martínez L Semi-automatic evaluation of web accessibility with HERA 2.0 Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, (199-206)
- Brajnik G Web accessibility testing Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, (156-163)
Index Terms
- Maximum Accessibility: Making Your Web Site More Usable for Everyone
Interdependent components of web accessibility
W4A '05: Proceedings of the 2005 International Cross-Disciplinary Workshop on Web Accessibility (W4A)Increasingly, the Web is providing unprecedented access to information and interaction for people with disabilities. However, the Web will not be equally accessible, allowing people with disabilities to access and contribute to the Web, until:• ...