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This book provides selective, in-depth coverage of the fundamentals of software engineering by stressing principles and methods through rigorous formal and informal approaches. In contrast to other books which are based on the lifecycle model of software development, the authors emphasize identifying and applying fundamental principles that are applicable throughout the software lifecycle. This emphasis enables readers to respond to the rapid changes in technology that are common today. Principles and techniques are emphasized rather than specific tools—users learn why particular techniques should or should not be used. Understanding the principles and techniques on which tools are based makes mastering a variety of specific tools easier. The authors discuss principles such as design, specification, verification, production, management and tools. Now coverage includes: more detailed analysis and explanation of object-oriented techniques; the use of Unified Modeling Language (UML); requirements analysis and software architecture; Model checking—a technique that provides automatic support to the human activity of software verification; GQM—used to evaluate software quality and help improve the software process; Z specification language. For software engineers.
Cited By
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A Software Engineering Ontology as Software Engineering Knowledge Representation
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