From the Publisher: "Clickstream Data Warehousing is a great read for the serious data warehouse designer grappling with clickstream data. With a clear style, the authors explain the intricacies of this important source of customer behavior data. They combine engineering knowledge of the clickstream with state-of-the-art dimensional data warehouse design techniques to produce a very useful book." -Ralph Kimball, author of The Data Warehouse Toolkit and The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit The Web is an incredibly rich source of business intelligence, and many enterprises are scrambling to build data warehouses that capture the knowledge contained in the clickstream data from their Web sites. By analyzing the user behavior patterns contained in these clickstream data warehouses, savvy businesses can expand their markets, improve customer relationships, reduce costs, streamline operations, strengthen their Web sites, and hone their business strategies. Whether you come from an e-business, Web architecture, or data warehouse background, this book gives you the integrated perspective necessary to create a successful clickstream data warehouse. The first part of the book explains everything you need to know about the Web technology and IT infrastructure required to build a clickstream data warehouse. The second part of the book walks you through the process of designing and implementing a clickstream data warehouse, including: Planning, staffing, and managing the project Designing your clickstream data warehouse schema using the innovative meta-schema design template Picking the appropriate data warehouse software and storage subsystems to support your click-stream data warehouse Building the extract, transformation, and load (ETL) mechanism Delivering data to end users for analysis The companion Web site features additional reference material, an interactive question and answer forum, additional articles and information on data warehousing topics, and links to related Web sites. Wiley Computer Publishing Timely. Practical. Reliable. Author Biography: Mark Sweiger is President and Principal of Clickstream Consulting, a boutique consultancy specializing in clickstream data warehouses and data warehouse education. He is a noted author on data warehousing and is a speaker at The Data Warehousing Institute. Mark R. Madsen is Vice President and Principal of Clickstream Consulting. He has held various high-level positions within IT organizations and technology vendors and has extensive experience in data warehousing and supply chain management. Jimmy Langston is a Senior Consultant at Clickstream Consulting, where he advises clients on optimal data warehouse architectures, implementation, multidimensional database design, database configuration, and performance tuning. Howard Lombard is Chief Architect at Gazelle Consulting, Inc., a consultancy specializing in the design and implementation of large-scale data warehousing and business intelligence solutions.
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- Lopes C and David G Higher education web information system usage analysis with a data webhouse Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - Volume Part IV, (78-87)
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