This story is based upon real events that changed the life of a man and everyone that crosses his path for over thirty years of intriguing circumstances and fascinating incidents. A very powerful thriller of government and military involvement with extraterrestrial interaction. The story will capture the reader with complete fascination as the plot unfolds to expose the truth behind the secrets of a 'Master Plan'. A plan that is to alter the human species on earth forever, along with the cover up that has been taking place inside the government at the highest level of power since the late 1940's until now. The suspense and manipulative psychic powers controlling people to make 'change' in events will alarm you. The most recent event has been the election of President Donald J Trump. All of the "fake" news is all so surreal, that it has been the most significant story that has ever been told. All of America plus the entire planet must read what is about to happen once the MSM ("fake news") finally gets "takendown"... just like the program that was designed to "takedown" the human race.