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10.5555/3038794.3038807guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Symbolic and explicit search hybrid through perfect hash functions - a case study in connect four

Published: 21 June 2014 Publication History


This work combines recent advances in AI planning under memory limitation, namely bitvector and symbolic search. Bitvector search assumes a bijective mapping between state and memory addresses, while symbolic search compactly represents state sets. The memory requirements vary with the structure of the problem to be solved. The integration of the two algorithms into one hybrid algorithm for strongly solving general games initiates a BDD-based solving algorithm, which consists of a forward computation of the reachable state set, possibly followed by a layered backward retrograde analysis. If the main memory becomes exhausted, it switches to explicit-state two-bit retrograde search. We use the classical game of Connect Four as a case study, and solve some instances of the problem space-efficiently with the proposed hybrid search algorithm.


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cover image Guide Proceedings
ICAPS'14: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Conferenc on International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
June 2014
541 pages


  • NSF: National Science Foundation
  • Artificial Intelligence Journal
  • ECCAI123: European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence
  • IBMR: IBM Research
  • National ICT Australia


AAAI Press

Publication History

Published: 21 June 2014


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