Integrity constraints are semantic conditions that a database should satisfy in order to be an appropriate model of external reality. In practice, and for many reasons, a database may not satisfy those integrity constraints, and for that reason it is said to be inconsistent. However, and most likely, a large portion of the database is still semantically correct, in a sense that has to be made precise. After having provided a formal characterization of consistent data in an inconsistent database, the natural problem emerges of extracting that semantically correct data, as query answers. The consistent data in an inconsistent database is usually characterized as the data that persists across all the database instances that are consistent and minimally differ from the inconsistent instance. Those are the so-called repairs of the database. In particular, the consistent answers to a query posed to the inconsistent database are those answers that can be simultaneously obtained from all the database repairs. As expected, the notion of repair requires an adequate notion of distance that allows for the comparison of databases with respect to how much they differ from the inconsistent instance. On this basis, the minimality condition on repairs can be properly formulated. In this monograph we present and discuss these fundamental concepts, different repair semantics, algorithms for computing consistent answers to queries, and also complexity-theoretic results related to the computation of repairs and doing consistent query answering. Table of Contents: Introduction / The Notions of Repair and Consistent Answer / Tractable CQA and Query Rewriting / Logically Specifying Repairs / Decision Problems in CQA: Complexity and Algorithms / Repairs and Data Cleaning
Cited By
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- Bertossi L and Gardezi J Tractable vs. Intractable Cases of Query Answering under Matching Dependencies Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management - Volume 8720, (51-65)
- Parisi F and Grant J Repairs and Consistent Answers for Inconsistent Probabilistic Spatio-Temporal Databases Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management - Volume 8720, (265-279)
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- Libkin L Incomplete data Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems, (1-13)
- Wijsen J A Survey of the Data Complexity of Consistent Query Answering under Key Constraints Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems - Volume 8367, (62-78)
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- Gardezi J and Bertossi L Tractable cases of clean query answering under entity resolution via matching dependencies Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management, (180-193)
- Decan A, Pijcke F and Wijsen J Certain conjunctive query answering in SQL Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management, (154-167)
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- Bahmani Z, Bertossi L, Kolahi S and Lakshmanan L Declarative entity resolution via matching dependencies and answer set programs Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, (380-390)
- Yaghmaie M, Bertossi L and Ariyan S Repair-oriented relational schemas for multidimensional databases Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, (408-419)
- Pivert O and Prade H Detecting suspect answers in the presence of inconsistent information Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems, (278-297)
Index Terms
- Database Repairing and Consistent Query Answering
Condensed Representation of Database Repairs for Consistent Query Answering
ICDT '03: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Database TheoryRepairing a database means bringing the database in accordance with a given set of integrity constraints by applying modifications that are as small as possible. In the seminal work of Arenas et al. on query answering in the presence of inconsistency, ...
On the tractability and intractability of consistent conjunctive query answering
PhD '11: Proceedings of the 2011 Joint EDBT/ICDT Ph.D. WorkshopThe consistent query answering framework has received considerable attention since it was first introduced as an alternative to coping with inconsistent databases. The framework was defined based on two notions: repairs and consistent query answers. ...
An Operational Approach to Consistent Query Answering
PODS '18: Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database SystemsConsistent query answering (CQA) aims to find meaningful answers to queries when databases are inconsistent, i.e., do not conform to their specifications. Such answers must be certainly true in all repairs, which are consistent databases whose ...