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- Staroszczyk T, Osowski S and Markiewicz T Comparative analysis of feature selection methods for blood cell recognition in leukemia Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, (467-481)
- Hillebrand M, Wöhler C, Kreßel U and Kummert F Semi-supervised training set adaption to unknown countries for traffic sign classifiers Proceedings of the First IAPR TC3 conference on Partially Supervised Learning, (120-127)
- Wang H, Xie X and Li D A new method for identifying cancer-related gene association patterns Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Intelligent Computing: bio-inspired computing and applications, (115-122)
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- Toh K, Jiang X and Yau W Relaxation of hard classification targets for LSE minimization Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (187-202)
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Index Terms
- Pattern classification: a unified view of statistical and neural approaches
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Multi-class pattern classification using neural networks
Multi-class pattern classification has many applications including text document classification, speech recognition, object recognition, etc. Multi-class pattern classification using neural networks is not a trivial extension from two-class neural ...
Pattern classification using neural networks
The author extends a previous review and focuses on feed-forward neural-net classifiers for static patterns with continuous-valued inputs. He provides a taxonomy of neural-net classifiers, examining probabilistic, hyperplane, kernel, and exemplar ...