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Index Terms
- Neurofuzzy adaptive modelling and control
Compensatory neurofuzzy systems with fast learning algorithms
In this paper, a new adaptive fuzzy reasoning method using compensatory fuzzy operators is proposed to make a fuzzy logic system more adaptive and more effective. Such a compensatory fuzzy logic system is proved to be a universal approximator. The ...
Generalized Predictive Control Based on Neurofuzzy Model for Electric Multiple Unit
ICDMA '12: Proceedings of the 2012 Third International Conference on Digital Manufacturing & AutomationIn view of the complex, uncertain and nonlinear characteristics of the Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) operation process, the neurofuzzy model based on T-S fuzzy model is presented by data-driven modeling method. On the basis of the train traction ...
Intuitionistic fuzzy adaptive sliding mode control of nonlinear systems
AbstractIn this paper, Takagi–Sugeno intuitionistic fuzzy adaptive sliding mode control system (TS-IFASMC) is designed for nonlinear systems. We propose an intuitionistic fuzzy method to determine the parameters of the adaptive sliding mode control method ...