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Index Terms
- In search of clusters (2nd ed.)
An approach to reshaping clusters for nearest neighbor search
IDEAL'12: Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated LearningIn this paper, we present our research on similarity search and clustering problems. Similarity search problems define the distances between data points and a given query point Q, efficiently and effectively selecting data points which are closest to Q. ...
Unsupervised fuzzy clustering with multi-center clusters
Clustering and modelingA new unsupervised fuzzy clustering algorithm is provided in this paper to cluster the data patterns without a priori information about the number of clusters. The initial guesses of the locations of the cluster centers or the initial guesses of the ...
Labeling of Web Search Result Clusters Using Heuristic Search and Frequent Itemset
AbstractClustering of search result is undoubtedly a tool that can provide the summarization of the millions of documents in a way where a user can easily locate his/her information. To guide user to the right cluster of documents, cluster labels should ...