Brainstorming and Beyond describes the techniques for generating ideas verbally, in writing, or through sketches. The first chapter focuses on brainstorming, the foundation method for ideation, which is a complex social process building off of social psychology principles, motivational constructs, and corporate culture. Brainstorming is commonly portrayed as an easy way to generate ideas, but in reality, it is a complex social process that is often flawed in ways that are not self-evident. Chapter 2 discusses Brainwriting, which is a variation on brainstorming in which each person writes ideas down on paper and then passes the paper to a new person who reads the first set of ideas and adds new ones. Since there is no group shouting out of ideas, strong facilitation skills are not required, and more often than not, Brainwriting results greatly exceed those of group brainstorming in a shorter time because ideas are generated in a parallel, rather than serial, fashion. Brainwriting is useful when time is limited, groups are hostile, or you are dealing with a culture where shouting out wild or divergent ideas might be difficult. Finally, in Chapter 3, readers learn about Braindrawing, a method of visual brainstorming that helps practitioners generate ideas for icons, other graphics, user interface layouts, or Web page designs. Each of these methods provides readers with ways to generate, present, and evaluate ideas so they can begin building a strong foundation for product success. Learn the proper techniques for generating ideas with limited time, hostile audiences, and limited facilitation support Explores efficient processes for analyzing the value of ideas Examines ways to generate visual as well as textual ideas Table of Contents Chapter 1. Brainstorming Overview of Brainstorming When Should You Use Brainstorming Procedures and Practical Advice on Brainstorming Variations and Extensions to Brainstorming Reverse (Negative) Brainstorming Data Analysis for Brainstorming What Do You Need for Brainstorming Recommended Readings References Chapter 2. Brainwriting Overview of Brainwriting When Should You Use Brainwriting Procedures and Practical Advice on Interactive Brainwriting After the Brainwriting Session Variations and Extensions to Brainwriting Major Issues in the Use of Brainwriting Data Analysis What Do You Need to Use The Brainwriting Method Recommended Readings References Chapter 3. Braindrawing Overview of Braindrawing When Should You Use Braindrawing Procedures and Practical Advice on the Braindrawing Method Variations and Extensions to Braindrawing Major Issues in the Use of Braindrawing Data Analysis What Do You Need to Use Braindrawing Recommended Readings References
Index Terms
- Brainstorming and Beyond: A User-Centered Design Method
Value-Focused Brainstorming
Brainstorming can be a useful technique to create alternatives for complex decisions. To enhance the quality and innovativeness of the created alternatives, value-focused brainstorming incorporates two features of value-focused thinking into the ...