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Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams (3rd Edition)June 2013
  • Addison-Wesley Professional
Published:28 June 2013
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Few books in computing have had as profound an influence on software management as Peopleware . The unique insight of this longtime best seller is that the major issues of software development are human, not technical. Theyre not easy issues; but solve them, and youll maximize your chances of success. Peopleware has long been one of my two favorite books on software engineering. Its underlying strength is its base of immense real experience, much of it quantified. Many, many varied projects have been reflected on and distilled; but what we are given is not just lifeless distillate, but vivid examples from which we share the authors inductions. Their premise is right: most software project problems are sociological, not technological. The insights on team jelling and work environment have changed my thinking and teaching. The third edition adds strength to strength. Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., Kenan Professor of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Author of The Mythical Man-Month and The Design of Design Peopleware is the one book that everyone who runs a software team needs to read and reread once a year. In the quarter century since the first edition appeared, it has become more important, not less, to think about the social and human issues in software development. This is the only way were going to make more humane, productive workplaces. Buy it, read it, and keep a stock on hand in the office supply closet. Joel Spolsky, Co-founder, Stack Overflow When a book about a field as volatile as software design and use extends to a third edition, you can be sure that the authors write of deep principle, of the fundamental causes for what we readers experience, and not of the surface that everyone recognizes. And to bring people, actual human beings, into the mix! How excellent. How rare. The authors have made this third edition, with its additions, entirely terrific. Lee Devin and Rob Austin, Co-authors of The Soul of Design and Artful Making For this third edition, the authors have added six new chapters and updated the text throughout, bringing it in line with todays development environments and challenges. For example, the book now discusses pathologies of leadership that hadnt previously been judged to be pathological; an evolving culture of meetings; hybrid teams made up of people from seemingly incompatible generations; and a growing awareness that some of our most common tools are more like anchors than propellers. Anyone who needs to manage a software project or software organization will find invaluable advice throughout the book.

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Ernest L Hughes

Like the Big Mac and the Ford Mustang, this book is an American classic, at least in the field of team management. Upon publication, the first edition joined three other classics on my bookshelf [1,2,3]. These have all continued to provide practical insights about people matters as I have clambered up my career jungle gym from software developer to manager, director, professor, and consultant. Now the third edition has been released. It contains 39 chapters of bite-sized wisdom organized into six parts: "Managing the Human Resource," "The Office Environment," "The Right People," "Growing Productive Teams," "Fertile Soil," and "It's Supposed to Be Fun to Work Here." I still find two particular chapters most useful. In chapter 7, "The Furniture Police," the authors address the process of changing the office environment to create a more productive workplace. I once worked with a group of software managers in a client organization that were grappling with physical space issues and the influence the environment was having on their teams. They came to understand what Becker calls "the total workplace concept," but it took several months to decide to move a conference room table because of the power of their furniture police [4]. In chapter 34, "Making Change Possible," the authors outline an approach to address resistance to change among the people on a project. They characterize the "believers but questioners" as the key allies to garner support from. Readers interested in learning more about the people side of change should see Hiatt and Creasey's book [5]. If you are a new technical project manager (TPM) or development manager and need advice about the people issues on your project, do yourself a favor. Start here. More reviews about this item: Amazon , GoodReads Online Computing Reviews Service

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